Moisturizing masks for dry hair: the best recipes


Dry hair is a source of discomfort for their owner. It is difficult to cope with them, especially after washing, and the look of such a hair will not exactly add to your attractiveness. To restore the hair elasticity and shine, you can begin treatment with special moisturizing masks.

Causes of increased hair dryness

It is very difficult to handle hair that is characterized by increased dryness and brittleness. Each procedure of combing turns into a test: in order to unravel the mats and give a decent look to the hair, you have to literally rip out the hair in bunches, because of which they are damaged even more.

You can break this vicious circle in one way: determine the cause of the problem and immediately begin to fix it in all possible ways. Factors contributing to the deterioration of the hair and leading to their increased dryness, are classified according to two signs - external and internal.

External factors:

  • Exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • Exposure to too high or low temperatures (hot hot air, frosty weather);
  • Low air humidity;
  • Long stay under the influence of chlorinated or sea water.

Eliminate the above factors or minimize their impact is possible due to increased hair care. Often precisely improper care causes increased dryness, namely:

  • Drying by the hair dryer on the intensive mode of a vyduv of hot air;
  • Combing wet hair;
  • Frequent hair dyeing;
  • The use of devices for pulling, curling and straightening curls (iron, tongs, etc.);
  • The untimely shortening of split ends;

Internal causescausing degradation of the hair structure include:

  • Hormonal imbalance, dysfunction of the endocrine system of the body (especially the malfunction of the thyroid gland);
  • Avitaminosis, scurvy;
  • Side effect of chemotherapy;
  • A number of serious autoimmune and other types of diseases of the body - HIV, iron deficiency and sickle cell anemia, chronic renal failure, tuberculosis infection, severe dystrophy, parasitic invasions;
  • Gestation period;
  • Dysfunction of the digestive tract, intestinal dysbiosis;
  • Strong stress, neurosis, depression, disturbances in work and diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Nicotine abuse;
  • The consequences of the use of narcotic substances (methamphetamine, ecstasy, etc.);
  • Exposure to toxic substances (thallium, arsenic, ricin, etc.).

If the cause of the drying of the hair structure is not a serious disease, you can restore it with the help of rationalization of care and cosmetic procedures based on moisturizing masks.

Features of moisturizing masks

Each cosmetic procedure carried out in the home or salon conditions, has its own conditions for the proper conduct. If you ignore these rules, the applied mask will not bring the desired effect, since the nutrients can not be transported to the damaged areas of the hair and will not begin to moisturize them.

Consider the following. features in the manufacture and application of moisturizing hair masks:

  • Unlike restoring or drying masks for falling out and greasy hair, respectively, moisturizing compositions are applied only to clean, washed hair. They should not be very wet or dry, slightly squeeze the hair through a towel. So the useful components of the mask will be absorbed faster and more intensively;
  • The composition for moisturizing is distributed over the entire length of the hair, and not just on the zone of the roots or tips. For convenience, take a wooden or plastic comb with wide rounded teeth;
  • Always wrap your head in the heat after applying the mask. So thermal reaction will help to speed up chemical processes for hair restoration;
  • The moisturizing mask lasts a long time, and this is its main feature. The standard procedure time is 1.5 - 2 hours;
  • Masks, moisturizing hair, washed only with warm water, coinciding with the normal temperature of the human body. If there is no oil in the composition, the use of shampoo is optional;
  • If the hair is in a more or less satisfactory condition, a moisturizing mask is used once a week. For the treatment of extremely depleted weakened hair with a dry structure, similar procedures are required every 3 to 4 days.

The most effective recipes moisturizing masks

Quickly moisturize dry hair at home using natural and inexpensive masks. They usually contain vegetable oils, food products (milk, kefir, mayonnaise, etc.), vegetables and fruits (avocado, pumpkin, banana, lemon juice, etc.).

You can also moisturize your hair not only with masks, but also with other means available for wide use. For example, if you add a spoonful of honey to a balsam or a rinse conditioner, the hair after drying will not get too tangled, which will make it easier to comb and moisturize the curls.

Helpful advice: when washing and subsequent rinsing of the head, use vegetable decoctions, cooled and filtered from the cake. The best herbs for dry hair are nettle, chamomile, burdock roots, calendula, horsetail. Broths on herbs reduce hair stratification and heal split ends.

After applying the mask for moistening, it is important not only to withstand it for the required amount of time, but also to properly wash off the composition. Again, herbal extracts or acidified water with the addition of apple cider vinegar, tea leaves and aloe juice are used for this. Such rinses return shine to dry hair and help to moisturize them.

Helpful advice: When you add a few drops of essential oil to the moisturizing mask (ylang-ylang, chamomile, geranium, myrtle, sandalwood, etc.), you greatly enhance the effect of the composition. Also ether is added to shampoo or hair conditioner.

Find your perfect moisturizing hair mask from the first time is not easy. We recommend to get acquainted with the most popular and effective traditional cosmetic recipes that will help you to properly moisturize your hair.

With kefir

Excellent nourishing and moisturizing hair mask is prepared not only from yogurt, but also kefir, sour milk or yogurt. Make a fermented milk product better at home, but the store products for this purpose are perfect.

An important condition: kefir for the mask is heated in a water bath so that the protein in its composition does not curl.

To do this, pour some hot water in a saucer and put a glass of kefir poured in it in half. 5 - 10 minutes is enough, after that, without adding any other components, apply warm kefir on wet clean hair. Keep the mask under the cap 30 - 50 minutes, and then rinse the hair with plenty of warm water.

