Hair masks with aloe: recipes, features of use


Aloe vera, in the people it is also known as the agave - one of the most popular home medicinal plants. When used properly, aloe juice can help get rid of dandruff, accelerate hair growth, prevent cross-section of the tips, increase the density of curls, add shine to them. The plant is used both in pure form and in combination with other natural ingredients.

Aloe hair benefits

The lack of moisture provokes an increase in fragility of hair, leads to a stratification of the tips, which negatively affects the appearance of curls. Treatment procedures using aloe vera moisturize and saturate the skin of the head moisture and nutrients. As a result, the elasticity of the strands increases, electrification is reduced and helps to get rid of the enhanced firing.

Microbes and bacteria that live on the skin and secretion of the head lead to the development of various pathologies, including dandruff and seborrhea. Properly cooked the composition of aloe will have an antiseptic effect. The plant will provide a reorganization of the skin and destroy pathogens.

Due to the fact that aloe has excellent nutrient compounds, the plant is able to quickly penetrate even into the deepest layers of the epidermis of the head and hair structure. As a result, it fills them with all the necessary vitamins and minerals, exerting a reducing effect. To cure damaged curls, aloe is recommended to combine with natural and essential oils.

Aloe Vera Juice and Pulp possesses strong regenerating and activating properties. After getting aloe on the scalp, instantly begins the rapid renewal of epidermal cells. It helps to improve the respiration of hair follicles and enhance hair growth.

How to apply aloe for hair?

In the people it is believed that the older the plant, the more valuable qualities its juice has. To prepare the tool for use, it is necessary to cut the lower and largest leaves of aloe. Carefully study their appearance, it is desirable that the leaves had no damage and dried areas. The therapeutic mixture will be of great benefit if you put the selected leaves of the plant in the fridge before cooking the mask and let them stand in the cold for about 2 weeks.

To aloe has not lost its beneficial properties, the leaves must be wrapped in foil or a fabric flap. If after the time the aloe has darkened, dried or stained - it should be thrown out and not used for cosmetic purposes. If the external examination of the aloe no defects were found, you can safely use the plant. Such a recommendation on the storage of a product is connected with the fact that it is capable of accumulating useful substances, which is its main uniqueness.

Ways to get aloe juice:

  • Put a leaf of a plant on a clean table, then from its thin part you have to hold a spoon with enough tablespoon towards the thickened slice. After that, the resulting tool will need to strain through gauze fabric;
  • Cut the aloe leaves into small cubes. Then, using a blender, grind them and strain through a sieve, while at the same time press the plant with a spatula or spoon to speed up the process of obtaining juice;
  • Cut the required number of leaves into small pieces. Put them in gauze and hands squeeze aloe over a deep plate.

Do not forget that the resulting aloe juice is able to maintain its beneficial properties for no more than three days. Pressed green raw materials can also be used with benefit and make an excellent moisturizer for the face and body.

Recipes masks with aloe juice for hair

The ingredients that make up the hair masks with aloe juice and pulp, must be properly crushed. You can use graters, a blender, or just finely chop products. For the most convenient application of the composition, you can use a foam sponge or a special cosmetic brush for applying masks. To achieve the greatest effect, wear a plastic bag over your head and warm using a terry towel or a woolen scarf. In this case, the beneficial substances of the plant become more active.

Before applying the treatment mask, the hair should be well combed. Also, for uniform application of the mixture, the hair can be divided into several blocks, making partings. Masks based on aloe, as a rule, are applied to the entire length of the hair, in some cases there are exceptions. The average duration of the procedure is from 45 minutes to 2 hours. When washing off the mask, the water should be warm, not too hot, but not cold. Aloe brings the greatest benefit in combination with herbal pickings from chamomile, nettle, essential oils, onion and lemon juice, egg yolks, honey, alcohol and pharmacy vitamins.

Depending on the additional ingredients, hair mask with aloe helps solve the following problems:

  • abundant hair loss (baldness);
  • growth suspension rods;
  • eliminate accumulated compressed sebum in the hair follicles, preventing the appearance of new bulbs;
  • lack of nutrients and moisture in the epidermis;
  • excessive dryness and brittleness of the curls;
  • cross section of the tips, dandruff;
  • increased sebum secretion that makes hair greasy and greasy;
  • eliminates dullness, adding shine;
  • strengthens damaged hair structure after dyeing and perm.

