Puffs with ham and cheese - tasteless can not be! The best recipes for puffs with ham and cheese: snails, bagels, envelopes


Puff pastry - a real magic wand for many housewives. With this wonderful product you can make very tasty pastries. Especially if there is some ham and cheese in the fridge. Such a filling will improve any dough, and if it is flaky, then talk is superfluous. Baking turns fragrant and tasty. Happy native puffs with ham and cheese?

Ham and Cheese Puffs - General Cooking Principles

Puff pastry can be cooked by yourself. The main ingredients are butter and flour. But not every hostess is attracted by the repeated rolling out of layers, folding, cooling. In a good test at least 27 layers, it will take at least 3 hours to prepare. Therefore, most often semi-finished product is purchased in the store. Moreover, the price is affordable.

Puff pastry is of 2 types:

• yeast;

• yeast-free.

Products from the first turn out to be lush, airy, somewhat reminiscent of sweet pastries. From yeast-free dough puffs are not so voluminous, more dense, but no less tasty. In fact, you can use any dough at its discretion.

For the filling, ham and cheese are cut, other ingredients may be added. Most often it is greens, vegetables, eggs. If the ham is not very like, then it can be safely added to the puffs. In combination with dough, cheese and other ingredients the product will become much tastier. The same goes for cheese, in puffs even the usual processed cheese becomes chic. But never use products of questionable freshness.

Bake puffs in the oven. Blanks can be smeared with an egg, sprinkled with seeds, sesame or cumin. Ready-made pastries can be consumed hot and cold.

Recipe 1: Ordinary puffs with ham and cheese "Triangles"

For the preparation of such puffs with ham and cheese, purchased dough is required. Better to use yeast, with it the triangles are better. From this amount of dough and filling you get 8 fairly large puffs.


• 500 grams of dough;

• 4 ham mugs;

• 200 grams of cheese (you can take processed cheese);

• dill leaves;

• egg.


1. Take out and defrost the dough, lay on the table. Now it needs to be rolled out thinner, but it is advisable not to break the square.

2. Cut the layer into 8 identical squares.

3. Cut ham slices into 2 parts.

4. On the half of each square put a slice of cheese. If you use a soft cheese product, you can simply lubricate the area.

5. On the cheese put chopped dill, then a slice of ham.

6. Fold the opposite corners of the square to form a triangle. We pinch the edges well, so that they do not become disconnected during baking and do not leak out the cheese. Sculpt all the puffs.

7. We shift the products on the baking sheet, grease with the egg and send to bake. 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees is enough.

Recipe 2: Juicy puffs with ham and cheese

The peculiarity of these puffs with cheese and ham is an unusually juicy filling. Therefore, the products must be carefully sealed to keep all this beauty within. And how best to do this, described in detail below.


• puff pastry pack;

• 300 grams of ham;

• 150 grams of cheese;

• 2 pickled cucumbers;

• 2 fresh tomatoes;

• 1 testicle.


1. Roll out the layer of pre-thawed dough. Thickness should not be more than 4 mm. Cut into squares. The size can be any, but it is better not to make too small puffs.

2. Dice ham, roughly three cheese, stir.

3. Salted cucumbers should be finely chopped and lightly squeezed from the brine. Then mix with cheese and ham. You can add a little green stuffing.

4. Tomatoes wash, cut into circles. You can by the number of puffs. If the products are large, then 2 cups each.

5. Put on half the dough stuffing, retreating 0.5 cm from the edge for bonding. Slightly level and place the tomato slices on top.

6. Separate the protein, slightly interrupt with a fork and grease free edges.

7. Cover the filling with the free side of the dough and pinch it. Thanks to the squirrel, they very quickly stick together.

8. In the yolk add a spoonful of water, stir.

9. Make a puncture with a knife on top of each puff, lubricate with yolk and send to bake for 20 minutes. Temperature 180 ° C.

Recipe 3: Puffs with ham and homemade dough cheese

For these puffs with ham and cheese we will use homemade dough, bezdrozhzhevoe. The recipe uses butter, which can be easily replaced with margarine, but only good. It should be at least 80% fat.


• 450 grams of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 1 spoon of vodka;

• 230 grams of oil;

• 3 tsp. vinegar 9%;

• water;

• a pinch of salt.

For the filling: ham, cheese, greens, a little mayonnaise.


1. We take a glass with a volume of 250 ml, break an egg there, add some cold water, then salt, vinegar and vodka. All is well stirred until complete dissolution of salt and bring the volume to 250 ml, pouring the right amount of water.

2. Sift flour on the table, make a recess inside, pour the liquid out of the glass and knead the dough. You need to knead until it stops taking flour. Then we shift it to the bag and cool for 40 minutes in the freezer.

3. Put cooled butter (or margarine) into the blender bowl, add 50 grams of flour and beat.

4. Put the mass on a sheet of parchment, form a square with our hands and cover with a second sheet of paper. Now we roll the oil into the formation of a thickness of 7-7-8 mm. Together with the paper we remove while in the refrigerator.

