Angelina Jolie removed both breasts to avoid cancer


The American edition of The New York Times published shocking material from which it became known that Angelina Jolie had to undergo a breast removal operation.

The star decided on a mastectomy when doctors found out that she was the carrier of the extremely dangerous “cancer” gene. “I have a 50% risk of ovarian tumor and 87% breast cancer. Having heard this news, I did not hesitate and decided to do a double mastectomy. Doctors advised starting with the mammary glands, since ovarian surgery is much more complicated, ”the actress honestly admitted.

The necessary medical procedures lasted almost three months. Jolie kept her secret all this time, continuing to act in films. The operations went well and now doctors say: the likelihood of developing oncology in Angelina has decreased to 5%.

According to the actress, it was difficult for her to make a decision on a mastectomy, but she is glad that everything is behind. “After surviving the operation, I can frankly tell my children - you can not be afraid, cancer will not take your mother from you.”

Jolie emphasized that she was grateful to her husband Brad Pitt for support during this difficult period. “I am happy that my loved ones still love me.”

Instead of having the mammary glands removed, implants were placed on Angelina; the consequences of surgery are almost imperceptible. Note that the mother of Angelina Jolie spent ten years fighting the ovarian cancer and died before she was 60.


Watch the video: Angelina Jolie: Why Did She Have a Double Mastectomy? (July 2024).