How to cook broth for soup, fish soup, sauces and other dishes. Recipes: how to cook chicken broth, beef, fish, pork, bone


A broth is not only the basis of many soups, but also an independent dish.

It can be seasoned with herbs, aromatic spices, add a few vegetables.

And serve with crackers, pies, garlic donuts.

But how to cook the broth so that it turns out transparent, fragrant, rich?

How to cook broth - general principles

The best broths are obtained from meat and chicken on the bone. But if there is only a fillet, then it can be let into broth. Liquids can be poured into any quantity, but the less, the more saturated the broth will be. When boiling, the resulting foam is removed from the surface. This can be done with a spoon or slotted spoon.

What is added to the broths during cooking:

• pepper peas;

• bay leaves;

• bow;

• parsley root;

• carrot;

• garlic.

Vegetables are not always laid raw. Sometimes they are fried in a pan or baked in the oven. These techniques improve the taste and color of the dish. Meat products and bones can also be pre-baked.

As for salt, you need to lay it at the very end of cooking. Like greens. But if the broth is prepared for further processing and additives in various dishes, it is better not to put a large number of spices.

How to cook beef broth

Beef broth is often used for making kharcho, all kinds of sauces, added to stews and to main dishes. It is rarely used in its pure form and as an independent dish. Maybe they just don’t know how to cook correctly. How to cook beef broth?


• 800 grams of beef on the bone;

• 1-2 carrots;

• 1-2 bulbs;

• spices.


1. Put on a baking sheet pieces of beef with a bone, peeled onions and carrots to them. Sent to the oven. Bake at 240 degrees to a light crust.

2. We take out our preparations, put in a pan, fill with three and a half liters of water and let it boil. Remove the foam.

3. Reduce the heat and cook at very slow boiling hour.

4. Open, catch vegetables, and add peppercorns, bay leaf.

5. Cook until the meat is fully cooked. On average, about half an hour.

How to cook chicken broth with vegetables

The recipe for light chicken broth with the addition of vegetables, which will give the dish an additional satiety. Such a meal would be a first meal for dinner. It is advisable to use homemade or farm chicken. Any parts of the carcass will do.


• 0.6 kg of chicken;

• 2 potatoes;

• 2 tablespoons chopped spinach;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• 1 onion head;

• spices.


1. We put washed chicken in a pan, pour cold water and let it boil. We remove the foam from the surface.

2. Immediately add spices: peas, pepper, bay leaf, you can add a clove of garlic. Leave the broth to cook until chicken is ready. But for now, salt is not needed.

3. Filter the broth, take out the chicken.

4. Cut the potatoes into thin strips, send to the pan with the broth.

5. Onion cut into half rings, fry in a pan with butter.

6. The cooled chicken is freed from the seeds, cut into pieces or simply disassemble by fiber, sent back to the pan. Now you can add salt.

7. Once the potatoes are cooked, add the fried onions, put the spinach on and off. You can add other greens.

How to Cook Beef Bone Broth

The recipe is a saturated broth that can be used for any dishes. Despite the name, it is better to use bones with pieces of meat. But how to cook such a broth?


• 0.6 kg of bones;

• 1 parsley root;

• 1 carrot;

• 3 liters of water;

• 1 onion head.


1. Large bones need to be chopped, so it will be easier for them to boil. Then wash the pieces and put in a pan. Fill with three liters of cold water and send to the stove.

2. When boiling, remove the foam, then remove the heat to a minimum and simmer the broth for a weak boil for two and a half hours.

3. Throw peeled carrots, parsley root and onion. By the way, the head can not be cleaned, but only rinsed. The husk gives a pleasant color to the broth and its own special taste.

4. Cook the broth for another forty minutes, at the end you can throw peppercorns, a bay leaf. Let it boil for five minutes and turn it off. We filter.

How to cook fish broth

A good fish broth is the key to a delicious fish soup. The dish on it will turn out saturated and very tasty. But how to cook fish broths? In fact, we need waste: heads, fins, tails, and it’s better to save good pieces for the dish itself.