With banana

As part of the familiar exotic fruit with a delicate sweet taste is a whole pantry of nutrients. The banana is the champion among the “congeners” in the potassium content necessary for the normal production of keratin, which is responsible for the turgor of the hair structure.

Also, the pulp of the fruit contains other vitamins and microelements, including zinc, iron, magnesium, vitamins A and C. When preparing a banana moisturizing mask, we recommend adding almond oil to its composition, which has the property of retaining moisture well.

For one small fruit of a banana you will need a tablespoon of almond seed oil. Pound the mask before the formation of gruel and apply on the entire length of hair. After 1–1.5 hours of keeping warm, wash the composition with warm water without shampoo.

With honey and glycerin

One of the most versatile masks used in the treatment of increased hair dryness. Honey is responsible for the saturation of the hair with beneficial substances and increases the regenerative abilities of the scalp scalp, and glycerin smoothes the hair structure, "slamming" the scales, which, in the presence of dryness, loosely adhere to it.

The glycerin in the recipe can be replaced with gelatin dissolved in water or burdock oil.

Two tablespoons of honey heated in a water bath should be mixed with another selected component (1 tbsp.) And spread in stroking movements over the hair. Keeping time of the mask is 40 - 60 minutes, you will need shampoo for washing.

With avocado

Avocado's oily oily flesh is an excellent ingredient for a moisturizing mask. The fruit contains large amounts of trace elements and minerals - sodium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, potassium, copper, etc., without which the structure and quality of hair will not be at its best.

The use of avocado in the composition of the mask for moisturizing increases the regenerative functions of the scalp, strengthens the hair follicles and reduces the dryness of the scalp. Due to the content of fatty acids, the fruit increases the ability of hair cells to retain moisture, due to which turgor returns to them.

Hair masks with avocado have a different composition. For the first procedure, you can try a mask with honey, olive oil and peppermint essential oil. The latter component will bring a sense of chill and will have an additional stimulating effect.

For one fruit of avocado 20 g of honey, a quarter cup of olive oil and 5-10 drops of mint ether are required. The mask is applied to the hair in a heated form and washed off in an hour with foamed shampoo and copious amounts of water.


The mixture with the addition of raw egg yolk is probably the best moisturizing hair mask prepared at home. The key component of this mask is the egg, but in addition to it, you can add products and substances such as:

  • Gelatin;
  • Vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, burdock, rapeseed, coconut);
  • Kefir;
  • Ground oat flour;
  • Honey;
  • Pumpkin juice;
  • Aloe juice;
  • Oil solutions of vitamins A, E.

One of the simplest recipes for an egg mask also includes two spoons of castor oil. Before cooking, it is important to clean the yolk from the remnants of crude protein: for this purpose it is decanted into a strainer or simply held in the palm of your hand and washed under cold running water. If this is not done, the protein, when heated, will curl up on the hair and it will be very difficult to remove it.

The finished mixture is applied to the hair, which is wrapped with plastic wrap and covered with a towel. An hour later, wash off the mask and apply a nourishing balm on the tips, if they split.

With oils

Cosmetic oil is the most natural product for moisturizing hair, which, moreover, is very inexpensive, which adds to its advantages over expensive salon products. To knead the mask, take a few cosmetic oils, namely:

  • Macadamia nut oil;
  • Shea Butter;
  • Castor;
  • Jojoba;
  • Apricot, almond or grape seed oil;
  • Wheat germ oil.

Attention: mask oils are used in heated form!

Select from the list of 3 - 4 components and, adding to them a vial of an oil solution of vitamin A and E, apply to clean hair. The mask is washed off after an hour, you may need 3-4 shampoo rinsing.

With aloe juice

At home, agave juice is widely used not only for medical purposes, but also for cosmetic purposes. Aloe juice has a lot of vitamin C, necessary for the vitality of the hair, in addition, the plant has regenerative properties and restores the structure of the skin of the scalp.

For the preparation of a moisturizing mask you will need quite a bit of aloe juice - about 2 tablespoons. It is combined to choose from components such as lean non-fat yogurt, honey, olive oil or egg yolk. Overdoing with the composition of the mask is not worth it, two ingredients is enough. The action of the moisturizing mask should last at least an hour, then it is washed off with water with a small amount of shampoo.

With gelatin

Gelatin is used for home lamination to straighten dry and matted hair.

The most effective hair masks, moisturizing and nourishing, as a rule, contain glycerin, oils or gelatin. Transparent adhesive with a yellowish tint, representing hydrolyzed protein collagen, processed from animal connective tissue, perfectly returns hair smoothness and shine. It is used as a universal component for lamination at home: gelatin has a "sealing" effect on layered hair scales, filling the microcracks and damage with an adhesive structure.

To make a mask, pour half a bag of dry gelatin powder in a saucer and cover with cold water (a quarter cup). Leave the gelatin to swell for 15 - 40 minutes: it should increase significantly in volume.

The mixture of gelatin during soaking and heating produces a specific smell (this is the result of protein denaturation), but this phenomenon is quite normal. If you smell foul, add a couple of drops of orange, mint or patchouli essential oil to your mask.

The swollen gelatin is placed in a water bath and stirred until dissolved. Then remove it from the stove, apply to the hair along the entire length and hold for about an hour. After rinse the mask with warm water.


Watch the video: $3 DIY MIRACLE MASK FOR DRY, DAMAGED HAIR! (July 2024).