Top 50 ideas how to have fun and to spend the summer


Spending the summer is like living a small life! Try to fill this beautiful time with bright colors and emotions, thanks to our top list of things!

1. Draw a picture. Draw on it your mood, your feelings, emotions, experiences and dreams. This type of activity is called art therapy. You throw out your mood, your soul on paper, thereby releasing the hidden desires, needs, aspirations. Not only will it be easier for you, but you will also understand yourself and your aspirations more deeply.

2. Start keeping your diary. No matter how funny the advice sounds, try it! Keeping a diary exposes the soul: frank thoughts about your life, mood will allow you to clear and speak out. Fortunately or unfortunately, we can not always reveal our soul to anyone, but the diary is a great way out. Besides starting it now, you can share with it the joyful, fun and vivid impressions of summer adventures.

3. Try to write a song. If musical creativity is alien to you, try it anyway. Let it be white or rhymed verse, put it on your own performance melody and sing it in the shower every morning. The charge of positive emotions is provided to you throughout the day! Also imagine how you will be proud of yourself if a really good song is released. Only yours and only for you!

4. See the top 10 best comedies. Summer is a time of great weather and endless walks in the fresh air. But do not take the time to watch the great comedies that you can watch with friends, beloved. You can watch entertaining movies in the open-air cinema!

5. Get a picnic with the company. What a summer without a picnic ?! Choose a suitable place for a picnic and go to nature with a tasty snack. You can take along games for your company so that you can have fun and actively spend this summer day.

6. Create your own blog. Now it is a way of self-realization and communication with like-minded people. Describe your hobbies, your everyday life and your thoughts. Perhaps you will discover a talent to attract like-minded people and admirers!

7. Buy crayons and go to the street to draw! Yes, this 100% childish activity will allow you to discard all efficiency and seriousness, which is sometimes necessary. Paint on asphalt can be fun and in adulthood!

8. Take pictures every day. On the beach, or in the office, it doesn't matter. Just take one picture a day. Another tip: take at least one photo under water. Such shots will be a nice outlet rainy autumn and snowy winter. Later it will be possible to make a breathtaking collage from the brightest, most beautiful photos.

9. Read the book. In those days when you just want to be lazy and give up excessively active, sudden movements, sit down and read a book. If the choice is made correctly, all day long you will enthusiastically follow the ups and downs of the author’s plot lines. And you will think about the fate of the main character (or) until you read the entire book.

10. Surround your head. Zarcante a mysterious stranger or a bored husband, captivate them with your networks of temptation and temptation. The girl is so important to feel desirable, beautiful and charming. Use the methods that work for you! By all means let someone's head spin on your beauty and sexuality!

11. Go to the sea. Though a little, but you still need to go to the sea to rest. Spending the whole summer, having not traveled to the sea, is somehow offensive!

12. Update your hairstyle. Go to a good beauty salon, let a little conjure over your hair. Even if you like the condition of your hair and haircut, trim at least a little tips. Your hair will thank you.

13. Ride a bike in the forest. For fans of this sport, comments will be superfluous. But who prefers a lazy rest with a cocktail near the pool, there are arguments. First, this walk will well affect your figure. Secondly, you will discover new sensations, communicate with nature. It's fine!

14. Make beads and weave a bauble. This fun will raise you already good mood, and also leave a nice decoration for the memory of this summer.

15. Go dance. Prefer disco in the open air and ignite until the morning! The charge of cheerfulness and positive is provided to you!

16. Get home an aquarium. Beautifully decorate it and start a few fish (or one large). You will enjoy the presence of the creature's home, which is completely dependent on you. In addition, the fish have a tendency to calm down, and the house immediately becomes cozier and warmer.

17. Frolic in the amusement park. Again fun come from childhood. Feel what is extreme, taste adrenaline and remember how beautiful life is.

18. Make out your nails in the summer. Decorate yourself not only with stylish dresses, but also with fashionable summer manicure. Screaming colors, extraordinary combinations - drop the conventions and experiment!

