Migraine - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Migraine implies a disease in the form of regularly recurring attacks of severe headache. In most cases, such attacks of pain are observed in one part of the head, while they are not associated with muscle or blood pressure.

Migraine - Causes

The exact causes of migraine have not yet been established.

Migraine - Symptoms

The main symptoms of migraine are periodic bouts of severe headache. Usually such pain occurs in only one half of the head. Other symptoms of migraine include vomiting, nausea, dizziness, very poor tolerance of sounds and vibrant colors, constant lethargy and drowsiness, and increased fatigue. Among other things, during the diagnosis of migraine, the symptoms can be replenished with more violations of charm and vision.

Migraine Diagnosis

Often, the diagnosis of this disease is excessive, in other words, a person independently determines a migraine for any headaches. Or vice versa, many patients put up with their headache, forgetting to even seek medical help. In order to have a suspicion of migraine cephalalgia, a headache must have at least one of the following two signs: a pulsating character, a relatively high intensity of pain and a constantly decreasing human activity, one-sided localization, amplification during physical exertion.

In order to diagnose migraine, headaches must be accompanied by nausea, or vomiting, or photophobia, or photophobia, which lasts from 4 to 72 hours. The diagnosis of migraine is made easier if there is a hereditary history.

Migraine - treatment

Today, there are many different medications that a doctor can advise in order to overcome migraines. Especially effective may be the option when the patient takes various kinds of drugs, depending on the severity of the migraine.

For example, if a person wakes up with a terrible headache, then you can take medications that are directed directly against migraines, which can include triptan. If the patient feels that he will soon begin a migraine attack, then even simple painkillers can help. If headaches after taking drugs do not go away, then more specific drugs should be taken. Only the attending physician is able to advise which drugs will be safe when taken together.

If ordinary painkillers are an ineffective method, the therapist can attribute prokinetics to improve the flow of ordinary painkillers to the bloodstream.

The doctor prescribes special medications, when during migraine attacks pain occurs in the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. These drugs include tolfenamic acid, diclofenac, naproxen.

It is worth noting that migraines can be overcome without the use of drugs. For example, if light migraines are observed, then they respond well to sleep. If the patient was able to fall asleep, then after sleep either complete disappearance of pain or partial relief will be observed.

The second non-drug prophylaxis is to exclude any provoking factors. You need to find out in which particular situations migraine most often occurs, which drinks or foods can cause an attack. In the event that such products are detected, it is advisable not to use them in the future so as not to provoke the appearance of new migraine attacks.


Daha) 05/15/2016
I used to have constant headaches than as soon as I was not treated. As a result, I underwent two courses of treatment at the Rosmid clinic and now I sleep normally, I fall asleep without pills. Thank you for the good doctors.

Natasha L 05/13/2016
Oh, I suffered with a headache, scary to remember. She got rid of it only after she was examined in the clinic and underwent a course of treatment. And before that, what kind of tablets were not prescribed, but there was no help from them. the only relief brought was to tighten his head and lay down. Well, if the attack happened at home, but at work, the nightmare is simple.

NattaSHA 05/09/2016
Oh, I suffered with a headache, scary to remember. She got rid of it only after she was examined in the clinic and underwent a course of treatment. And before that, what kind of tablets were not prescribed, but there was no help from them. the only relief brought was to tighten his head and lay down. Well, if the attack happened at home, but at work, the nightmare is simple.

Lydia 05/07/2016
Before, periodically, once a month, I was tormented by severe headaches. Usually they lasted 2-3 days. At the same time, I had pressure in the region of 120 to 80. No painkillers, antispasmodics did not help. I tried to do acupressure, rubbed asterisk type in my whiskey, did cold compresses, wrapped my head in a warm woolen shawl, nothing helped, the pain intensified with the slightest physical exertion. Already swam a year, as I passed the course of treatment honey. center Rosmid, and I want to say: now I don’t remember about migraine.

NatashaL 05/04/2016
Oh, I suffered with a headache, scary to remember. She got rid of it only after she was examined in the clinic and underwent a course of treatment. And before that, what kind of tablets were not prescribed, but there was no help from them. the only relief brought was to tighten his head and lay down. Well, if the attack happened at home, but at work, the nightmare is simple.


Watch the video: Symptoms of Stroke and Migraine. Cedars-Sinai (July 2024).