Chicken spaghetti - a quick and inexpensive dinner. How to cook spaghetti with chicken for the joy of the whole family: the best recipes


General principles for cooking spaghetti with chicken

This dish, at the same time elegant and uncomplicated, is perfect both for a family dinner, and as an inexpensive and quick to prepare a second one.

To cook this dish you should choose durum wheat spaghetti. This is quite important, because if the pasta boils or sticks together, the dish will come out unaesthetic and not too tasty.

Usually a spoonful of olive oil is added to prevent spaghetti from sticking together. However, if you cook spaghetti with chicken in a sauce, it is better to do without it so that the macaroni soaks in the sauce, not olive oil.

It is better to boil spaghetti to the level of readiness al dente (“by tooth” - in this case, you feel a slight resistance to biting the product), because the cooking process has not yet been completed. The cooking time of the pasta is indicated on the packet, usually until ready to al dente they should be cooked for 5-7 minutes.

Can be used any part of the chickenbut it’s traditionally customary to take breast meat for cooking spaghetti with chicken. However, if you do not like her, take the thigh fillet.

Really rely on using parmesan cheese and no other. But is it really the lack of an expensive treat that will stop us from trying to taste spaghetti with chicken? Take another cheese, firmer and pungent on the palate. At least Kostroma or Dutch. But for a special occasion, it’s still better to buy a piece of parmesan.

You can’t cook spaghetti with chicken without spices. You will need oregano and black pepper (of course, freshly ground) - without fail. You can also take basil and parsley, garlic, curry, and paprika powder can come in handy. And you can just use a mill with Italian herbs.

Of course, it is advisable to take olive oil - this will give the dish an Italian flavor, because olive oil has a distinct taste and aroma. But if you just don’t like it in it, take refined corn or even sunflower oil, this will not affect the taste of spaghetti with chicken.

Recipe 1. Spaghetti with chicken in a creamy sauce

This, in fact, is a classic recipe for spaghetti with chicken, it is he who enjoys the greatest popularity.


Pack of Spaghetti (400g)

Chicken fillet - a couple of pieces

Garlic - 4-5 cloves

Cream 20% fat - 0.2 l

Parmesan or other hard cheese - 150 g

Olive oil - 2 tablespoons

Butter - a piece of 40 grams

A mixture of Italian herbs or separately oregano and other herbs, salt - to taste

Cooking method

Put a pan with enough water on the fire, bring to a boil, pour a spoonful of olive oil, slightly add salt and lower the spaghetti into boiling water. Stir immediately, stir next time after boiling, and then stir again two to three times during cooking.

Rinse the chicken fillet (it is best to cut it from the breast, removing the skin) and cut into small pieces. Lightly roll pieces of chicken in a mixture of herbs. To salt.

Heat the olive oil in a pan and fry the chicken pieces on it for 10 minutes, turning them over several times.

Remove the chicken from the pan onto a plate, and put finely chopped garlic on it and cook it, constantly turning, for about five minutes. Pour cream into garlic, reduce heat and cook for another five minutes.

Finely grate Parmesan and pour it in a creamy sauce with constant stirring. Put butter. Boil, stirring, a minute or two, turn off, cover and leave to stand.

Throw the spaghetti in a colander, put it on a plate in a slide, pour sauce and add chicken pieces.

Recipe 2. Chicken spaghetti in a spicy tomato sauce


Pack of Spaghetti (400 g)

Meaty tomatoes - 3-5 pieces

Chicken fillet - a pair of pieces

Parsley - bunch

Onion - one small

Basil - about half the bunch

Mixture of peppers

Vegetable oil

Cooking method

Boil spaghetti by lowering it into boiling salted water.

Rinse breast fillets and finely chop. Fry in a pan with butter, constantly turning.

Rinse basil and parsley thoroughly first in a bowl and then under running water. Finely chop.

Peel the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water, and then immediately lower them into very cold water. Grind tomatoes with a knife. You can use a blender, but many prefer that small pieces still remain. Together with the leaked juice, lay out to the chicken, add salt, a mixture of peppers, very finely chopped onions, chopped greens. Stir, cook for about five minutes.

Drain the spaghetti, arrange on the plates, generously pour tomato sauce with chicken.

Recipe 3. Spaghetti with Chicken and Parmesan


One full pack of spaghetti - 400 g

Chicken fillet - about a pound

Cream 20% fat - 200 ml

Parmesan - 200 g

Curry - to taste, but not less than a teaspoon

Sweet paprika powder

Garlic - a pair of cloves

Black freshly ground pepper, salt

Vegetable, better olive oil

Cooking method

Chicken fillet cut into beautiful slices. Chop the garlic with a knife quite finely. Pour the oil into the pan and, when it is warm, put the garlic. Cook, stirring, for a couple of minutes, after which garlic is caught with a slotted spoon, and put chicken slices in a pan. Cook them for 10 minutes, turning over and over.

Pour curry and paprika powder into the cream, mix and pour into the chicken pan. Cook for 3 minutes, then add black pepper (do not overdo it, you need it just a little bit!) And garlic. Turn off the pan.

Simultaneously with the preparation of the sauce, boil the spaghetti, for which boil water, salt it, pour in a spoonful of oil. Lower the spaghetti and cook, stirring occasionally, for about 7 minutes (the exact time must be seen on the packaging). Turn off the burner and let stand for 2 minutes, put the spaghetti in a colander.

Rub finely cheese. In the plates put spaghetti, pieces of chicken, pour sauce and sprinkle with grated parmesan.