19. Draw a poster "Let's hug" and go outside. Advice for courageous and sociable, but even closed introverts such experience will be useful. Believe me, you will laugh heartily and spend one of the best days of this summer! Most likely, in the company of an attractive gentleman who fulfilled the wish written on the poster.

20. Go to karaoke and throw out the soul with your sensual singing! It is allowed not to fall into the notes, to fake and upset the tempted regulars of the institution. You came to relax and have fun this summer evening!

21. Try a dozen fruit cocktail recipes and decide on the best. And now, just right, invite your friends to a party and treat them to the most delicious cocktails.

22. Inflate the balls and go outside. Give a ball to every passer you like: mom with a baby, an elderly old woman or a magnificent man!

23. Make a bet with a friend. The essence of the bet is who will eat more ice cream. Chocolate, pistachio, vanilla - taste as much as possible! And do not worry about the figure, once you can afford to overeat ice cream.

24. Write yourself a letter. Imagine that you could communicate with yourself in 5-10-20 years. Write yourself a future message. You will learn a lot about yourself (what do you really want to get from the future and how satisfied you are with the present).

25. Make a rearrangement at home. Revive a little your living space and life will flow differently, as in summer.

26. Dial a random phone number and invite a person for a walk. It is not excluded, you will get a new friend or lover!

27. Try telling the truth all day. Yes, yes, never lied! It is difficult, but try to learn how to control your speech.

28. Disconnect the phone, PC and TV for one day. Try to do without modern means of communication and listen to yourself. What do you want to fill free time. And get busy!

29. Buy yourself a hat. Fashionable, bright, stylish!

30. Make love to the sound of the surf. Just do it in such a way as not to get into trouble (administrative and household)!

31. Learn a phrase (for example, I love you) in ten foreign languages. Then you can safely demonstrate your skills and be known as a polyglot in the company!

32. Buy yourself a fun T-shirt with an inspiring inscription (you can do it yourself) and wear it more often.

33. Arrange a professional photo session. Think carefully about your images, scenery and the whole surroundings. And then admire a beautiful woman (it is important to choose a good photographer).

34. Bring seasonal fruit to ykotka!

35. Give yourself a bouquet. Let your home be decorated with fresh flowers that charge a woman with the energy of beauty and inspiration. Make yourself such small gifts more often!

36. Take a tour. Learn something new, visit a new place. On such things you need to find time, but in the summer it can always be done.

37. Ride horses. Take at least one lesson and enjoy in full such a refined and royal pleasure!

38. Start the firework with your friends. On occasion or just like that. It's like summer!

39. Spend the evening by the fire, listening to the melodies of a talented guitarist. You can melt marshmallows over the flame and enjoy sweets. This is a classic.

40. Take part in some flash mob, seminar, training. Expand the boundaries of your interests and hobbies.

41. Get enough sleep. In the summer, it is sometimes a pity to waste time sleeping, because there is such beauty outside the window! But try to sleep more than 12 hours and recuperate as you should. The body will need these forces in the summer.

42. Ask for someone to visit the village. Spend a few days in nature and join the energy of the earth.

43. Laugh for the sake of the whole day, answer the questions only “No”, and the next only “Yes!” How many surprises will this day bring to you!

44. Make a tattoo in a prominent place. So as not to regret later, make a temporary tattoo!

45. Walk the whole night. You can walk barefoot on asphalt and grass, splash in the fountain, meet the dawn - all that your heart desires on this unforgettable night.

46. ​​Go hiking. With an overnight stay and tents.

47. Master the new technique of applying makeup and go on a romantic date.

48. Swim with dolphins. You will love them for life and spend a great summer day.

49. Get drunk in the summer of delicious kvass. As much as you can!

50. Make a list of beautiful plans for the fall.


Watch the video: Fun Things to do This Summer When Bored! (July 2024).