For fast hair growth

To prepare a mask of aloe, activating the growth of hairs, it is important to choose the right additional ingredient, to follow the instructions clearly, in particular this applies to dosages. In addition to the rapid growth of hair, aloe nourishes the roots and improves the condition of the curls, giving them a healthy and well-groomed appearance.

An effective ingredient that stimulates hair growth in combination with aloe is considered to be onions. Crush the onion using a grater, wrap in several layers of gauze and squeeze into a clean container. 1/4 part of aloe juice is added to onion juice and 5 drops of burdock oil and one beaten yolk are added. Stir the mixture until smooth. After that, apply the tool along the entire length of the strands, cover with cling film and warm with a woolen scarf. Wash off the product after 60 minutes.

In addition to onion juice, aloe-based masks with kefir are an excellent growth stimulant. Whisk one fresh yolk with a whisk, add to it 3 large spoons of fatty yogurt. Gradually stirring the mass, add to it 1 tbsp. aloe juice and burdock essential oil. At the last stage, pharmaceutical vitamins E and A are introduced - one ampoule each. The mask is distributed through the hair, also covered with a film and a scarf. Wash off without using additional products after 50 minutes.

To strengthen

The main ingredient in the preparation of masks to strengthen the structure of the hair is the chicken egg. To enhance its effect by using herbal decoction, which has antiseptic properties.

The first is preparing a decoction. In 100 ml of water, add 1 small spoonful of crushed plantain (you can also use raw chamomile or nettle) and boil for about 5-7 minutes. After the herbal infusion has cooled, strain it through double gauze.

Preparation of firming mask for hair from aloe juice:

  • pour a slice of rye bread with warm water;
  • let the water soak for 10 minutes, then squeeze out excess liquid and push the bread to a slurry;
  • in a separate plate, combine the juice of lemon and aloe in equal proportions - 1, 5 st.l.
  • pour the bread into the mixture and add a beaten raw egg;
  • further it is necessary to distribute the mask along the entire length of the strands;
  • mask duration - 35 minutes;
  • washed with water, without shampoo.

Powdered mustard has a good strengthening effect. In combination with the sap of the plant, active stimulation of the hair follicles is carried out, which leads to rapid hair growth.

In the earthenware bowl, whip 2 chicken yolks lightly. Next, using a wooden spatula, it is necessary to grind them to the state of foam, gradually adding 1 large spoonful of mustard, previously diluted in warm water. Add 1.5 tbsp. l aloe juice, as well as the same amount of brandy and homemade cream. Stir the mixture for a uniform consistency. Apply a firming mask, ranging from the roots to the tips. Wash off after 20 minutes using shampoo. Such a mask is held every three days for 1 month.

Against a fallout

Hair mask with aloe and red pepper stimulates hair follicles, suspending the process of excessive loss. In addition to powdered pepper, pharmaceutical pepper extracts can be used.

Preparation of hair masks with aloe with heavy baldness:

  • add the pounded pulp of a plant, an essential oil of a burdock and tincture of paprika in equal proportions;
  • the mask is not applied over the entire length of the hair, the product is rubbed into the scalp;
  • it is recommended to keep the mask on the head for 2 hours, but with a strong burning sensation, wash off after 40 minutes;
  • Be sure to moisturize your hair with an air conditioner.

The plant has regenerating, antioxidant and moisturizing properties, which favorably affects the scalp, preventing baldness.


Dandruff is a fairly common problem in both women and men. To get rid of dandruff, pour into the enamel container 1 large spoonful of castor oil and heat it in a water bath. At the same time, it is necessary to stir the mixture all the time, gradually adding 1 tbsp. lemon juice and 2 tbsp. aloe vera juice. The resulting composition is rubbed into the skin of the head with massaging, circular movements. Put a shower cap on your head and leave the mask on all night. To completely eliminate the problem will help regular use of the mask - three times a week for a month. Also, this mask cleanses the skin and makes hair silky.

Anti-dandruff mask from aloe pulp and herbal collection:

  • in 500 ml of pure water, add 1 tablespoon of dried, shredded nettle leaves;
  • the composition is boiled for 15 minutes;
  • after the time expires, cover the broth with a towel and let it brew for half an hour, then strain through double gauze;
  • until the nettle harvest is infused, sterilize the dark glass bottle;
  • pour broth into the bottle, add 1/4 cup of chopped aloe vera leaf pulp and 200 ml of liquid soap;
  • stirring the mixture, enter 3 drops of lemon ether;
  • the mixture is applied to the entire length of the hair;
  • skin is also processed with light sliding movements;
  • The duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.