Recipe 4. Spaghetti with Chicken, Olives and Rosemary

This is probably the most low-calorie and spicy version of spaghetti with chicken, while also featuring a truly Italian flavor.


Four hundred gram packet of spaghetti

Chicken - 800 g - 1 kg

Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon

Olives - 200 g

Green olives - 200 g

Dry rosemary - to taste

Olive oil

Salt, pepper mixture

Chopped parsley - optional

Cooking method

Chicken, with bones, can be cut into small pieces, salt, pepper and spread with tomato paste. Leave to marinate for a couple of hours.

Heat the oil in a pan, fry the chicken pieces, pour in a little broth or water, cover and simmer, stirring occasionally, for 20 minutes.

Boil spaghetti in a sufficient amount of boiling salted water with a spoonful of olive oil. Drain the water and immediately lightly pour oil, sprinkle with rosemary, cover and shake well. Serve, laying in the form of a nest, in the center of which place pieces of chicken, and at the edges - olives and olives. If desired, sprinkle with parsley.

Recipe 5. Spaghetti with Chicken and Mushrooms


Spaghetti - 400 g

Chicken fillet - 700 g

Champignons - 300 g

Cream 20% fat - a glass

Parmesan or other hard cheese - 150 g

Butter - 50-60 g

Rosemary, oregano, dried basil - to taste

Salt, pepper mixture, vegetable oil

Cooking method

Rinse the fillet, cut into small cubes, roll in a mixture of herbs and fry over low heat for 7-10 minutes, turning several times during cooking.

In another pan, fry medium-sized sliced ​​champignons. Pour them with cream and cook for about 5 minutes, then put butter and finely grated cheese in mushroom sauce. Stir the sauce thoroughly and turn off the hotplate. Pour the sauce into the chicken. Let it brew for several minutes, you can leave it for the whole time of cooking spaghetti.

Boil spaghetti in salted water; it is advisable not to add oil to water so that the pasta is better saturated with the sauce. Throw the prepared spaghetti into a colander, arrange on plates and pour sauce with chicken and mushrooms.

Recipe 6. Spaghetti with chicken and sun-dried tomatoes


Durum wheat spaghetti - 400 g

Chicken fillet - 500 g

Bulgarian pepper - 3-4 fruits

Eggplant - 1 medium

Sun-dried tomatoes - half a cup

Cream 20% fat - a glass

Spicy greens (parsley, celery, basil) - bunch

Dried spicy greens

Garlic - 3-4 cloves

Vegetable (preferably olive) oil

Salt, pepper mixture

Caper - optional

Cooking method

Sprinkle bell pepper with oil and bake in the oven until it turns dark. Remove and immediately place in a plastic bag. After 5 minutes, the peel is easily removed. Cut the baked peppers into small pieces.

Cut the fillet into oblong slices, eggplant - in small trowels, together with the peel. Put chicken and eggplant in a frying pan with heated oil and cook under the lid for about 10 minutes, stirring often.

Finely chop the garlic (but do not pass through the press!). Cut dried tomatoes or, better, chop with any blender.

Pour a little oil into the stewpan, fry chopped garlic in it. Put dried tomatoes, add dried herbs, salt, pepper, pour cream. Boil a little (a couple of minutes) and pour the sauce into the chicken and eggplant. If desired, you can add capers. Simmer all together under a lid for about 10 minutes or while spaghetti is boiled.

Boil spaghetti in boiling water, stirring all the time. Throw it in a colander.

Arrange the spaghetti in plates, lay the chicken and vegetables on top and pour the sauce. It is advisable to sprinkle with chopped parsley and basil.

Recipe 7. Baked Spaghetti with Chicken

This is a very simple chicken spaghetti recipe that children usually like, because the dish looks elegant and the crust is on top.


Spaghetti - 400g Tutu

Chicken fillet - 700 - 800 g

Gouda cheese - 100 g

Mozzarella cheese for pizza - 100 g

Canned peas - half a cup

Canned corn - half a cup

Cream 20% fat - half a cup

Butter - 50 g

Curry - 1 teaspoon

Spicy greens, fresh and dried - to taste and desire.

Salt, black pepper

Vegetable oil

Cooking method

Rinse the chicken fillet and cut into small pieces. Fry in a frying pan with heated oil, stirring frequently, for about 10 minutes.

Stir the curry in the cream, add salt and pepper, and if desired, dried herbs. Pour the cream onto the chicken and cook for another five minutes.

Boil spaghetti to a degree al dente, put in a colander, immediately put in a bowl, season with butter, add gouda grated cheese, peas and corn and mix.

Grease the baking dish with butter, put spaghetti with cheese and vegetables in it. Gently lay the chicken on top and pour the sauce over everything. Sprinkle with grated mozzarella and bake for about 10 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 210 degrees.

When serving, you can sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Chicken Spaghetti - Tips and Tricks

  • Cooking spaghetti is better on low heat, otherwise they will become more sticky.

  • According to these recipes, you can cook another pasta, for example, small horns. The taste will be a little different, but not everyone likes to eat long spaghetti with chicken. The main thing is to take high-quality pasta from durum wheat.

  • Chicken spaghetti is supposed to serve red wine.

  • Never dump ready-made spaghetti in sauce, otherwise it will turn out not beauties in the Italian style, but an incomprehensible "fox-meat". On the taste, of course, it will hardly affect, but on the appearance - very, very.


Watch the video: How to Cook Jollibee Spaghetti Recipe (June 2024).