• 1 kg of fish heads, tails, ranges;

• 3 liters of water;

• 1 onion head;

• 3 peppercorns;

• 2 bay leaves;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 tablespoon butter, it is better to use creamy.


1. We wash fish products. We remove the eyes and gills, put everything in a pan, fill it with cold water and put it on the stove.

2. While the fish is boiling, cook the vegetables. Cut the peeled carrot into circles of 0.5 cm, spread on a greased pan.

3. Add the onion, chopped into large pieces. Fry together, make the maximum fire. Turn off as soon as the vegetables are well browned.

4. When boiling, remove the foam from the broth, add the fried vegetables.

5. We remove the fire and cook the broth for half an hour. For fish this time is enough.

6. 10 minutes before readiness, we throw a lavrushka and pepper.

7. The finished broth must be filtered, and then we prepare aromatic dishes on it.

How to cook chicken stock for the patient

Chicken broth is one of the few dishes allowed in the postoperative period. It is also given for colds and various other diseases. But a classic decoction with spices and vegetables will not work. The dish should be unsalted, non-greasy. So how to cook the broth for sick people and after surgery.


• 0.5 kg of chicken;

• 1.5 liters of water.


1. Wash the chicken, can be cut into pieces. Remove the skin and remove all visible fat.

2. Fill with water, let it boil and cook for two or three minutes.

3. Drain the broth, rinse the chicken, wash the pan.

4. Pour 1.5 liters of pure water and cook the broth until the meat is completely soft.

5. Cool, take out the chicken. Depending on the patient’s prescriptions, chicken can be added, sometimes twisted meat is allowed.

How to cook pork broth

Pork broth is quite fat and saturated. But he also has a lot of fans. And if cooked correctly, then dishes from such a decoction turn out to be very fragrant. But how is pork broth cooked?


• 600 grams of pork with bone;

• 2 carrots;

• 2 onions;

• 1 bunch of parsley;

• 2 leaves of laurel;

• salt;

• peppercorns.


1. Rinse the pieces of pork, send to a pan with three liters of water. We set to cook.

2. As soon as it begins to boil, remove the foam and fat.

3. Add coarsely chopped onions and carrots. We put bay leaves and peppercorns. Cover and cook over low heat for two hours.

4. Salt, throw the chopped parsley and you're done! If you do not like slices of vegetables and spices, then the broth can be filtered.

How to Cook Chicken Broth with Vermicelli

If you need to cook a light soup, then it is not necessary to hammer it with a large number of ingredients. Enough handfuls of vermicelli, spices and a couple of onions.


• 0.5 kg of chicken;

• 2 onions;

• 1 carrot;

• 100 grams of vermicelli;

• salt with pepper;

• 1 bay leaf;

• greenery.


1. Wash the chicken, put in a saucepan. Fill with two liters of cold water and set to cook. When boiling, remove the foam.

2. Peel one onion and completely pour over to the chicken, cook in the broth for forty minutes. Then we take it out with a slotted spoon.

3. Cut the second onion, send to the pan.

4. After two minutes, add the carrots cut in slices or julienne. Salt and cook the dish until soft carrots.

5. Add the vermicelli. Stir, let the soup boil.

6. We throw the chopped greens, pepper and add the bay leaf. Done!

How to cook the broth - useful tips and tricks

• Did not have time to remove the foam, and it sank to the bottom? You can pour a glass of water into the broth, stir and let it boil again. The foam will pop up and can be removed.

• Saturated broth from meat on the bone should not be consumed by people with digestive problems, as well as young children. For them, it is better to cook broths from pulp, stripped of fat.

• The most valuable broth is the one that is brewed a second time. That is, you need to fill the product with water, let it boil, boil for a few minutes and drain. Then pour in a new portion of the liquid and cook until ready. The first broth will release excess fat, anemia and harmful substances that may be found in purchased meat or chicken.

• Good broth can only be cooked over low heat. If the broth is actively boiling and boiling, then transparency can not be dreamed of.


Watch the video: Paano magluto Hototay Soup - Filipino Pinoy Tagalog (July 2024).