Nadezhda Babkina considers homosexuality a disease


Actively emerging information that foreign celebrities who have non-traditional sexual orientation, began to enter into official marriages, in our country is still puzzling. So, tennis player Martina Navratilova and actor Stephen Fry said they wanted to marry their partners. Recently entered into a homosexual marriage Elton John. All this is outraged by folk singer Nadezhda Babkina.

The singer called homosexuality a "disease" that threatens life on Earth. Babkina said that because of this "general depravity," people would soon cease to give birth at all. Nadezhda is also convinced that gays cannot raise foster children, since they cannot teach anything good to them.


pchela 01/20/2016
As a deputy, i.e. state official, can make such statements? We still have little anger and intolerance to each other? People are not responsible for the actions and statements that can engender hatred of other people, and Ms. Babkina is no exception. Very sorry (((

Gosh. 01/17/2016
And I call “disease” gerontophilia. I also consider pedophilia a "disease."

Andris 01/17/2016
There is nothing to listen to a stupid woman.

Tatyana 01/17/2016
Indeed ... she can teach all good children, but Elton John, Ricky Martin, with her partners, with whom they live more than NB with her own ones, she is not able to teach anything good (by the way, how many children did she have to maintain fertility? And with all partners, did she do it? If NO, then this is the same “DISAPPEARANCE”!))


Watch the video: Interview with Nadezhda Babkina (July 2024).