How to do a lip massage after hyaluronic acid increase?


Every woman wants to be beautiful and look natural. Not everyone is satisfied with their natural beauty, especially the shape and size of the lips. To increase their use hyaluronic acid. But in order to maintain a beautiful effect after a cosmetic procedure, it is important to knead the lips correctly after augmentation and follow the recommendations of the beautician.

What cases require massage?

Before lip massage, first of all, you need to identify signs of the need for a procedure. It is mandatory to massage the skin in the presence of the following factors:

  • The use of anesthetics and filler. These are optional components used for magnification. They are not considered biological in structure and can cause adverse body reactions;
  • The formation of tubercles and cones. It does not matter exactly where they appeared;
  • If an excess amount of the filler was entered, which ceases to be proportionally distributed.

If necessary, lip massage is carried out only a few days after the introduction of the component to increase.

A professional cosmetologist will tell you how to perform the movements correctly and in what cases the massage should be performed. In this case, the client remains attentively listening and memorizing.

Lip Massage Guidelines

After lip augmentation, massage is done twice a day in the bathroom. One session lasts about 5-7 minutes. With the observance of the massage technique, the result of the procedure will remain as long as possible, and the effect of the increase procedure will meet expectations.

Instructions for a massage with a toothbrush:

  • After the procedure, brushing teeth turn over the brush on the opposite side and apply to the lips.
  • Mash surface with soft circular motions. We do this carefully, without pressing.
  • Massage from the center to the corner and in the opposite direction. Movement should be light and smooth.
  • Then from the center to the corners and in the opposite direction we carry out clapping, not strong and soft.
  • We pronounce the vowels with elongated lips. Their position should look like when singing a lullaby to a child.
  • Blow out the cheeks in turn. Breath should be long and protracted. Before exhaling, hold your breath for a few seconds, and then release the air through your mouth, after making a "duck mouth".
  • Close the lips and turn left and right. This movement involves the lower part of the jaw. For convenience, you can use additional cosmetics for application.

After the massage, lips will need to be smeared with a special moisturizing ointment. Hygienic lipstick or cosmetic oil can become an analogue of this composition.

In the absence of an allergic reaction to honey, it will be an excellent medicine to relieve swelling on the lips. It is recommended to use honey of light grades and in the liquid state.

In which cases you can not massage?

The effect of lip massage is manifested when it is systematically performed. Do not expect instant results. There are a number of situations where massage is contraindicated. It is prohibited to carry out the procedure in the following cases:

  • On the first day after the lip augmentation procedure. They can not be touched. In principle, this is impossible, since in the case of a touch, pain and discomfort arise;
  • While on the skin surface traces of injections are noticeable;
  • If significant bumps and bumps are found. In this case, you will need to immediately contact the specialist who performed the magnification procedure;
  • When bruising, bruised and severe swelling of the lips.

After the increase procedure, the master instructs the client about possible complications and tells you how to behave if there is a side effect. The beautician will also explain how to properly massage the lips after an increase in hyaluronic acid and in what situations it is considered necessary.

If the patient finds side effects that are not specified by the doctor, you should immediately contact the place of the procedure.

Rules for lip care after the increase

After the increase and recovery period after the procedure requires regular skin care. Rules for lip care after augmentation include the following aspects:

  • Cleaning up Twice a week you need to use scrubbing and pilling according to popular recipes;
  • Moisturizing and makeup. The procedure should be carried out after each brushing;
  • Use hygienic lipstick.Before going outside in windy weather, lips should be protected with hygienic lipstick. If it is sunny day outside, then a cream with UV protection is used;
  • About twice a week you can apply masks of your own to the skin.

The procedure to increase the lips does not harm the body. If it is performed by a professional cosmetologist, the client has nothing to worry about. However, how long the result lasts depends solely on the woman and the methods that she will use to care for her lips.

To extend the effect of lip augmentation, you will need to use an integrated approach. Cosmetologists recommend developing a daily skin care algorithm.


Watch the video: 3 Ways To Permanently Enhance Lips Without Lip Injections + Before & After (July 2024).