Steamed cutlets - dietary and practical! How to cook steamed cutlets with chicken, meat, vegetables, cereals and mushrooms


Steam cooking preserves not only benefits and vitamins.

This is a very practical and easy way to save oil, time and nerves on cooking homemade patties.

No need to stand by the stove and saturate the dish with extra calories.

But how to cook steam patties delicious?

Steamed cutlets - general principles of cooking

Meat or poultry for steam cutlets is also minced, as well as for classic products. Onions and other prescription ingredients are usually added to the main product.

What is put in cutlets:

• Bread. Before bookmarking, always soak. If suddenly minced liquid, for example, prepared from chicken, then you can pour breadcrumbs into it.

• Vegetables. In addition to the onions already mentioned, you can add garlic, cabbage, pepper, potatoes, carrots and many others. The type and method of bookmarking depends on the recipe. Some vegetables are pre-fried.

• Egg. It is laid in its raw form and is present in almost all recipes of steam cutlets.

Sometimes cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) are put in the cutlet mass, mushrooms, hard or processed cheese are added. Minced meat is always seasoned with salt, pepper and other spices. You can add greens, but in small quantities.

Beating the cutlet mass

In order for the cutlets to be even, smooth and not to fall apart, the cutlet mass must be beaten off. But how to do that? In fact, everything is very easy. You need to prepare a smooth surface. Usually they just use a countertop, you can lay a silicone mat or put a board, preferably plastic or glass. Now they take minced meat with their hands and with effort they throw it on the countertop at a right angle. Then again collected in hands and repeated several times.

How to cook beef steaks

Beef is considered one of the toughest types of meat and this needs to be fixed. Before you cook the cutlets for a couple, we must remove all the films and veins from the pieces of meat. We leave only clean pulp.


• 0.7 kg of beef;

• 0.05 kg butter;

• 1 PC. Luke;

• 3 slices of bread;

• 1 egg;

• 0.5 cups of milk;

• salt pepper;

• breadcrumbs (± 100 grams);

• 1 clove of garlic.


1. We fill in the recipe slices of milk with milk, turn it over several times so that they are evenly saturated and leave it to go limp.

2. Cut into pieces peeled onions and also beef.

3. Twist the meat once through a meat grinder, then repeat the second time, adding bread with onions and a clove of garlic to it.

4. Break the egg into the cutlet mass, put salt, grated butter and pepper. Stir and beat, as described above.

5. Divide the mass into 10 cutlets. But you can make them smaller or largest. Accordingly, the quantity will be different.

6. Bread the formed patties in crackers and send to a double boiler. It is prepared, they will be from 30 to 50 minutes, depending on the size and the cooking unit used.

How to cook steamed turkey cutlets

The easiest way to cook steamed turkey cutlets. The dish is suitable for children and diet, and will also be an excellent option for a healthy dinner. We use fillet from the thigh or breast without fat.


• 0.5 kg of turkey;

• 2 slices of white bread (loaf);

• 1 egg;

• 80 ml of milk;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 1 onion.


1. Pour the bread with milk. But we don’t add everything at once. If the pieces are not too dry, then simply moisten them. Let them stand a little.

2. Cut the turkey into slices, also peeled onion.

3. Put the fillet with onions and bread in the combine or twist everything through a meat grinder. If the child is small, then you can do this twice.

4. Add the egg and salt, stir. In cutlets intended for an adult table, you can add pepper, garlic and any other seasonings. In a children's dish, we confine ourselves only to salt.

5. Stir the mass, wet our hands and roll up the neat cutlets.

6. Put on the wire rack and cook on average 40 minutes for a couple.

How to cook steamed meatballs from mixed minced meat with potatoes

Basically, for the preparation of cutlets from mixed minced meat, beef and pork are used. But you can add some chicken or turkey.


• 0.3 kg of beef;

• 0.3 kg of fatty pork;

• 1 potato;

• 1 onion head;

• ½ tsp salt;

• 2-3 branches of parsley;

• pepper to taste;

• 1 egg;

• clove of garlic.


