5 effective ways to keep family relationships


One day, one day, we wake up with a feeling of complete satisfaction and with the knowledge that life is successful, everything is going well, there are a lot of wonderful and interesting people around, and near by a little one snoops a loved one, with thoughts about which begins and ends every day . Here it seemed to be happiness, and nothing could destroy it. But it takes several years (and for many, they rush like one instant), and no longer remember those feelings of tenderness and trepidation, not even remember why you fell in love with this worthless person, who is so mean, sniffing around. It literally starts to annoy everything: starting from the habit of picking with a fork in food and ending with being in the same room - and speaking in a foul foreign voice, he does so clumsily with children, and cannot even find aspirin in the medicine cabinet on his own ... What happened? Do not you agree characters? Did you choose the wrong one?

Over the years, family relationships have undergone many periods of crisis. But some families cope with this for some reason, while others “fly” to collect divorce documents, filling each other with reproaches and humiliating insults. Is it possible to do something so that family life does not become a heavy burden pulling to the bottom?

Joint leisure

Living together, the spouses eventually forget about the romance and tenderness, which during the candy-bouquet period literally inspired, inspired to feats. Remember how literally everyone wanted to do everything together: from preparing breakfast to repairing a car. Now there are children, and you have polluted in everyday life, you can’t even find time for yourself, let alone something more. So why not remember the beginning of a relationship? For example, send children to grandparents, prettify and invite your other half for a date, fool around a little, smear each other with ice cream, etc. Spend at least one weekend together, make each other gifts and at least for a moment remember how much they can change relationship of attention and tenderness.

Do not wash dirty linen in public

Do not once again tell others about the details of your family life. The family is a fragile world in which there is no place for strangers. Why do you need to know the opinions of parents or, especially, friends about your family quarrels and troubles? This is reminiscent of being in the same bed: spouses, children, parents, friends, neighbors - and everyone pulls the blanket over himself, suggests the most comfortable postures, closely follows the implementation of recommendations. How do you like this picture?

Babki- "whispers"

When it comes to divorce, many begin to rush from one extreme to another, look for the causes of discord, and, as a rule, find the guilty. Of course, the “second wife of the uncle's grandson’s neighbor” is to blame. After all, according to another fortune teller, it is she who envies your family happiness and has caused damage to you "to be lonely" - now the family is crumbling. Of course, a compassionate grandmother can help - "whisper", but you have to come to her every month for a year. Monetary thanks for the work done, of course, welcome.

Stop reproaches

Every day, saying nasty things to each other, you only further destroy family relationships. Just take it easy, take a moment and do a simple exercise: divide the A4 sheet along into 2 halves, on the left write everything your second half did so that the family would break up. When you do this, on the right, in front of each item of the "merit" of the husband, write your own. It is very useful to compare both parts, and after - just tear off the records on the left and destroy, and keep the records on the right and try to change something. Believe me, the result will not take long.

Give freedom!

Do not forget that your partner is also an individual; he is not obliged to want to do what you have planned for the day. Maybe he just wanted to give himself a legal day off and go fishing with his friends. Why not? Things will not go anywhere, and there is nothing terrible in the fact that the picture standing in the corner for a month will be hanging on the wall one day later.

Building relationships is a very complicated and painstaking process, requiring a lot of strength, understanding and patience. Unfortunately, our life is arranged in such a way that we have to rush all the time in order to have time for something, while in this crazy running, we forget about the most important and valuable things. Love, and even more so the passion that connects people at the very beginning, fades away over time, and if the relationship was not originally built on respect for each other, it is the same as building a house without a foundation on a marshland. All works are doomed to failure in advance.


Watch the video: Personal Boundaries: 5 ways to teach people how to treat us properly! Kati Morton (July 2024).