The subtleties of breading chopped chicken. There is no need to be a cook, with chicken fillet chops you are always on top


The white flesh of a chicken breast just asks for chops.

Well, how to resist a tender, soft piece?

And you can pickle it, thereby adding juiciness and aroma of marinade.

For the most part, such dishes are breaded during frying, but here the flight of imagination is unlimited.

Classic crackers and flour are also used, dipped broken pieces in ice cream or batter.

Well, how do you like the option of breading in sesame seeds? Other types of meat will turn out to be rough, and chicken just right!

Chicken fillet chops - general principles of preparation

• Chicken fillet chops are fried in a pan, baked in the oven on a baking sheet or in foil. Also slightly fried beaten chicken can be put out.

• For chops, take the flesh of the breast. It is washed well and cut into pieces. If other types of meat for beating are cut exclusively across the fibers, then the breast can be cut both along and across.

• After this, the pulp is beaten well. To do this, you will need a culinary hammer and a cutting board. Then the beaten meat is prepared according to the recipe.

• The white meat of the chicken after cooking is a bit dry. Therefore, they usually fry it in batter or breading. Thanks to this, the pieces are covered with a fried crust, and all the juice released during heating is stored inside. When baking in the oven, this is achieved by sprinkling with cheese portioned pieces.

• Chicken fillet served with a side dish or cooked with it. Chicken is in harmony with potatoes, mushrooms, vegetables and pasta.

Sesame breaded fried chicken fillet chops


• 450 grams of breast;

• three teaspoons of soy (light) sauce;

• one egg;

• a teaspoon of light liquid honey;

• lemon (freshly squeezed) juice - 1.3 tea. spoons;

• 120 grams of wheat flour;

• two large spoons of sesame seed.

Cooking method:

1. Slowly shake the egg with a whisk. Add soy sauce, honey, lemon juice and blab all over again.

2. Rinse the meat with plenty of water and dry thoroughly. Cut the chicken into small portions, crossing the fibers. Try to keep the blade of the knife at a slight angle to the plane of the table.

3. Place the chicken on a cutting board. Cover with a bag and beat the pulp slightly with a cooking chopper. Pepper with black pepper, carefully rubbing it into the pulp. Salting is optional or only a little.

4. Place portioned pieces in a bowl, pouring each layer with marinade. Leave for half an hour.

5. Divide the cooked flour in two. Mix half with sesame seed.

6. Put the marinade meat on a towel. Roll the pieces in flour, then dip in the marinade. After that, roll again in flour, but already mixed with sesame seeds.

7. Dip the chops into the hot refined oil and fry on each side until light brown.

Fried Chicken fillet "Volga", with garlic


• chicken fillet, fresh - 1 kg;

• 72% mayonnaise - 100 ml;

• three eggs;

• garlic - 4 peeled cloves;

• two tablespoons of flour;

• starch, dry - table. spoon.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the chicken into pieces approximately one centimeter thick. Slightly beat through the film with a hammer and season with pepper and salt.

2. Combine the eggs with mayonnaise, flour, starch and shake well with a fork. Add crushed garlic and stir again. The result is a not very liquid, completely homogeneous mass.

3. Dip portioned slices in mayonnaise mixture and place in a bowl. Cover the container and put it away for 7-8 hours in a cold place.

4. Meat is fried in well-heated vegetable fat. Each side will take 3 minutes.

Chicken fillet fried in cream batter


• 600 gr. chilled fillet;

• half a glass of milk;

• baking flour, white - 2 tables. lies .;

• two processed cheeses;

• bread crumbs wheat;

• two eggs, fresh.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken with cool water. Dry slightly with a towel and put in the freezer.

2. When the flesh slightly freezes, cut into portions for chop and beat. To prevent the fibers from sticking to the hammer and breaking, cover the pieces with a bag. You can use cling film.

3. Combine milk with cream cheese grated on a fine grater. So that the cheese is rubbed better, it can also be slightly frozen.

4. Add eggs, flour and seasoning to your liking. Beat well with a whisk or mixer, giving the batter a uniform consistency.

5. Each piece on all sides roll several times in breadcrumbs. Then dip in the cooked creamy batter and bread again.

6. Fry the meat on both sides in preheated sunflower oil until light brown.

"Walnut souvenir" - chopped chicken fillet with walnut breading


• kilogram of breast;

• half a liter of light, unsharp beer;

• peanuts - 200 gr.;

• fresh eggs - 2 pcs.;

• a tablespoon of mayonnaise;

• breadcrumbs (white);

• for frying vegetable oil, frozen out.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the poultry breasts well. Cut off the remaining chicken fat from the pulp and divide each fillet in two, across.

2. Each half cut into fibers into pieces, about a centimeter thick. Beat with a hammer and pour beer. Leave to stand for 40 minutes.

3. Stirring, combine mayonnaise with beaten eggs, add salt and put spices to taste.

4. In a separate bowl, combine chopped peanuts with breadcrumbs.

5. Remove the chicken from the beer marinade and carefully dry each bite.

6. Then dip the beaten meat in the eggs, beaten with mayonnaise. Roll on both sides in a nut mixture and fry until golden brown in vegetable fat.

Baked chicken fillet chops with a separate mushroom side dish


• half a breast - 300 grams;

• 30 grams of margarine;

• 70 gr. semi-hard cheese.

