Psychologists: the main reason for children's poor behavior is lack of sleep


Pursuing problems related to the behavior of children, psychologists came to the conclusion that the parents are guilty, who do not pay attention to, first of all, to teach their children to get enough sleep at night.

Teenagers are constantly accused of poor grades, bad manners and poor nutrition. But Tanya Byron, a specialist in child psychology, says that the cause of all problems is lack of sleep.

The situation can be called a crisis. In Britain, for example, about two million children and adolescents already have trouble sleeping. The data on young children is especially disturbing: 65% of them do not significantly fill up. As a result, there is increased activity (hyperactivity) and many other problems related not only to behavior, but also to the physical and mental development of the younger generation.

Parents do not teach children the correct daily routine and do not teach them the culture of sleep: they let them go to bed too late, sleep where they want and get up at night to eat. Many teenagers sleep for six hours, or even less, while their sleep should be at least nine hours.

The phones, tablets and other devices that children often and uncontrollably use are also to blame. Staying up late in front of the glowing screens, they disrupt the functioning of their “internal clock”, and the production of melatonin, known as the “sleep hormone”, is delayed. As a result, the situation is aggravated even more, because sleep is not only insufficient, but also inferior.
