White blood cells are raised during pregnancy - is it dangerous? What does the increase in blood leukocytes during pregnancy


In order to control the normal course of pregnancy, expectant mothers need to undergo various tests from time to time.

Routine examination by a doctor implies, as a rule, the delivery of general blood, urine and vaginal smear tests. The results of these studies can tell a lot about the current health of the mother and fetus.

The greatest interest for doctors is such an indicator as the level of leukocytes, since it is an increase in the number of leukocytes is the first sign of pathological processes occurring in the body.

What are leukocytes?

White blood cells - different in shape and size of colorless (white) blood cells that perform the protective function of the body. Normally, the level of leukocytes should range from 4 to 9 units.

The level of white blood cells in the body is constantly changing, this can occur under the influence of such factors as stress, change in diet, the occurrence of various diseases. During pregnancy, an increase in the level of leukocytes is often observed in a woman’s body.

If this happens during the second trimester pregnancy, this is the physiological norm. However, even in the second trimester of pregnancy, the white blood cell level should be within certain limits. But if the number of white blood cells goes beyond the norm and increases significantly in the early stages of pregnancy, then it is worth thinking about what causes this, and there may be a lot of them.

Viral or bacterial infections, inflammation, purulent lesions and internal bleeding can - all this may indicate an increase in the number of leukocytes. In order to establish the exact cause, the doctor usually prescribes additional studies in order to choose the correct treatment strategy.

To find out the reason for the increase in the level of leukocytes and to start timely therapy is necessary, because otherwise the woman may develop leukocytosis - A disease during which bone marrow cells responsible for the production of white blood cells begin to produce them in excess. This disease is usually characterized as self-healing, but for a pregnant woman it can be dangerous, as it can develop into hyperleukocytosis, requiring medical treatment and having rather serious consequences.

Leukocytes increased during pregnancy: possible causes

Leukocytosis may have physiological naturesuch an increase in leukocytes is not a sign of any disease. An increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood occurs:

• Under stress, experiences

• During the second trimester of pregnancy

• After taking a hot bath

• Three hours after meals

In order to avoid false results of the analysis, blood must be taken strictly on an empty stomach in the first half of the day, and also during the blood sampling the patient should be as relaxed and calm as possible.

More dangerous causes of leukocytosis can be:

• Bacterial or viral infection. It may be an infectious disease of the respiratory tract - pneumonia or bronchitis. Usually such diseases are accompanied by fever and cough. Possible and acute bacterial infection - appendicitis, pyelonephritis and others.

• Inflammatory processes in the body. For example, when exacerbation of chronic gastritis or arthritis may increase the level of leukocytes in the blood.

• A variety of skin injuries, burns, and so on.

• Allergic reactions or asthma.

• Development of various urogenital infections.

• Large blood loss.

• Malignant tumors, metastases.

All of the above diseases can have a negative impact not only on the organism of the future mother, but also on the development of the fetus. Therefore, they require immediate treatment. The greatest danger of leukocytosis lies in its rapid development. Developing in just a few hours, leukocytosis can cause internal bleeding. It is for this reason that the treatment of this disease should occur under the strict supervision of a physician, who must first establish and eliminate its causes.

In medical practice, most cases of leukocytosis in pregnant women are caused by inflammatory processes slowly occurring in the body, allergic reactions, uncontrolled medication, renal colic, and exacerbations of chronic diseases.

Another reason for the increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood is the accumulation of white blood cells in the submucosa of the uterus. This is a natural physiological process that is necessary in order to prevent any infection from getting to the fetus that develops in the uterus, as well as to stimulate the contractile function of the uterus, which is necessary during labor.

White blood cells increased during pregnancy: diagnosis of possible diseases

To find out the exact cause of leukocytosis, the specialist not only calculates the number of white blood cells, but also makes leukocyte formula, which shows the qualitative composition of blood, as well as consists in the determination of five types of leukocyte cells. Conducting this study is able to demonstrate:

• General condition of the body;

• General state of immunity;

• The exact nature of the disease;

• The presence of parasitic invasion;

• The presence of an allergic reaction.

Also, to determine the cause of leukocytosis, the doctor may prescribe general urine analysis. An increase in the level of leukocytes in the urine may indicate that an inflammatory process occurs in the urogenital tract. Often this is cystitis.

