Beef liver goulash is an affordable and simple dish. Popular step-by-step beef liver goulash recipes


Goulash is a dish that has been loved by more than one generation. After all, it has many recipes and does not require special skills for cooking.

Each hostess prepares goulash in her own way and has some secrets that make the main ingredient tender and juicy.

After all, delicious beef goulash is possible only if the main product is processed correctly.

Principles of cooking beef liver goulash

Despite the fact that there are many recipes for preparing this dish that differ in the products used, the principle of preparing goulash from beef liver is the same for everyone.

The essence of cooking this dish is to pre-fry all the ingredients, mix them and then stew using the sauce.

If the products are fresh (especially beef liver) and the technology of their preparation is sustained, then the final result will be an appetizing dish, which will certainly remain appreciated.

Beef liver goulash with sour cream

This is perhaps the most popular goulash recipe. Moreover, for its preparation does not require many ingredients, and even a beginner in cooking can master the technology.


• 500 grams of beef liver;

• 2 medium-sized onions;

• 250 grams of sour cream;

• Butter or olive oil;

• flour;

• Spices to taste;

• A glass of milk.

Cooking method:

Pre-cleaned from films and washed with beef liver must be cut into small pieces, the optimum thickness of which should not exceed 2 centimeters. We lay the chopped liver on a paper towel in order to get rid of excess fluid. At this time, finely chop the onion and fry it until golden in oil and remove from the pan. In the pan on which the onions were fried, we shift the liver, boned in flour, and fry for five minutes, not forgetting to turn it over. When a crust has formed on the liver, reduce the fire, add onion, sour cream to it, and leave it on low heat for 20 minutes. At the end of the stew add salt and seasonings to the dish.

Beef liver goulash with tomato sauce

A spicy dish that will appeal to spicy lovers in cooking is quite simple.


• A pound of beef liver;

• 2 medium carrots;

• 2 medium onions;

• 1 small leek;

• 100 grams of tomato paste and mayonnaise;

• Half a liter of water;

• flour;

• Roasting oil;

• Spices and salt.

Cooking method:

Initially, we need to get rid of the films on the liver and cut it into medium cubes, and then fry in sunflower oil (5 to 7 minutes will be enough), and only at the end of frying it can be salted and spices added. After that, we shift the liver to a cauldron or other container intended for cooking goulash. Then cut the carrots into strips, onions in half rings, fry until tender and combine with the liver. Now you can start preparing tomato sauce for our beef liver goulash. To do this, fry two tablespoons of flour in a pan without adding oil for several minutes, not forgetting to stir, and gradually introduce water, tomato paste and mayonnaise. Leave the gravy on low heat for 10 minutes, and at this time, finely chop the leek and add to the sauce. Spices and salt are also added to the sauce. Remove the gravy from the heat and combine it with the liver and vegetables and simmer for another five minutes in a cauldron.

Beef liver goulash with mushrooms

The main ingredients of this goulash are the liver and mushrooms, which combine well with each other. Mushrooms bring some lightness to this dish. For goulash, it is better to give preference to champignons, because they do not need a long heat treatment, which will significantly reduce the cooking time.


• 400 grams of beef liver;

• 5 large mushrooms;

• One large carrot;

• Two onions;

• 100 grams of tomato paste;

• 200 grams of sour cream;

• Roasting oil (sunflower or olive);

• flour;

• Fresh greens;

• Garlic;

• Seasonings, salt.

Cooking method:

The prepared, washed liver is cut into plates of small thickness, fried until half cooked in oil and then transferred to a container where the goulash will be cooked. The liver needs a little salt. Peeled mushrooms are also cut into plates and fried in the same pan where the liver was prepared before, for 5 to 7 minutes, and sent to the same container.

Finely chop the carrots, chop the onion in half rings and fry, like the previous goulash ingredients in butter, then combine with the liver and mushrooms.

After all the products are fried, you can begin to prepare the sauce. To do this, in a dry frying pan you will need to fry 2 to 3 tablespoons of flour, stirring in order to avoid its burning and gradually introduce sour cream, tomato paste into it. If too sour cream was chosen for the sauce, and it turned out to be thick, the situation can be corrected by adding a small amount of water. Leave the sauce on low heat for 5 minutes, and at this time, chop the greens and chop the garlic. Pour the finished sauce into a container with our ingredients, add herbs, garlic, spices, salt to taste and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat.

