Canada - recreation, sights, weather, cuisine, tours, photos, map


Canada - A state that occupies a significant territory of North America. This country is in second place in the world in terms of territory. It is washed by the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Canada shares the southern borders with the USA, the northeastern with Denmark, the eastern with France. The border between the United States and Canada is the longest common border in the world.

About 34 million people live in Canada. Archaeological excavations indicate that people lived on the territory of the country already 26.5 thousand years ago. Bluefish and Old Crow Flats are the oldest archaeological sites in the country.

Indigenous people - Indians, today make up about 500 thousand people. Canada is a country of diverse ethnic composition. According to the latest data, 43 groups of peoples inhabit it. Canadians make up the most significant of them - about 31%. Next come the British - 20%, the French - 15%, the Scots - 14.5%, the Irish - 13%, Germans - 9.7%, Italians - 4.4%, Chinese - 4%, Indians - 3.8%, Ukrainians - 3.7%, Dutch - 3.2%, Poles - 3%, Austronesians - 3%, Russians - 1.5%.

Canada is called the country of immigrants. The main population growth is accounted for by immigrants from other countries of the world who know about the excellent conditions for a quiet family life created in Canada. There are no racial conflicts, people of different nationalities and faiths get along well here.

In Canada, a constitutional monarchy has been established, with parliament in place. The country is bilingual, the official languages ​​are French and English. An educated person holding a serious post in the state is fluent in both languages. Traditionally, even the reports in the Parliament are read partly in English, partly in French.

Due to the special variegation, the religious composition is also heterogeneous. Christians consider themselves 77% of the Canadian population, 17% are atheists, the rest of the country are representatives of various faiths.

The national currency is the Canadian dollar.

Canada - the capital and major cities

The capital of Canada is the city of Ottawa with a population of 875 thousand people. It is located on the banks of the river of the same name. Ottawa ranks 6th in the world in terms of living standards. Here, the Council is governed by the mayor.

The city became capital in the mid-19th century, when there was a unification of individual parts into a single state.

Ottawa is characterized by a large number of green spaces and water. The streets in the city are staggered. Residential buildings are mainly of small number of storeys. Ottawa is separated from the suburban area by the Green Belt (forests and arable land).

Other major cities in Canada are Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Calgary.

Canada - Holidays and Tours

Canada has long been an attractive tourist destination. A country of great length and centuries of history has concentrated on its area an incredible number of monuments of ancient and modern culture. Go to Canada for walking, bus, water, air excursions.

When traveling along the St. Lawrence River in the province of Quebec, you can learn about the French heritage, which the cities of Montreal and Quebec keep with special trepidation. And those tourists who want to visit Newfoundland or Labrador will be able to get acquainted with the history of the ancient Vikings.

Ecotourism lovers Canada will discover a variety of territories with incredible beauty of the landscape. Due to its great length, the country has natural areas that differ from each other in flora, fauna and surface features. In Canada, about 40 park zones have been built, many protected areas. The most famous are the parks located in the Rocky Mountains. Here there is the opportunity not only to contemplate, but also to engage in fishing, climbing, cycling, swimming on fast rivers.

Those provinces of Canada that are located in coastal areas have the opportunity to show tourists the beauty of the oceans. Water tours are organized to monitor the life of birds and large marine life in their natural environment. Whales and seals are best seen in St. Lawrence Bay.

Observations of drifting icebergs have gained particular popularity in recent years. The Beaufort Sea and the Atlantic Ocean provide such an opportunity. Observations of the northern lights are also interesting. Most often it can be seen in the city of Watson Lake.

Traditional beach vacations are common in the southern parts of the country. The best beaches are located in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.

Diving and downhill skiing are favorite types of active time spending by many tourists. In Canada, they are available in many provinces and cities.

Tourism is incredibly popular for shopping. West Edmonton is one of the world's most famous shopping centers. There are about 800 shops, three dozen movie theaters, more than 100 restaurants and casinos, and many entertainment clubs.

Canada - Attractions

Quebec has a list of attractions that tourists usually pay attention to. Among them are Cape Diamant, surrounded by 17th-century ramparts, the Citadel, built by the British in the 19th century, the National Assembly building, the Chateau Fronteniac hotel and others.

In the Jacques-Cartier Strait, the National Park, called the Mingan Archipelago, is located. Caves, grottoes, rocks and bridges were created by nature itself, or rather, by the power of water. Inside the caves, magnificent views open up: bizarre formations from the remains of ancient inhabitants of the deep sea.

Canada's first road was named Royal. It was created for horseback riding. Since the end of the 18th century, this road linked the most important provincial cities - Montreal and Quebec.

In the largest Canadian province (by number of inhabitants) - Toronto, among the main attractions - the Valley of the Great Lakes, a skyscraper - the CN Tower, the Art Gallery, the Royal Museum. In this area is the famous Niagara Falls.

In Ottawa, the capital of Canada, Parliament Hill is recognized as the main part of the city. Here is a whole complex of houses built in the style of "Gothic". Year of construction - 1922, and the Peace Tower is the central part of the composition.

Canada - weather (climate)

Each region of Canada has its own climate. This is due to the large length of the country from north to south and from west to east.

Winter can be very harsh, the average temperature in January is sometimes -15 degrees. Temperature records in Canada are not uncommon. So there were years when the thermometer fell to -45 degrees! And while the icy piercing winds blow.

The lowest temperature in winter was recorded in the Yukon (-63 degrees). In addition, the snow cover in some areas reaches 3-4 meters in height!

But there are territories with a temperate climate, where both winter and summer are quite mild, without sharp fluctuations in temperature. For example, the coast of British Columbia.

Weather in Canada now:

Canada - Cuisine

The cuisine of Canada was formed under the influence of English and American traditions. And only in Quebec do recipes of French origin prevail. And in Nova Scotia, both British and Norwegian dishes have spread.

Multinational composition is the main source of mixing cultures. And the kitchen is no exception. Chinese, Russian, Greek and Ukrainian treats are prepared as their national dishes. And even the "fast food" that came from America, firmly established among the eateries of Canada.

A typical Canadian food is a juicy steak. It is made from fish or meat.

Everything about meat is at a premium in Canada. Langets, roast beef, steaks are prepared everywhere. A "fillet brochett" is considered the main national dish. This is bacon strung on a skewer alternately with mushrooms and onions. Roasted on a spit.

Vegetable soup is a traditional first dish in this country. Most often it is cooked with cauliflower and tomatoes. Canadians also love soup with herbs, noodles and croutons.

Seafood and fish are an indispensable part of the menu.

But the highlight of Canada's cooking was the famous maple syrup. It is boiled from the spring juice of Canadian maple. The juice boils to a thick state, while not using any additional ingredient. To make a liter of syrup, you need to take 40 liters of juice.

Canada - interesting facts

The Royal Mounted Police operates in Canada. In common people it is called "red uniforms", because the shape of these employees is painted in this color.

This is the only structure in the world that performs such functions. In some provinces, mounted police do not have full power, as they have their own police forces.

Mounted police gained fame during the Gold Rush. Hollywood has somewhat embellished and exaggerated the role of this service. To this day, mounted police are the main guardian of law in Canada.

Canada - visa application

To enter Canada, a visa is required. It is issued through the Embassy of the country or with the help of any accredited organization.

Documents required:
• International passport,
• Color or b / w photos,
• Application form in French or English,
• Description of the route,
• Information on the availability of the required amount of currency,
• Inquiries from the place of work, study.

Canada - Embassy

In Moscow, the Canadian Embassy is located on Starokonyushenny Lane, 23. Tel .: 925-60-00.


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