Cracked skin on the hands and feet - the reasons. Why does the skin on the fingers and toes crack, and which treatment is the most effective.


Do you know what combines cabbage leaf with honey and ripe bananas, fried onions with wax and hydrogen peroxide with salt? So, from the presented components, you can make excellent folk remedies for cracks in the skin. If you have cracked skin on your feet or hands, be sure to read the article. From it you will learn the recipes for making simple homemade ointments and baths to solve this problem and understand why the skin is cracking, how to cope with this nuisance, how doctors can help and what is the essence of crack prevention.

Why the skin on hands and legs cracks

Very often skin cracks which is too dry. In fact, dryness can be a symptom of a serious illness or act as an independent condition. Dermatologists even diagnose some people as constitutional dry skin. Dry skin and itching occur in people with atopic dermatitis. Also, the skin begins to dry out in the event of a decrease in thyroid function. And also, if you have dry, cracking skin, this may indicate the development of diabetes.

Even problems with the lungs can lead to dry skin and further cracking. Lack of vitamins A, D is also not the best way affects the health of the skin of the hands. Cracks and peeling are sometimes signs of skin damage by fungus. Unbalanced nutrition also has a bad effect on the skin.

As we found out, dry skin mostly cracks. What else affects its moisture level? Often, skin cracks in those girls who constantly overdry it when in contact with household chemicals, doing their homework, keep their hands in the water for a long time. Too sunny or frosty and windy weather can also lead to the formation of cracks in the hands. Cracked skin can and after the body is faced with the action of the allergen.

People with cracked skin on their legs may have comorbidities. They, as a rule, are endocrine diseases (pathology of the thyroid gland, diabetes, obesity). Cracks in the feet are often a manifestation of a fungal infection. They are also able to take on the role of certain gates that allow the same fungal or bacterial infection to pass through.

Attention: to make sure that the skin between the fingers is cracked due to the development of a fungal disease, you can prepare a solution of potassium permanganate. If, holding the sore feet in this solution for about five minutes, you notice white spots on the skin and nails, this means that the feet have occupied the fungus.

Cracked skin on the fingers and toes - how to treat?

If you start to crack the skin, be sure to contact the clinic. Most likely, you will have to be examined, tested, and then doctors will be able to determine if dryness and cracking of the skin are symptoms of diabetes or they talk about malfunctions in the thyroid gland. When confirming the presence of thyroid disease or diabetes mellitus, the endocrinologist will deal with the treatment of the underlying ailment, due to which the skin cracks. But it is wrong to dwell only on the main ailment - your suffering, dry, and cracked skin also needs emergency help.

When the skin cracks, its condition can be improved with the help of agents containing the metabolite of the substance filagrin. It is not in dry skin, which is constantly cracking. It restores the function of the skin. You should not use products that contain hormones, direct medicinal substances. But the means with the content of filagrin are simply necessary in the case when the skin cracks.

What does filagrin do? First, it keeps the natural skin lubricant on the surface. Secondly, filagrin, which confidently clings to the membranes of skin cells, does not allow the natural surface layer to disappear. Paraffin therapy will help to make hands soft and smooth.

If skin cracks on the hands, be sure to review your diet. Your diet should be fresh vegetables, fruits, eggs, beef, liver. To get rid of the problem, you should also drink multivitamins. A dermatologist will help remove the cracks caused by the development of the fungus. He will select suitable antifungal agents for you, give recommendations and tell you how to care for the affected skin.

So, when detecting cracks on the fingers, it is necessary to be examined for bacterial, fungal infections and diseases of the endocrine system. After identifying one of the ailments, the full treatment should be prescribed by a doctor who has a specialization corresponding to the nature of the disease (dermatologist, endocrinologist). For the treatment of cracks use emollients and moisturizers, regenerating and healing drugs. Traumatic methods of getting rid of cracks are best not to use. They can cause additional damage to the skin of the legs, preventing its healing. You can remove dead skin by using special solutions, pastes. They help the patient to get rid of the problem sparingly. Choosing such tools, you need to rely on the recommendations of the attending physician and advice of an experienced pharmacist.

Cracked skin on the fingers and toes: treatment of folk remedies

Not all people who have cracked skin, could get rid of this unaesthetic problem with the help of purchased moisturizers and other means. Also, many did not see the improvement in drinking vitamins. At the same time, a huge part of the desperate citizens were able to find the means by which they no longer cracked skin. This is a product that is prepared mainly from natural ingredients in the home. Consider a few recipes for cracks in the skin.

Honey wrap if skin cracks on fingers

Take a small spoonful of honey and heat it up. This should be done in a water bath. You do not need to heat the honey too much - it should be slightly warm. In addition to good honey you need to stock up on high-quality linseed oil and fresh chicken yolk. Oils take a teaspoon.