Beef liver and chicken hearts goulash

An interesting combination of liver and chicken hearts will appeal to offal lovers. Preparing a dish according to this recipe is quick, and the result will exceed your expectations.


• 300 grams of beef liver;

• 300 grams of chicken hearts;

• One sick carrot;

• Two medium onions;

• Chives, dill, parsley, basil;

• Seasonings, salt;

• Sunflower oil;

• A glass of milk;

• A glass of sour cream.

Cooking method:

To prepare such a goulash, you need to prepare the liver and hearts. To do this, a film is removed from the liver, it is cut into small pieces and sent to a hot pan to be fried in oil.

At this time, we clean the hearts, cut into two parts and connect with the liver. Enough 5 minutes to fry these ingredients, after which they are transferred to a container and slightly salted. In a pan, fry finely chopped onions and carrots. Then the vegetables are transferred to the same container as the liver with hearts.

In order to make the sauce thick, saturated, fry the flour in a dry frying pan, add sour cream, milk and stir for a few minutes, then pour it into a container with our ingredients, salt, add spices, finely chopped greens and leave to stew on a slow fire for 15 minutes.

Beef liver goulash with beans

Liver and beans are a great combination that makes the taste of the dish delicate and refined.


• 400 grams of beef liver;

• 200 grams of canned red beans;

• Average carrots;

• Middle onion;

• A mixture of peppers, seasonings, salt to taste;

• A glass of cream;

• Fresh dill, parsley;

• Sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

First you need to clean the liver, rinse it and cut into medium pieces. Then roll the liver in flour and fry over high heat in sunflower oil. While the liver is fried, peeled carrots and onions are cut into cubes.

The liver is removed from the fire and salted, transferred to dishes intended for further preparation of goulash. Next, proceed to frying chopped vegetables. After roasting, we combine the vegetables with the liver, put the red beans in the same place and fill with cream.

We put the capacity on a slow fire, salt, add pepper and other seasonings and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. At the end of cooking goulash, add chopped dill and parsley.

Beef liver goulash with sweet pepper and tomatoes

The combination of sweet pepper, tomato and beef liver will make the goulash incredibly juicy and tender.


• 600 grams of beef liver;

• Large bell peppers;

• Large tomato;

• Average carrots;

• Large onion;

• Half a liter of cream;

• Seasonings, salt;

• Butter;

• Fresh greens.

Cooking method:

We clear the liver of films, veins, rinse well and cut into cubes. We spread the liver on a paper towel in order to remove excess moisture.

Then we spread it on a hot pan and fry on all sides until a crust forms. We put it in the dishes prepared for the preparation of goulash, salt, add spices.

Next, we begin to fry chopped onions and carrots chopped into strips. When the vegetables are ready, add to them diced sweet pepper, and chopped tomato, previously peeled.

Simmer for five minutes, and begin to gradually introduce the cream. The sauce obtained from vegetables and cream, pour the liver, add salt, spices and simmer for 10 - 15 minutes. At the end, add the greens.

Beef liver goulash - tricks and tips

Beef liver is a complex product that is easy enough to spoil without observing elementary rules or the technology of its preparation. And spoiling the main ingredient, it is difficult to cook a decent dish. Therefore, in order for goulash to always go out tender, juicy and tasty, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

• In order for goulash not to be bitter, it is necessary to process the liver. It can be soaked for several hours in milk, which not only removes bitterness, but also makes its smell softer.

• Since the liver is pre-fried to make goulash, it must preserve its juiciness and not become dry. There are three ways to achieve this:

1. A few hours before cooking, sprinkle it with soda. Rinse thoroughly with water afterwards. This will make the liver softer.

2. Before frying, always roll the liver in flour or breadcrumbs. The crust formed from flour or crackers during the frying process will help preserve the juiciness of the liver.

3. It is strictly forbidden to salt and pepper the liver before starting to cook it, because salt contributes to the release of juice, which we lose during the preparation process. Therefore, to achieve the juiciness of goulash, salt the liver after it has been fried.

• To make the slices of the liver in the goulash soft, be sure to remove the film that is on it.

• For goulash, cut the liver into small pieces that can be cooked quickly. After all, large pieces of the liver are often obtained overcooked, dry.

• Do not overdo it with the time of preparation of the liver, because it is enough just a few minutes to fry it in oil to bring to readiness.


Watch the video: Liver & Onions (July 2024).