Men are also afraid of adultery


Traditionally, men’s treason are more loyal than women’s. Often women, justifying the "easy" behavior of men by their innate polygamy, are closed to their love interests outside the family.

By the way, men themselves are also inclined to view their “trips to the left” as fleeting novels, forgetting about the incident the very next day, and all the more, not perceiving it as treason. Women, in turn, also try to relate to this philosophically, which sometimes causes men to suspect the possibility of similar behavior of their precious halves.

A man subconsciously projects a model of his own behavior onto a woman, hence the fear of finding confirmation of his thoughts. That is how the male fear of betrayal arises. Most often it is masked by jealousy, which usually appears in a rather aggressive form. With this man tries to prevent the possibility of betrayal of his beloved. Why do men already treat their treason as easily as they even cannot bear the thought of going “left” to their beloved?

In order to better understand the possible causes of betrayal of men and women, one should turn to our "biological" roots, to the basic instincts laid down by nature itself. And looking more closely at the behavior of animals, we will find answers to our questions.

Everything is quite banal and well known to many: the males of most species of animals tend to polygamy. The reason for the ego is to leave behind as many offspring as possible. This also makes sense, because if an individual possesses any unique qualities, for example, is resistant to certain diseases, then his task is to spread them as widely as possible. And the more he leaves the heirs, the higher the chances of keeping an invaluable set of genes.

The females, by virtue of their limited fertility, choose quality, and not quantity of offspring. Therefore, she stops the choice on any one partner, choosing him, however, from the widest possible circle. Its main task is to conduct the most rigorous selection among the males in order not to give birth to weak offspring.

For men, the absence of doubt about their paternity is essential. According to psychologists, even if a woman was convicted of treason only once, the suspicions of her man that he may be raising another child increase dramatically. Confirmation of such suspicions is one of the strongest insults of the self of the representative of the stronger sex. A man feels his secondary nature; he does not have the feeling that he has been deprived of the opportunity to extend his own race Such thoughts provoke the fear of betrayal and burning jealousy in men.

Psychologists are convinced that with the mutual consent of the spouses, some mutual actions can be taken to prevent mutual fear of betrayal. Experts provide a number of tips that will help partners better understand each other, and, possibly, prevent possible betrayal.

1. First of all, this is a frank conversation with each other on this topic of betrayal. How valid is it? What will the fact of betrayal of a partner mean to you? What are the consequences entailed what happened treason? Answers to these questions will help you better understand each other's feelings.

2. Diversity in sexual life and maintaining emotional intimacy between spouses contribute to a lack of interest in the partner on the side.

3. During the crisis of one of the partners (at work, with health, etc.) it is necessary to provide him with psychological support.

4. It is especially important to try to overcome the selfish and consumer attitude towards the partner. You can not only "take" from a partner without giving, sooner or later it will lead to finding a more caring and attentive partner on the side.


Watch the video: HOW TO IDENTIFY FORNICATION and ADULTERY by Myles Munroe MUST WATCH! (July 2024).