After mixing the ingredients you should get a not very thick mass. It is spread on top of the cracked skin with a brush. To prevent the mask from spreading out and act more efficiently, a food wrap is wrapped around the hand covered with honey mixture. Too much pressure can not be done.

To remove a film it is necessary not earlier, than in an hour. Wipe off the remaining mask with a cotton disc moistened with warm water. If skin cracks, do honey wrapping twice a week.

Winter mask with an egg if the skin is cracked on the fingers

An egg-oil mask will save you from cracks in your hands. For her, we will need to separate the yolk from the whites and beat the latter with a tablespoon of olive oil. To mask well whipped, use the whisk.

Apply the product on the hands with massaging movements. It is washed off with warm water 20 minutes after application. After drying clean hands with a napkin, rub the children's moisturizer into the skin. If the skin cracks, do this mask once a week, and soon you will be able to see how soft, soft the handles will become.

Soda-soap baths from cracked heels

Pour in a half liter of hot water a tablespoon of soda. Then add ½ teaspoon of mineral soap. It should contain natural oils and sea salt.

Feet are immersed in the soda water. Treat your feet in a cleansing, softening bath for 15 minutes. After lightly rub the heels and rinse them with warm water. At the end of the procedure, apply a thick cream on your feet. Look for such a healing cream that contains aloe.

Attention: you will see a significant improvement in skin condition on the legs after the tenth procedure

Healing bath with herbs if the skin on your hands or feet cracks

Let's learn how to make baths that perfectly heal and have an antiseptic effect. For two liters of boiling water you will need a tablespoon of dried chamomile, string, St. John's wort, calendula and sage. When the broth infuses a little and turns dark, pour in two items. spoons of vinegar. For the bath you will need 9 percent table vinegar.

Hold your feet in the medicinal water for 10 minutes. Then wipe them off with a towel. At the end, grease the cracked areas with a rich cream.

Glycerin compress if skin cracks

Saturate the cheesecloth in a mixture of three tablespoons of glycerin and one - vinegar. Apply a compress to the places where your skin cracks feet. From above, put on the legs of the bag, and on them - warm socks.

This compress is left overnight. In the morning, wash your feet and treat them with cream. To help rough skin with strong cracks, it is enough to do about five procedures.

Cream of cracking the skin on the hands and feet

The cream is prepared from 20 g of calendula ointment and 10 ml of oily vitamin A. It needs to be smeared every day for two weeks. Having been treated for 14 days, you can use the ointment once a week for prophylaxis.

Prevention of cracks in the skin of the hands and feet

For the skin to be in excellent condition and not cracked, it is necessary to carefully care for it. But not only external care can make the skin beautiful. In order that it does not look dull and dried, be sure to use at least two liters of pure water every day. If you do not want to injure the skin of your hands, do your homework with gloves. Always wear them when dealing with water, household chemicals. To protect the skin of your hands, firing it from the appearance of cracks, do not go in the frost without gloves, and in the summer, do not forget to use moisturizing creams that protect against ultraviolet radiation.

To preserve health, beauty of hands, you can use weekly peels, a variety of nutritive compresses, baths with medicinal herbs or a decoction of oatmeal. Stimulating blood circulation and skin-hardening contrast baths can help prevent cracks in the legs. Just remember that you need to keep legs in cold water less than in hot water. For example, if it is enough to dip your feet for 15 seconds in a basin with cold water, then in a hot tub you should hold them for up to three minutes. Baths should not be done longer than 10 minutes. Such procedures can be repeated an unlimited number of times.

If you want to prevent the appearance of fungus, because of which the skin of the legs is cracking, you need to increase your immunity, do not walk in cold winter shoes with positive temperatures so as not to create a greenhouse effect. In winter, autumn time, dry your boots daily and change your shoes at work.

Attention: having recovered before the fungus and having cured, be sure to disinfect the shoes with formalin or vinegar solution. It only makes sense to disinfect shoes made from natural materials. If your shoe is made of artificial fabrics, furs, then it is better to throw it away. Especially should not complain about rubber sneakers, boots.

Prevention of cracks in the skin of the hands or feet with apple cider vinegar

If you do not want to see how, due to fungal diseases, the skin of your legs cracks between your fingers and on your heels, learn to do preventive baths with apple cider vinegar. To prepare one bath you need to take a liter of warm water and three tablespoons of vinegar. Periodically doing such vinegar treatments lasting 15 minutes, you will not have to fight in the future with peeling and cracks caused by the development of a fungal infection.

Important: after the acetic bath, be sure to follow the pumice in your footsteps and do not forget to rinse them with warm water.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Winter skin protection ideas (July 2024).