The light in the bedroom disrupts sleep and contributes to a set of extra pounds


As British scientists have found out, if it is too light in the bedroom, then the natural sleep cycle is disturbed, which is fraught with a set of extra kilograms. This conclusion was made possible by a study of 113 thousand women. Those ladies who for some reason had enough light in the bedroom at night had a greater waistline.

To assess the blackout of the bedrooms, the following options were proposed:

  • so light that everything is visible, but impossible to read,
  • so light that the hand is visible in front of the face, but no objects are visible in the opposite corner of the room,
  • too dark to even see the hand in the face,
  • the woman used a dark eye mask.

Simultaneously with the clarification of these issues, measured body mass index, as well as the ratio of the hips and waist.

All of the above indicators were higher for women who slept in bright bedrooms. According to scientists, twilight disrupts the work of the "internal clock" of the body, changes mood and even affects the digestion of man. But artificial light is generally capable of slowing the production of sleep hormone. That is why doctors recommend turning off any sources of light at night.


Watch the video: How To Fix Your Sleep Schedule - Reset Your Sleep Pattern animated (July 2024).