Japanese diet - description and general principles. Reviews of the Japanese diet and sample recipes.


Have you ever noticed that among the Japanese people are rarely overweight? This is explained by the fact that in Japan it is customary to eat lower-calorie foods compared to other parts of the world. Residents of our regions can also try to lose weight with the help of the Japanese diet, which is considered very effective and is very popular.

The Japanese are inherent in the thoroughness and unhurried approach to the implementation of any business. Weight loss is no exception. The Japanese diet is designed for a period of 13 days to 13 weeks (the duration depends on how many kilograms you need to lose). This diet is characterized by relative balance and long-lasting effect (which in some cases can last for several years).

With the help of the Japanese diet you can surely lose about 8 kg, relatively quickly and easily. To some, it may seem "hungry," but in reality its menu is quite diverse. Japanese diet Ideally, the Japanese diet should be maintained for 13 days. An important rule for all diets, and for the Japanese in particular, is a smooth transition to diet food, as well as a smooth return to normal.

The Japanese diet is based on the acceleration and optimization of the body's metabolism. All components are selected very carefully, so you must strictly adhere to the menu of the diet, without changing it, even if the replacement of the product seems equivalent. Also, you can not change the sequence of days.

In order to feel like a real “Japanese” for the time being, you can use some techniques during the diet: try to eat with the help of Chinese chopsticks (they will help you to feel the importance of the diet). Imagine yourself slim and light after the end of the diet, cook with joy and eat slowly. On the eve of the diet you need to organize yourself a light dinner.

Japanese diet - what foods you can eat

The Japanese diet is quite strict and tough. It is based on the intake of protein foods and limits the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. Her menu includes fish, meat, eggs, juices, vegetables, as well as boiled and mineral water. This diet is unbalanced and does not take into account the normal needs of the human body for nutrients. The menu is not rich in microelements and vitamins. The Japanese diet provides for the use of natural black coffee, so it is not suitable for those who are banned from coffee. Before you begin to diet, you should consult with a specialist, perhaps he will prompt to replace the coffee with tea, black or green.

Japanese diet - what foods can not eat

For 13 days of the diet it is strictly forbidden to use salt (it retains excess liquid), sugar, bread and all flour, except for the products listed in the menu. You should not drink alcohol at this time, because even a small amount of wine will make all your efforts useless, as alcohol has an effect on metabolism. In addition, it delays the elimination of toxins, which adversely affects the performance of body systems. Any diet is dangerous dehydration. In order for the body not to suffer, it is necessary to drink at least one and a half liters of purified or boiled water daily. Mineral or filtered drinking water can also be used. This is the dose your body needs. During the period of adherence to the diet, it is recommended to use multivitamins to improve the condition of hair, skin and nails.

Japanese diet - menu examples

Dishes of the Japanese diet are strictly painted for every day. The second week is the first week in reverse order. The menu suggests three meals. Breakfast is practically excluded, but you should definitely drink a cup of natural black coffee, rich in natural antioxidants.

Required menu:

The first day of the Japanese diet:

Breakfast: a regular cup of black coffee.
Lunch: Cook 2 steep eggs, cook a portion of salad, tomato juice.
Recipe of the main salad of the Japanese diet:
Cut long strips of raw or slightly cooked Peking or white cabbage, season with butter (sesame or olive).
Supper: fish boiled or fried in olive oil, about 200-250 grams.

This menu is repeated on day 13.

The second day of the Japanese diet

Breakfast: bran crackers or stale piece of bread with bran, you can rye, a cup of coffee.
Lunch: fry or boil the fish. Cut vegetables salad with butter (radish, radish, tomatoes, greens, cucumbers - your choice), or cabbage with vegetable oil.
Dinner: Boil beef (100 g), kefir. The menu is repeated on day 12.
The same dishes are cooked on the 12th day.

The third day of the Japanese diet

Breakfast: one cracker and a cup of black coffee.
Lunch: fry in vegetable oil 1 large zucchini, you can stew with the addition of water.
Dinner: Boiled eggs (2 pcs), add boiled beef (200 grams), and cabbage salad.
The same menu - on the 11th day of the diet.

The fourth and tenth days of the Japanese diet

Breakfast: only 1 cup of coffee.
Lunch: raw egg, 3 large boiled carrots in vegetable oil, hard cheese (15 g). You can make a salad from one carrot and cheese, seasoned with butter. The rest of the carrot to eat just like that.
Dinner: any fruit (banana and grapes are excluded).

The fifth and ninth days of the Japanese diet

Breakfast: Grate peeled carrots, fill it with lemon juice.
Lunch: fry or boil fish, tomato juice (glass).
Supper: fruits (grapes and banana are excluded for the whole time of the diet).

The Sixth and Eighth Days of the Japanese Diet

Breakfast: black coffee.
Lunch: Boil chicken except for fat and skin, add cabbage or carrot salad. For 1 portion half chicken is taken.
Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, carrot salad in the raw, seasoned with vegetable oil with lemon (200g).

The Seventh Day of the Japanese Diet

Breakfast: Brew herbal tea (can be green without sugar). Drink any amount.
Lunch: boiled beef (200 g), fruit
Dinner: you can take any dishes from the menu, chrome 3 days diet.

Japanese diet - useful tips and reviews

The diet will give good results if it is adhered to for the whole period, observing all the severity and not taking any breaks. It is recommended to use olive oil for salad dressing, it is healthier than sunflower oil and more effective for weight loss. After the expiration of the diet should not immediately consume large quantities of prohibited foods, to consolidate the result and prevent the return of the previous metabolism.

From the positive reviews of the Japanese diet can be noted its high efficiency. Those who adhere to it, really lose 7-8 kg in 13 days. This is due to a sharp decrease in the consumption of fats and carbohydrates. In addition, in the process of adherence to a diet, a change in metabolism occurs, and this means that the pounds will not return for a long time. The Japanese diet is tolerated quite easily, without a special feeling of hunger and does not cause a breakdown. It also contributes to the detoxification of the body, since it provides for the exclusion of sugar, salt, flour and alcohol from the diet.

Negative reviews of doctors are based on the fact that the Japanese diet is a big burden on the kidneys due to the consumption of protein in large quantities. Some people sticking to this diet even had an acetone flavor. This indicates that the body contains breakdown products of protein. According to reviews of doctors, this is quite a rigid low-calorie diet compared to other types.

Among its minuses - different sizes from the sample menu for servings. Many salads - but the exact amount of dressing and the amount of fat in the first and second dishes are not indicated. Many regulate the amount of fat to their liking, and risk exceeding the limits at which the diet does not bring tangible benefits.

The Japanese diet is unbalanced, therefore during the period of its observance it is recommended to take multivitamins. The diet menu includes the use of large amounts of coffee, which is contraindicated in some people.

Before the start of the Japanese diet is better to consult a doctor or a nutritionist.


chibis 07.12.2016
good diet but how it comes to carrots can't overpower myself

Mikhail 12/01/2016
Hello everyone! As a saint went through the whole course and is ready to share an impression! I started on Monday, I tentatively weighed 102.5 kg. Today is Monday two weeks later 91.8 kg. Minus 11.7 kg and waist catch minus 10 cm. willpower!

Vasya 10/15/2016
One of the dumbest diets, definitely.

Valeria 09/22/2016

Elena 08.27.2016
Tell me, please, is it possible instead of fruit watermelon?


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