Blepharoplasty - and your eyes shine again!


The eyes are not only a window into the world and a mirror of the soul, but also an indicator of health and a reflection of a person’s mental state. You can talk with your eyes, you can smile with your eyes ... But how to do it if age-related changes interfere? When does the skin around the eyes get thinner and older?

As a rule, women do not want to put up with the fact that small wrinkles treacherously betray age or sleepless nights. Especially those who do not yet have 40 ... Therefore, modern ladies prefer blepharoplasty - a procedure that instantly sheds a dozen - another years and radically rejuvenates the face: remove swelling and wrinkles, tighten skin, eliminate hernias and bags under the eyes.

The time has passed when only the most courageous decided on such operations. Modern plastic surgery works wonders: enlarges eyes and tightens the eyelids, changes the shape of the eyes and erases wrinkles. And increasingly, young women are becoming patients of clinics who want not only to get rid of the "rays" around the eyes, but also simply to make their own "soul mirrors" more expressive, more beautiful.

In October, the possibility of a radical change offers HE CLINIC. Here is the action: blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids for only 29,000 rubles! The New Year, which you will see irresistible, is not far off!

The operation itself takes from 40 minutes to 1 hour, the postoperative period lasts up to 10 days. In this case, you will be allowed to leave the clinic within 5-6 hours after surgery. Small swelling and bruising will disappear by the end of the first week, and the entire rehabilitation period will take up to a month. If you don’t want your colleagues to guess about the surgery, just take a few days leave until the last hematomas disappear from your face. But then you will see how amazed all your friends are that you managed so wonderful to rest and rejuvenate for at least a dozen years. The face will glow with youth and freshness, and no one will guess what the reason. Mystic!

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids in HE CLINIC is carried out on the most modern equipment, using advanced technologies. But the main thing, of course, is the experienced hands of the surgeons. Only their confidence, professionalism and experience will make such microscopic cuts that it never occurred to anyone that you decided on an operation. To begin with, you will be offered the advice of a surgeon who will select the best type of blepharoplasty. It is possible that they will offer you a complex option: eyebrow lifting, laser polishing, lipolifting, etc. If the doctor sees that it is enough just to work on the shape of the eyelids, and you will already look at the world with different eyes, then the surgeon will perform one bluopoplasty.

The procedure is performed under general or local anesthesia. A microscopic incision is made on the inside of the eyelid, through which excess fat and hernia are removed, and the skin is tightened.

Want to look 10-12 years younger?

Do you want to shine again with beauty and attract admiring glances?

Take a good look in the mirror and, if it is not quite favorable to you, call HE CLINIC and make an appointment. Perhaps an experienced doctor will suggest other methods. Perhaps, the operation is not needed, because there is non-invasive blepharoplasty. But if, nevertheless, the doctor advises the traditional effective method of skin rejuvenation around the eyes, then now is the right time for this. Super offer is valid only in October!

It is worth remembering that blepharoplasty itself can solve the problem for the next 9-10 years, but no one has canceled regular cosmetic procedures. Constant hydration and enrichment of the skin around the eyes with nutrients can prolong the effect of blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids for a much longer time.


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