An increase in the level of white blood cells in the urine may indicate kidney disease. Pyelonephritis is particularly dangerous.

Another cause of increased levels of leukocytes in the urine can be a genital infection, such as candidiasis.

Additional analysis to establish the full picture of the disease usually becomes vaginal smear. The presence of a small number of leukocytes in a smear is the norm for a pregnant woman. But an increase in the level of leukocytes in a smear may indicate an increase in the activity of bacteria that did not manifest themselves before pregnancy. Among pregnant women, urogenital diseases such as herpes infection, thrush (candidiasis), ureaplasmosis, chlamydia are common. Perhaps the development of vaginitis and colpitis. The most dangerous situation is when an increase in the number of white blood cells occurs due to such serious infections as syphilis or gonorrhea. The source of such diseases can be a partner, as well as hormonal changes occurring in the body of a woman during pregnancy, and weakening of the immune system. These diseases require immediate treatment, as they can provoke premature termination of pregnancy and adversely affect the normal development of the fetus.

Leukocytes increased during pregnancy: treatment

For the treatment of leukocytosis, you must first visit the gynecologist, who will begin research to determine the cause of the disease. If there is an increase in the number of leukocytes in the blood, the gynecologist, in turn, can refer the patient for further treatment to a hematologist.

The main goal of the doctor in the treatment of leukocytosis is the elimination of its causes. Restoration of normal levels of leukocytes is possible only after treatment of the disease that caused leukocytosis.

All diseases in varying degrees affect the organism of the future mother and her baby. Leukocytosis, as one of the blood diseases, can cause miscarriages, premature births, chronic diseases or congenital deformities in a child. But it should be remembered that leukocytosis is successfully and quickly treated if you strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor.

In the treatment of leukocytosis is often prescribed antibiotics, but during pregnancy, using certain medications can be dangerous for the normal development of the fetus. However, the consequences that can be caused by leukocytosis can be more devastating for both the pregnant woman and the baby. Therefore, in case of suspected leukocytosis, it is necessary to pass as soon as possible all the additional tests prescribed by the doctor and start timely treatment. Do not be afraid of antibiotics - millions of women took them during pregnancy and gave birth to absolutely normal children!

An increase in the number of white blood cells in the body can not occur without a cause, especially if the analysis showed a significant difference in the number of leukocytes from the limits of the norm.

If the increase in the number of leukocytes is caused by medication, then it is necessary to abandon these medicines and replace them with others. All this should occur only under the supervision of the attending physician.

If a physiological leukocytosis occurs to build your daily routine, try to be less nervous and eat right. There is a list of products that cause a temporary increase in the level of leukocytes in the blood, therefore, with an increased level of leukocytes in the blood, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of such products:

• Dairy products;

• Lean meat, fish, offal;

• Some cereals - buckwheat, oat, rice;

• Seafood;

• Fruits and fresh juices from carrots, grapes and pomegranate.

The physiological form of leukocytosis is often caused by stress and feelings that a woman delivers. toxicosis.

After the diagnosis is made - leukocytosis, the doctor is obliged to prescribe treatment, which a pregnant woman should strictly adhere to in order not to harm either her health or the health of her child. When prescribing medications you should not neglect their intake, since the consequences of the disease itself may be many times more dangerous than from the use of drugs. With timely and properly prescribed treatment, after the elimination of the root cause of leukocytosis, the level of leukocytes in the blood quickly returns to normal.

White blood cells are raised during pregnancy: prevention

For the prevention of leukocytosis, it is necessary to apply various measures to increase immunity. For a pregnant woman, this is first of all:

• Compliance with the regime of the day.

• Obtaining the necessary amount of vitamins with food and in a medical form.

• Daily walks in the fresh air, lasting at least an hour.

• Monthly routine checkups at the attending physician and passing the necessary tests.

• A pregnant woman also needs a healthy sleep for at least 8 hours.

In order for leukocyte levels to always remain within the normal range, it is necessary to constantly monitor their health and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Especially in such an important period in the life of any woman as pregnancy. Pregnancy is at the same time the most wonderful time in a woman’s life, and the most exciting, because the future baby’s health depends only on the mother’s health.


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