Climax - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Menopause called the physiological period in a woman’s life, which is characterized by the extinction of reproductive function due to hormonal changes in the body. Starting after 40 years, it lasts about 10 years, manifesting itself as a gradual cessation of menstruation.

For the first phase of the menopause (premenopause), a violation of the rhythm of menstruation and the duration of the menstrual cycle is characteristic. The second phase (postmenopause) is characterized by the extinction of the hormonal activity of the ovaries after the cessation of menstruation and ends with the onset of the so-called physiological rest of the reproductive system.

Climax - causes

The reason for the manifestations of menopause is a temporary disorganization of the functions of a woman's body in connection with a decrease in the function of the sex glands. The severity of menopause is most affected by stress factors, psycho-emotional or sexual disorders, acute or chronic diseases that a woman has.

Menopause - symptoms

Very often, the menopause is accompanied by dysfunctional uterine bleeding - prolonged irregular bleeding of various durations and intensities.

It can also be accompanied by various vegetative-vascular and endocrine disorders, such as sudden attacks of a rush of blood to the upper half of the body and face (“fever”), sweating, tendency to depression, irritability, fluctuations in blood pressure, increased dryness of the skin and mucous membranes, rapid urination, sleep disturbance.

All these disorders that occur against the background of a deficiency of female sex hormones are called menopausal syndrome.

The severity of menopausal syndrome is usually determined by the frequency of hot flashes. Up to 10 tides per day speak of a mild form; up to 20 tides, which are accompanied by dizziness, heart palpitations, indicate moderate severity; more than 20 tides, which are aggravated by sharp fluctuations in blood pressure, heart attacks, weakness, disability, speak of a severe form of menopause.

Climax - diagnosis

It is usually not difficult to diagnose menopausal syndrome, due to the manifestation of its characteristic symptoms at a certain age and their coincidence in time with a menstrual cycle or a cessation of menstruation.

However, the diagnosis can be complicated by various concomitant diseases of a woman, which can occur simultaneously with menopause. The fact is that menopause can cause an exacerbation of somatic diseases, which, in turn, complicate its course and contribute to the manifestation of atypical symptoms.

In this case, the diagnosis is carried out using special methods that make it possible to study the functional state of the ovaries: histological examination of scraping of the uterine mucosa and colpositological examination of vaginal smears in dynamics. A diagnostic separate curettage of the uterine mucosa and cervical canal is also carried out for subsequent histological examination of scraping.

Climax - treatment and prevention

The course of menopause in mild forms is sufficient to accompany the use of sedatives, antihypertensive drugs, beta-blockers. It is recommended to give up smoking, engage in light physical exercises (morning exercises), limit the diet of carbohydrates and fats, and carry out light water procedures (showers, douches).

If prescribed by a doctor, estrogen and progestogen preparations specially designed for the treatment of menopausal disorders should be used. You can not use them without consulting a doctor, since hormone therapy has a number of contraindications. First of all, we are talking about uterine bleeding of unknown etiology; tumors of the uterus, ovaries, mammary glands; a history of thrombophlebitis; diseases of the liver, kidneys; high blood pressure; severe forms of diabetes.

In the case of dysfunctional uterine bleeding, a diagnostic curettage of the endometrium, which is carried out before the start of treatment, can also have a therapeutic effect. If recurrent uterine bleeding or endometrial hyperplastic processes are observed, then women over 45 are prescribed hormone therapy in a cyclic or continuous mode.


Irena 05/28/2016
You know, I read a lot of literature about menopause. Everyone expected that hot flashes, dizziness, headaches, and increased fatigue would begin. But it began in vska with a deterioration in memory and concentration of attention, loss of working capacity - well, I can’t get myself to work and that’s it. I went to see a doctor, she prescribed biotredin to me. I went through one course, it seemed easier, even began to work as usual. And these symptoms no longer bother them.

Tatyana 05/23/2016
Delighted with this page. There is almost everything that interests me.


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