Yellow discharge during pregnancy - is there any cause for concern. For what reason do yellow secretions occur during pregnancy and what to do when they appear.


What are yellow secretions during pregnancy and is it worth worrying about them? Normal vaginal leucorrhoea is the norm, moreover, a necessity for women. The type and consistency of the discharge depends on the specific phase of the menstrual cycle.

The follicular stage is characterized by the absence or scarcity of secretion. During the period of ovulation, the amount of mucus slightly increases, it becomes more fluid, so that it is easier for the germ cells (sperm and egg) to move. During the luteal phase, whites, on the contrary, become thicker, preventing the penetration of pathogens into the reproductive system, protecting the fertilized egg, which could be formed.

The beginning of pregnancy is similar to the second phase of the cycle, accompanied by an increase in the blood progesterone level. The leucorrhoea is distinguished by a rather thick, thick. They are characterized by whitish color, lack of smell and discomfort. A woman in a healthy state does not feel discomfort - itching, irritation, redness. The appearance of yellow discharge during pregnancy indicates the beginning of the inflammatory process.

Leucorrhea with the disease is pus, consisting of the following components:

- dead cells of the vaginal tissue;

- microbes and bacteria;

- macrophages and lymphocytes - white blood cells, courageously fighting infections.

A characteristic feature of such a biomix is ​​a specific “aroma” emanating from it.

Yellow discharge in early pregnancy

There are several reasons for causing discoloration and smell emitted in the vagina whiter.

Candidiasis (thrush)

About this ailment had been heard, even if they had not personally encountered, literally all women. The commercials recommend medications for it, informational stands are certainly posted in gynecological cabinets. The disease manifests itself with a cheesy white or yellow discharge during pregnancy, accompanied by a noticeable itching and painful burning sensation in the external region of the genital organs.

Anomaly is caused by the fungi Candida albicans, which in small quantities may be present in the microflora of the vagina, even a healthy lady. But on the background of poor nutrition, hormonal failure or lower immunity, their number increases dramatically, causing the characteristic symptoms of candidiasis.

Reasons to change whiter also include hormonal disruptions, cramped synthetic underwear, poorly conducting heat and creating the ideal nutrient medium for fungi.

Consequences of thrush:

- a lot of discomfort;

- partner infection;

- violation of sexual life;

- development of the chronic form;

- transition of the pathological process to neighboring organs (intestine, bladder).

If there were yellow discharge during pregnancy in the first trimester, the expectant mother should contact the gynecologist during the next examination and pass a special smear on the microflora from the vagina.

Based on the research data under a microscope, the doctor makes the final diagnosis and prescribes the treatment:

- determination of the level of sensitivity to antifungal agents, to eliminate the allergic reaction to drugs;

- elimination of the causes of candidiasis development (increased immunity, cancellation of antibiotics, restoration of normal acidity and microflora, normalization of metabolism, elimination of possible dysbacteriosis);

- taking antifungal agents;

- treatment of intestinal dysbiosis;

- re-visit to the doctor, as the insidious fungus simply does not give up easily.

It is impossible to make an appointment for yourself in any condition, especially when there is responsibility for a developing baby. Important: both partners must undergo treatment in parallel.


Constant developmental satellites of inflammatory processes on the mucous membrane of the vagina become yellow discharge during pregnancy. The cause of the disease is infection. To specify the type of hostile microorganism (E. coli, streptococcus), the gynecologist takes a smear from a woman for a general analysis of the flora, performs seeding to determine the possible response to antibiotics. An important procedure is screening for diseases transmitted through sexual contact.

Special attention should be paid to treatment if the doctor diagnoses acute colpitis, the main symptoms of which are:

- redness and itching of the genital organ;

- vaginal discharge;

- specific pain in the lower abdomen;

- increased fatigue;

- discomfort when having sex;

- pain when urinating.

Purulent yellow discharge during pregnancy is especially dangerous, since it indicates the neglect of the disease. It is fraught with the fact that the fetus may be infected. The consequences of this process are tragic: it may even happen miscarriage. In order to prevent the development of colpitis, it is necessary to carefully observe personal hygiene, including the genital organs, to monitor their health, systematically (before pregnancy - at least 1 time in half a year) to visit a gynecologist.

If the disease has already happened, then you should stop having sex for a while and both partners should be examined. Treatment of pregnant women is difficult because their position is in the early stages a contraindication for the use of a number of drugs. There are diseases that future moms can only be treated after 10-12 weeks.


We are talking about inflammation of the cervix, and not the vagina.

Causes of cercevitis is conditionally pathogenic microflora (E. coli, fungi, staphylococcus, streptococcus) or specific (trichomonas, viruses, mycoplasmas, chlamydia, syphilis). Microorganisms can penetrate into the vagina from the rectum, by falling into the lymph and blood, during sexual intercourse.

Symptoms of cervical inflammation:

- pulling, dull pains in the pelvic area;

- yellow discharge during pregnancy;

- cutting pains when urinating;

- painful discomfort during sex.

During cercevitis, before the development of the acute stage, patients rarely go to a doctor in time, because the course of the disease is often asymptomatic. The diagnosis is established after carrying out certain procedures: colposcopy, smear microscopy, examination with the help of a mirror, baccosis for microflora.

Given that the disease is quite difficult to treat (especially the viral form), up to and including surgical intervention in some cases, and many drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, it is better to do it for prevention:

- observance of personal, intimate hygiene;

- refusal of abortion;

- treatment of endocrine disorders;

- high quality obstetric care;

- the exclusion of dangerous, unprotected sexual acts;

- prevention of ingestion of genital infections.

The most serious consequences during pregnancy are premature birth, miscarriage of the fetus.

Yellow discharge during second trimester pregnancy

As a matter of fact, the causes of the appearance of pathology persist, including attempts to perform an unqualified abortion, accompanied by infection. But the situation is still getting easier, because as the fetus develops, the range of drugs that can be used in treatment expands. Recommendations for the prevention of diseases of the reproductive system remain unchanged, plus a serious monitoring of the state of mommy and the regularity of her visits to the observing gynecologist.

Yellow discharge during pregnancy in the third trimester

This period of development of the baby in the womb of the mother is characterized by the completion of the formation of vital systems and organs, the active growth of the little man. The phenomenon under consideration may manifest itself, in addition to the above reasons, also for other, and not always threatening.


The cause of the dangerous pathology becomes infection of the membranes of the fetus, the ingress of pathogens into the amniotic fluid. In the later stages, this can provoke intrauterine infection of the child. Yellow discharge during pregnancy in such cases is accompanied by fever, a sharp increase in the number of leukocytes in smear and blood tests.

There are also a number of symptoms:

- deterioration of health;

- tachycardia (both in mother and fetus);

- chills;

- uterus soreness during palpation.

Discharge of mucus plug

This absolutely normal physiological phenomenon can occurs from 37-38 weeks. The mother's body is preparing with all its might for the appearance of the crumbs. The changes also affect the cervix - it shortens, becomes softer, and its canal opens slowly, but irreversibly, causing discharge of the mucus plug. The color of the viscous viscous fluid can vary from just white to yellow; thin streaks of blood are sometimes observed in its composition. Appeal to a specialist is absolutely not necessary, just a routine examination of the gynecologist.

So, yellow discharge during pregnancy most often (in 99% of cases) should alert a woman because of her pathological nature. Here it is important not to delay the diagnosis and prescription of treatment, since the advanced disease resists more actively and is much more difficult to cope with. A woman who is expecting a child should be frank with a gynecologist and tell him about any changes in her body at the stage of gestation.


Watch the video: Signs and Symptoms of Preterm Labor (June 2024).