A conspiracy for money and luck - which one is the strongest? How to read a money conspiracy at home.


The problem of wealth and poverty has always been, exists now and in the future, too, will not go anywhere. Some people own untold riches, not straining at the same time, while others get into debt so much that, probably, the grandchildren will then have to pay loans for them. Life in our time is very expensive. A few years ago, it was possible to buy so much food for a certain amount of money in order to get a refrigerator for a week, and now this amount is hardly enough for a couple of days. No one wants to sit and count pennies so that is enough for tomorrow. Any person wants to live well, beautifully, so to speak, so that he will never need anything. I want to buy my child any thing that he will point out with his finger, and not to invent excuses like: “Son, today my mother forgot her wallet at home. Next time I’ll definitely buy it.” And when he comes home, it’s clear that you can hardly buy your baby what he wants so much and he will have to play it with friends whom parents can buy such an expensive item or toy.

Yes, human happiness is not in wealth and money, but, as they say, this saying was invented by people who do not even consider their money, but are used to throwing it over to all parties. Indeed, there are in the world those that have never starved or borrowed money from anyone. And, you know, not all of them disappear for days at work and save money for decades, in order to live well. Many of them are just lucky ones who are lucky to have a good life. Do not despair if you are a little less lucky, because you know the real ways that will help to change your financial situation.

And have you ever had such a thing that with one beautiful morning you opened your eyes and suddenly decided that you want a new laptop, for example, or a smartphone? Now these thoughts will not upset you, because then you could not allow yourself to be pampered with such expensive things, but now you can. How? Pretty simple. This will help you magic and simple conspiracies and rituals to bring to life good luck and money.

What is a money plot and can it be done at home?

A conspiracy is a small text that programs to ensure that you can achieve what you want and create the necessary energy in the house. Sometimes it will be necessary to perform a certain ritual consisting of actions that are in no way associated with what you are asking for from higher powers, but you should not be very surprised and ignore the rules of a particular ritual. Do not forget that all this is necessary not so much so that you get a certain result, but rather so that you have time to focus on your desire and forget about everything else, throw out thoughts that would prevent you from tweaking.

Of course, a conspiracy for money and luck can be done right at home. No need to find mages, hereditary witches and psychics. Many of them, unfortunately, the most common charlatans, because those who really have some inexplicable strength and abilities, he will not waste them on such trifles and will help people who have really found themselves in hopeless situations. You can, of course, spend time, money, which, by the way, you already have very little, and visit the "professional". But before that you should know that it will work just as you could yourself. This person will simply perform certain actions, say something that will create a mysterious and mysterious environment. Everything is needed so that you can be sure of his abilities and, thus, programmed themselves to obtain the expected result. Just try home conspiracy for money, and then you can go to someone else, if that makes you calmer. You will not lose anything, rather you will gain if you do everything right and follow some rules.

Home Money Conspiracy - Reading Rules

1. One more time weigh all the pros and cons of the situation. You have to understand that any magic can turn out to have unexpected consequences for you that you haven’t thought of beforehand. If you are really ready for anything that brings you life after the money conspiracy takes effect, then you can proceed.

2. If your life completely suits you, and you are not too much and need money or luck, then you shouldn’t utter a plot just out of curiosity. Clearly, there will be no result. A person who resorts to the help of magic should really be in a stalemate and really need what he asks for. Your thoughts should only be concerned with conspiracy and ritual. You must sincerely believe in what you are doing.

3. A conspiracy for money and luck must be repeated literally, as written on paper. Do not interchange the words and do not change them. If a word is difficult for you to read and you constantly stumble on it, then just re-read the plot in your mind several times just before you pronounce it.

4. Plots and prayers for money cannot be read by women who wear a baby under their heart. An unborn child is very vulnerable to such things. The first rule dealt with the consequences that may overtake you. If you are pregnant and are still going to read the conspiracy, then consider that you are famously calling your baby if something suddenly does not go according to plan.

5. Different plots and prayers for money should be pronounced at different times of the day and on a specific day. Be sure to consider this. If you read the conspiracy on the day in which you want, disregarding all the rules, then, of course, you will get such a result.

6. If conspiracy is strong on money, it is made by another person whom you asked for it (not a sorcerer, a witch, but a simple person), then you need to give him something in gratitude. Please note that in such cases you can not give money or alcohol. It can be anything but the above.

