How to reduce the pressure of folk remedies and methods? Secrets of reducing pressure folk remedies: bran, juice, garlic


Veto-vascular dystonia and hypertension (chronically increased blood pressure) - a phenomenon widespread, especially among the elderly. But this pathology tends to be “younger”, that is, it also manifests itself in young people.

This is due to unhealthy lifestyle, poor environmental conditions, abuse of alcohol and nicotine, as well as - with frequent nervous shocks.

Of course, this problem should be addressed to specialists (cardiologists), but alternative medicine methods can also become not redundant.

How to reduce the pressure of folk remedies: curing food

According to the latest research, approximately 80% of cases of hypertension are associated with a deficiency in the human body of an element such as magnesium (Mg). This means that if the lack of this substance, for the most part, the disease and its terrible consequences could have been avoided. What is the effect of Mg against high blood pressure:

• With a normal intake of magnesium in the body, the metabolism improves, due to which the work of the cardiovascular system as a whole is normalized, and the blood pressure in particular decreases;

• Magnesium stimulates the bowels, eliminates constipation, and therefore does not form edema, adversely affecting the work of the kidneys and the heart;

• At a normal level of magnesium in the body, a person does not experience a nervous overstrain, irritation is a common cause of increased pressure.

Based on the described positive aspects of this substance, it is necessary to ensure its proper intake with food.

The greatest amount of it is contained in such foods (100 g of product):

• Seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels, sea urchins and their caviar, etc.) - 1016 mg;

• Bran (rice) - 781mg;

• Bran (wheat) - 611 mg;

• Sesame - 640mg;

• Sunflower seeds (pumpkin, watermelon) - 530 mg;

• Nuts (almonds, sesame, cashews, Brazil nuts) - 250-290mg;

• Fish halibut - 107mg.

A large amount of magnesium in legumes and cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice, millet, peas, beans, lentils). Of the fruits among the "champions" can be distinguished bananas, persimmons, prunes, apricots, avocados, as well as dried fruits. Many Mg in herbs and spices - dill, spinach, parsley, sorrel, basil, coriander. One teaspoon of cocoa powder contains 25 mg of magnesium!

Summing up, we can say that by introducing foods rich in magnesium into your diet, you can not only get rid of hypertension, but also prevent its development.

How to reduce the pressure of folk remedies based on garlic

Folk healers are aware of the beneficial properties of the garlic for the human body. Here are some recipes for hypertension based on it:

• Need to eat 2-3 medium-sized cloves of garlic per day, then take a two-day break, and then continue to eat garlic, as in the first three days. Hypertensive patients are advised to use it for a long time as a prophylactic. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels, as well as rejuvenates the entire body.

• With hypertension, which is complicated by atherosclerosis. Take about 40 grams of garlic (peeled cloves) and pour them 100 grams of alcohol (96%). Hermetically close and insist 7 days, occasionally shaking the pot. After the designated time, you can take the tincture before meals about 15-30 drops, slightly diluted with water.

• Garlic, honey and lemon. This remedy helps for hypertension, angina and shortness of breath. Ingredients: 1 liter of honey, 5 medium heads of garlic and 10 pieces of lemons. Peel the garlic, chop it, squeeze the juice out of the lemons, mix it all up with liquid honey. Mix the mixture tightly and insist in a dark and cool place for 7 days. After a week, you can take the medicine for four teaspoons (between each spoon to take a break per minute) once a day. The treatment lasts two to three months.

How to reduce the pressure of folk remedies: juices

Juices treat many diseases and pathological conditions. Known and means based on them that contribute to lowering blood pressure:

Beet juice (200 ml), honey (250 g), juice of one lemon, cranberry juice (300 ml), vodka (200 ml). All ingredients mix, take 1 table. spoon, three times a day, before meals (for an hour).

Beet juice with honey mixed in equal proportions (if you are allergic to honey, you can mix in a ratio of 2 to 1 beet juice with cranberry). With hypertension, drink this mixture in a quarter cup (50 ml) four times a day for 7 days. Then increase the "dose" to one cup, drink three times a day (4 days). All these four days do not eat, just drink green tea, diluted with milk (1: 1), 250 ml three times a day. This method is dangerous because it can cause diarrhea. Traditional healers claim that cholesterol blockages from the bile ducts come out with feces. It also stabilizes the pressure. If you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, this method will not work for you.

Lingonberry juice drink with hypertension daily one or one and a half cups. This contributes to the normalization of pressure.

Carrot juice (200 ml), beet juice (200 ml), cranberry juice (100 ml), honey (100 g), vodka or alcohol (100 ml). Mix all the ingredients and insist for three days in the dark and in the cold (best in the refrigerator). When hypertension is taken three times a day, one tablespoon.

Other prescriptions for reducing pressure

• In the initial stages of hypertension will help broth hips. You need to cook it like this: take a handful of dry berries, pour half a liter of boiling water and boil over low heat for up to ten minutes. Chilled tea to drink half a cup, three times a day. With this tool you need to be careful of people suffering from pathologies of the urinary system.

Honey and apple vinegar. Every morning, drink a glass of warm water, in which you need to add 1 teaspoon of natural apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of honey.

Dill seeds. Take 2 col. spoons of seeds, grind them, pour half a liter of boiling water and leave for an hour (preferably in a thermos). Strain and take the infusion in half a glass, three to five times a day, a few minutes before meals.

Black currant. Take a handful of fresh or dried berries, pour them with a glass of boiling water and boil for another 10 minutes, then insist for another hour. This broth should be taken in a quarter cup, four times a day. Similarly, if there is no black currant, you can make a decoction of blueberries.

Jam from chokeberry. This product helps to normalize high blood pressure, if you eat a few spoons a day or dilute it in warm water and drink it as tea.

How to reduce the pressure of folk remedies during pregnancy?

As you know, when carrying a child in women, organs are often “naughty”, especially the kidneys and the cardiovascular system, because of the large loads on them. It is during a disorder of this nature that a pregnant woman can develop edemas, increase blood pressure. Known methods of alternative medicine that can normalize the pressure in women in the situation:

Cranberry juice. Take a pound of fresh berries, squeeze the juice out of them. Juice is placed in a separate vessel, and pour the rest of the pulp with 1l of boiling water and boil for a couple of minutes. When the broth has cooled, add juice, sugar to taste. Drink a day to one liter of such morse for the prevention of edema and increase blood pressure.

Kalinovy ​​juice. For the prevention of hypertension during pregnancy take two tables. spoon juice three times a day.

Pumpkin decoction. 200 grams of pumpkin cut into small slices, pour cold water (half a liter) and boil for five to seven minutes. When the decoction has cooled, add honey and drink throughout the day.

It must be remembered that the period of pregnancy is very responsible, as the woman is responsible not only for herself, but also for the child in her womb. Therefore, you can not rely on folk remedies alone for pressure. At the first sign of hypertension, it is necessary to report your condition to a doctor as soon as possible.

I must say that in addition to traditional and nontraditional medicine, for the treatment of hypertension, a person must also get rid of bad habits, discard products that increase pressure (coffee, chocolate, salt in large quantities, etc.). Not superfluous will be walking in the fresh air, physical therapy, sports.

Resorting to traditional medicine, make sure that one or another of its means does not harm your body. Be healthy!


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