5. We take out the dough, roll it into a cake, the size is 2.5 times larger than the oil layer. We take out the oil from the freezer, wrap up the dough, pinch the edges and roll with a rolling pin. Again we fold in half and roll out. Repeat 2 more times.

6. Remove the dough in the fridge, then make another 3 rolling. The more fold the dough, the more layers you get, the product will be softer and airy.

7. At the end of the rolled layer cut into squares.

8. Cut ham and cheese into straws, add greens, mayonnaise to make the filling juicier, spread on squares and make puffs. You can make triangles, rectangles, envelopes. Bake until tender.

Recipe 4: Puffs with Ham and Salty Salad Bagels

For these puffs do not need a lot of stuffing. Products turn out very beautiful, with the crackling tips. And all this is complemented by the unparalleled aroma of roasted sesame. Dough use home or purchase. The amount of filling is arbitrary.


• 400 grams of dough;

• ham;

• cheese;

• egg;

• sesame.


1. Spread the dough and roll into the reservoir. The thinner it is, the more beautiful the bagels will be.

2. Cut the dough into triangles.

3. Ham cut into small pieces, the length should not be greater than the width of the triangle of dough.

4. Rub the cheese finely. It is better to use solid varieties, it will be easier to work with them.

5. Beat the egg with 2-3 tablespoons of water.

6. Lubricate the triangle with an egg chatter, sprinkle with a thin layer of cheese, put the ham square on the widest part and roll it up.

7. Similarly, we form all the bagels and put them on the baking sheet. It is important that the free edge was under the croissant.

8. Grease the puffs with the remaining egg, sprinkle with sesame seeds and send to bake.

Recipe 5: Puffs with Ham and Snail Cheese

Feature. These ham puffs with cheese is an unusual look. They resemble buns and it is not immediately clear that there is a filling inside. You can cook small snails or make a big puff in the form of a pie.


• 50 grams of puff pastry;

• 250 grams of ham;

• 200 grams of cheese;

• egg;

• greenery.


1. Spread the puff pastry on the table. Roll out in length, do not touch the width. It should be a rectangle. Cut it into long strips of 8-10 cm.

2. For the filling, rub cheese and ham, mix with chopped greens. If the cheese is dry and the ham is without fat, then you can add a spoon of mayonnaise or a little softened butter.

3. Beat the egg in a bowl.

4. Brush lubricate the entire surface of the dough. At the center of each long layer lay out a strip of filling. We twist a long roll with filling. We do this with all the dough.

5. Now each roll is twisted in a spiral into a snail and laid on a baking sheet. If you need to make a big cake, then we continue to lay the following pieces of dough with a filling in a spiral.

6. Grease the puffs with egg, bake. If desired, sprinkle with sesame, cumin.

Recipe 6: Rolls with ham and soft cheese

The peculiarity of this recipe for cheese puffs is the simplicity of product formation. Even the most inexperienced hostess can handle rolls. It takes soft cheese.


• 500 grams of puff pastry;

• 200 grams of soft cheese;

• 250 grams of ham;

• 50 grams of mayonnaise;

• garlic clove;

• Dill greens;

• egg;

• spoon of paprika, sesame.


1. Mix soft cheese with paprika, mayonnaise, and chopped garlic. It should make a peculiar sauce. It can be made spicy by adding mustard, adjika or pepper.

2. Ham must be cut very finely or simply grated.

3. Dill greenery wash, dry, finely chop.

4. Egg is just shaken with a fork.

5. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 5 mm in an oblong layer. Grease a layer of cream cheese, not reaching from the opposite side 2 cm to the edge. These 2 cm lubricate the egg to soften the dough.

6. Sprinkle the layer with chopped ham, then dill. You can use any other.

7. Fold the roll, the free edge should be at the bottom. Let stand 5 minutes.

8. Cut the puff. Size is arbitrary. You can make small products of 2 cm or long rolls of 10 cm.

9. We put on a baking sheet, grease and sprinkle with sesame. Bake until tender.

Ham and Cheese Puffs - Tips and Tricks

• Puff pastries (especially from yeast dough) tend to be unstuck when baking. To avoid this, you need to glue the seams well. And the easiest way to do this, if you lubricate the edges of the test with water, egg, milk or any other liquid.

• Do you know how to make puff pastry? So prepare it for future use! Roll out, sprinkle flour abundantly and roll up, you can roll the roll. Then hermetically pack in cling film and send in the freezer to wait in the wings. And at any time it will be possible to prepare delicate puffs not only with ham and cheese, but also with any other fillings, including sweet ones.

• To make the puffs of the same size, you need to immediately decompose the whole dough, cut and distribute the entire filling between the pieces. If the filling is stacked layers, then also distribute one by one.

• Puff pastry does not like heat. Therefore, when mixing, it is desirable to use ice water. In factories, salt is dissolved in liquid beforehand and stored in refrigerators.


Watch the video: Ham and cheese croissant recipe (June 2024).