7. If the plot you utter is directed personally at you, then you need to properly prepare for it. You need to comply with the post for three days before you are going to read a plot to raise money. It is also forbidden to make trouble with relatives and, in general, it is better to stock up on positive emotions. Do not steal or kill animals.

8. Be sure to keep everything that is connected with the conspiracy secret. Do not tell even the most dear people that you are going to talk and, even more so, do not talk about what you have gained in the end. Remember that this is purely your business and should not be spread about it.

A strong money conspiracy on the growing moon

Please note that this conspiracy for money on a growing moon can only be done. Otherwise, you only waste your time and do not get what you so desire. To carry out the corresponding ritual you will need several paper notes of any denomination and exactly the same number of coins. The plot is done only at night. The following words should be said above the money: “Magnificent moon, you grow so fast, so let my incomes increase. Share your light with my money so that it becomes more and more every day. Money grows so fast because they drink moonlight They take all the power of the moon and fill my house. " Take the money and place it in a place where the light of the moon illuminates them, and then go out to another room. The room in which you will be, as well as the room in which the money is lit, lit by the moon, must be dark, you cannot turn on the light until you are finished.

After two hours, you can enter the room with the money. Take a daily wallet and put this money in there. Remember these coins and bills, or, ideally, mark them with a marker, because you can not spend them for thirty days. They must be in the wallet in order to attract more money there. These coins and bills are endowed with the positive energy of the moon, and in fact it is she who is the best assistant in such matters. When a month has passed, you can safely spend this money and, if you like, spend the same ritual again.

Very strong money conspiracy from Vanga

I think no one needs to be reminded of who Wang is. It was a man endowed with special power and gift. Her ability no one was taken to challenge, because it was clearly seen that she was not a charlatan. Vanga shared with the world some effective conspiracies. One of them was a plot to raise money.

In order to conduct the ritual, take a small piece of black bread. At the time of reading the plot, your stomach should be empty. This means that it is necessary not to eat two or three hours before this ritual. Wait for the night, find the most quiet and peaceful place in your house and you can start. Make sure that no one will disturb and interrupt. If this happens, you will have to start reading the plot again.

Put a piece of bread in front of you and say three times over it: “God, as you fed all the hungry and needy during your life, so help you and all members of my family to always feel satiated. Draw good luck to me take it. Let the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my house and never end. Solemnly I promise to spend every penny with your mind and help everyone who needs it. Amen. " After these words are spoken, bread should be eaten.

This plot is one of the strongest. If it seems to you that quite a long time has passed, but there is no result, then do not worry, it will definitely be there, just a little bit later. Analyze if you did everything correctly, how the words were pronounced clearly and if there was no place to stop. If you are sure that you performed the ritual properly, then you just have to wait, and if not, then nothing that has been done can be brought back. A strong conspiracy on the money from Vanga can not be pronounced again. This ritual is performed only once.

Home conspiracy for money and luck

There are such conspiracies that can bring not only wealth, but also good luck that will accompany you at work, at home, in buying and selling something, etc. If you are unlucky to be born a happy person, then you can always make yourself so with the help of a conspiracy for money and luck.

This plot also belongs to the category of the strongest, therefore it is forbidden to read it several times. Take seriously the preparation of the ritual and its conduct. Take one candle each in white, brown and green. Try to find candles of exactly these colors, because the color plays a role here. Green indicates the money you are going to call; white symbolizes the purity and spiritual ease of the person conducting this ritual; brown is the work you are currently doing.

To perform the ritual, choose any time of the day convenient for you. You must be alone. Sit at the table and put three candles on it so that you get a triangle. Light candles from right to left saying these words: "Fire burns in my soul. Power and strength in money, let it be power, and I will have power." A few minutes look at how the candles burn, without looking away, and then with one deft movement connect them. It should make one big candle. Watch her closely until she burns to the end. As soon as this happens, you should collect the wax and hide it in a secluded place. Keep it as a money mascot.

Dear women, if the conspiracy for money really helped you, and a white stripe has come in your life that brings luck, happiness, peace and wealth, then still remember what kind of person you were before all this. Do not forget about the people who supported you in difficult times and were surrounded with the utmost care. If one day they will need your help, even if it is material, then you must give it to them. The more you will help others with your money, the more you will have.


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