For garnish:

• 60 grams of flour, white;

• creamy natural butter - 30 gr.;

• a tablespoon of light soy, without additives, sauce;

• sweet peppercorn - one pc.;

• medium onion;

• 100 gr. fresh oyster mushrooms (mushrooms can be);

• half a glass of chicken stock or water;

• a teaspoon of thyme finely ground.

Cooking method:

1. Coarsely chop the onion, cut the mushrooms into slices, and sweet pepper into slices.

2. In melted butter, warm the onion until transparent. Add mushrooms and fry until the moisture evaporates almost completely. Add pepper and simmer until it is completely softened.

3. Put the flour and mix it with vegetables. Enter soy sauce diluted with water (broth) and continue to quench with a minimum of heating for another 10 minutes. Pepper, add thyme and add salt, removing the sample a couple of minutes before completion.

4. Cut the pulp along the fibers into two parts. Beat each through a film with a hammer.

5. Grate the meat pieces with a mixture of salt and pepper and fry on both sides for 2 minutes. on margarine. Transfer meat to a baking sheet and sprinkle with large cheese crumbs. Bake until it melts completely.

6. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and serve with mushroom side dish.

Very unusual chicken fillet chops


• 700 gr. chilled chicken breast;

• smoked trout - 300 gr .;

• 350 gr. spinach

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the leaves of spinach thoroughly and leave in cold water for 20 minutes. Rinse again and lay on a towel to dry.

2. Prepared fillet with a narrow, sharp knife blade cut into fibers into 2-3 parts. Salt chicken pieces, season with freshly ground black pepper. Without beating, fry in boiling refined oil. Fry for a short time, over high heat, achieving a golden crust.

3. Trout cut into thin slices and wrap in them pieces of fried meat.

4. Place a piece of spinach on a square piece of foil. Lay a piece of chicken on it with a wrapped trout and tightly fasten the edges of the foil. In the same way, prepare the remaining pieces of meat.

5. Transfer the blanks wrapped in foil to a baking sheet and bake for a quarter of an hour, at 220 degrees.

Czech Chicken Fillet


• whole chicken, preferably uncooled, fillet;

• half a glass of 22% cream;

• ground ginger - 1 gr.;

• a small pinch of curry;

• three onion heads;

• a glass (250 ml) of dark, weak beer;

• 2 tbsp. tablespoons refined lean vegetable oil;

• 30 ml of soy sauce, without additives, sauce (dark);

• three branches of fresh parsley.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the chicken thoroughly under water. Blot with a towel and cut in half across the fibers. Lightly beat off.

2. Put ginger, black pepper, curry and salt in soy sauce. Mix the marinade thoroughly and rub each piece of chicken with it.

3. Heat any fat in a pan. Dip the chops into it and fry, turning in 2 minutes on the other side.

4. Add thin half rings of onion and simmer for 3 minutes. Stir the onion periodically.

5. Pour beer into a pan with meat and cook over low heat under a lid.

6. After 20 minutes of quenching, enter the cream. Add chopped parsley and cook another 5 minutes.

Oven-rich chicken fillet with mushrooms in the oven


• half kilogram filet;

• champignons (fresh) - 150 gr.;

• two medium juicy tomatoes;

• onion - 1 head;

• mayonnaise 72% - 100 gr.;

• a small slice of fresh ginger;

• 150 gr. "Kostroma" or similar cheese;

• half the average lemon.

Cooking method:

1. Halve the chicken fillet in half. Beat, pepper to taste, add salt and moisturize with lemon juice. Put the dishes with chopped meat for half an hour in a cool place.

2. Rinse the mushrooms with water, boil until cooked and refrigerate by transferring to a colander. Cut the mushrooms into medium sized slices. Onions thin half rings, tomatoes - rings. Cheese and ginger individually rub into large crumbs.

3. On a greased baking sheet, spread the chicken meat. Leave a small distance between the pieces, at least 1 cm.

4. On each piece, put a little ginger, onion and 3-4 rings of tomatoes. Next, put a couple teaspoons of champignons and generously brush with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with cheese crumbs and bake in the oven.

5. Cook for half an hour at 200 degrees.

Chicken fillet chops - cooking tips and tricks

• For chops, it is chilled fillet that is better suited. Dishes from it are more juicy.

• Cutting the breast across the fibers, try to keep the knife at a slight slope. Then the portion size will be larger.

• If you want to cut meat into thinner slices, slightly freeze it in the freezer.

• Beat the chicken carefully, only slightly striking the meat. Otherwise, its fibers will burst, and the dish will be dry.

• To prevent the meat from sticking to the hammer, put a sheet of cellophane or cling film on it when beating.

• Salted chicken, which is stewed or stewed in a marinade from soy sauce, with caution. The sauce is quite salty and the dish can be easily salted.

• Before dipping the chops into the batter, wipe the pieces dry with a towel. The dough will not “slip” and evenly cover the entire piece. You can also roll them in flour.

• Before dipping in breadcrumbs, be sure to dip the portioned slices in a loose egg. The breading will cover the pieces of meat evenly and will not "stray" into lumps.

• Do you really want to surprise with your dish? Cut hard, sharp cheese with "wedges" 2 centimeters long. Fill them with a ready-made chop and send it to the oven for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can do this with sweet pepper, smoked bacon. Garlic will do.


Watch the video: Ingenuity (July 2024).