Also, to eliminate dandruff, you can use another aloe-based mask with the addition of honey. To do this, you need to melt 1.5 teaspoons of honey over the steam. Next, add 2 tbsp. l aloe vera juice and grapefruit. Shake the composition until a homogeneous consistency. Mask is applied to the hair roots, and then distributed with light movements along the entire length of the strands. Pack your head with a bag and rinse with warm water after 40 minutes.

For shine

To restore the natural shine to the curls, make them softer and make them silky, use a plant hair mask with the addition of pharmaceutical vitamins. To 30 ml of aloe juice, add 30 ml of essential oil of tea tree and one ampoule of vitamins A and E. Liberally apply the mixture to the entire length of hair and wash off after half an hour. The effect will be noticeable after 4-5 procedures.

Mask with aloe vera and coconut oil, you will need:

  • 20 ml of fresh aloe juice;
  • 20 g coconut oil;
  • 1 coffee spoon of lemon juice.

Pour coconut oil into a clean container and heat it in a water bath. After it is melted, remove from heat. Next to the coconut composition, add lemon juice and aloe and mix well. This mask is applied only on the lower part of the hair. Collect strands in a bun, fasten, wrap cling film and warm with a scarf. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours twice a week.

From split ends and excessive dryness

Regular use of nourishing masks based on aloe vera will help to return the silkiness to the curls and eliminate the tarnishness of the strands. One of the easiest ways to get rid of split ends and excessive hair dryness is to use vitamins in ampoules.

Pour into the glass container one ampoule of vitamins B1, B2, B3. Finely chop the leaves of the plant, cut off the thorns from them and add the resulting composition to the vitamins in a bowl. Stir the mask and apply on slightly damp hair. Wrap your head with a shower cap, warm with a warm towel or scarf. Duration - 60 minutes, then washed off with water without the use of additional funds.

Another mask based on pharmaceutical vitamins involves the addition of aloe juice, not pulp. Mix together one ampoule of vitamin B1, B6, B12. Add 2 small spoons of aloe vera juice and 2 tbsp. hair conditioner. Before applying the therapeutic composition, the hair must be washed with shampoo and dried. Then distribute the mixture over the entire length. Wrap the head with a wrap and a handkerchief for 30 minutes, then let the hair dry naturally.

For dry hair

Several ingredients can provide dry and damaged hair with a moisturizing effect. Aloe vera restores hair structure, onion has a bactericidal effect, and oily sour cream moisturizes and nourishes the scalp with beneficial substances.

Preparation of moisturizing mask for dry hair:

  • in a single container, mix the juice of aloe and onion in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • in a separate bowl, place 2 tbsp. sour cream and 3 drops of burdock essential oil;
  • then to the cream and oil is added to one ampoule of vitamin E and A;
  • the composition of onions and aloe must be rubbed into the scalp;
  • after 30 minutes, the mask is washed off;
  • after which the product from vitamins, sour cream and burdock oil is distributed along the strands;
  • after 30 minutes the mixture is also washed off.

The course of therapy is 10 sessions once a week.

For greasy hair

Owners of oily hair suitable vitamin mask from aloe vera and grapefruit. To prepare the mixture, you will need 25 ml of aloe juice, 100 g of grapefruit and 1 tablespoon of sour cream. This mask will not only reduce the amount of sebum secreted, but also give hair shine and volume.

Grind 100 grams of grapefruit in a blender, add sour cream and aloe vera juice to it. Mix well and apply on scalp and curls. Wear a shower cap and warm with a scarf. Hold the mask for an hour, then rinse with water without shampoo.

Also, to adjust the work of the external secretion glands and cleanse the scalp of sebum, you can use a mask with the addition of alcohol. Whisk the egg yolk with a whisk, add to it 30 g of pure alcohol, 40 g of plant juice and 10 g of almond essential oil. Spread the composition over the entire length of hair, put on a cap. An hour later, wash the mask from the hair with a regular shampoo.


Watch the video: How To Use ALOE VERA For Hair Growth (July 2024).