1. We cut both types of meat, before that, we are sure to rinse and remove all unnecessary.

2. Twist together with the onion and a clove of garlic through a meat grinder.

3. Add coarsely grated potato to the minced meat. But you can chop the tuber finely.

4. Put chopped herbs and add the egg. Season the mass with salt and pepper.

5. Forcemeat thoroughly beat off, then sculpt the cutlets of 100 grams. We give them an oval shape.

6. Put on the wire rack and cook for a couple of 45 minutes. Serve with vegetables and any side dishes.

How to cook steaks with chicken cheese

For these chicken cutlets you will need hard cheese and fillets. But you can use ready-made stuffing.


• 0.7 kg fillet;

• 0.15 kg of cheese;

• 0.1 liter of milk;

• 0.1 kg of white bread;

• spices;

• onion;

• one egg.


1. Grind chicken fillet with onion through a meat grinder.

2. Soak the loaf in milk until soft and send it to the patties.

3. Add the egg and finely grated cheese.

4. Season the cutlet mass with spices and stir.

5. We form round cutlets with wet hands. If desired, you can also put a piece of cheese in the center.

6. Put the double boiler on the wire rack and cook 25 minutes after boiling the liquid. If a multi-cooker is used, then after the signal.

How to cook steamed cutlets with cabbage

For the preparation of mixed cabbage cutlets, you can use any minced meat. Even dry or not very young beef will do. But in this case, it is better to twist through a meat grinder twice.


• 0.5 kg of cabbage;

• 0.5 kg of minced meat;

• 1 onion;

• 2 eggs;

• 2 tablespoons of semolina;

• spices;

• some oil.


1. Shred the cabbage and put it on a greased frying pan. Lightly fry or add a spoonful of water and simmer under the lid. The mass should decrease in volume, and the pieces lose their shape. Cooling down.

2. Grind the onion head and combine with the cooled cabbage. Add minced meat and spices.

3. Put the eggs and semolina, stir and leave the minced meat for at least a quarter of an hour.

4. Wet hands with water and form neat cutlets.

5. Put in a double boiler and cook. If pork was used, then 30 minutes is enough. When you add beef, it will take about 40 minutes, and if you took minced chicken, then 20-25 minutes.

How to cook steaks with rice

The recipe for healthy and satisfying steam cutlets with rice. The dish will help out if there is not enough meat, but you need to cook lunch or dinner.


• 0.4 kg of minced meat;

• 0.1 kg of rice;

• 1 onion head;

• spices;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 1 egg.


1. Rinse the rice and fill it with a liter of water, boil until tender. Drain into a colander and leave to cool. You can not rinse. The rice variety also does not matter.

2. Cut finely onion or twist together with meat, if the minced meat is cooked on its own.

3. Peel the garlic and grind it in any way.

4. Combine all the ingredients and lay the egg.

5. Improve the taste of future cutlets with salt and other spices. You can add a little dry dill.

6. The cutlet mass is stirred and divided into equal pieces. We form round or oval cutlets.

7. Put in a double boiler and cook from half an hour to 45 minutes. The exact time determines the type of meat used.

How to cook steaks with mushrooms

Before steaming the meatballs with mushrooms, it is advisable to boil them for 20 minutes in salted water. But if greenhouse champignons are used, then you can immediately start frying.


• 0.2 kg of mushrooms;

• 0.4 kg of ground beef;

• 0.15 kg of onions;

• 1 egg;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• various spices.


1. Peel the onions and cut them into cubes. Sent in a pan with two tablespoons of oil and fry.

2. Shred the mushrooms with the plates and send to the translucent onion, fry them together for a couple of minutes. If raw champignons are used, they must be laid first and only after light frying add onions.

3. Add the mushroom mass to the twisted minced meat, having previously cooled to a warm state.

4. Introduce the egg and seasonings. Stir well and form cutlets. Get about 10 pieces of a small size. But you can cook larger products.

5. Put in a double boiler and cook for 45 minutes. Serve with vegetables, buckwheat and any other side dishes.

How to cook steaks with oatmeal

For this dish you need ordinary oatmeal. They will increase the benefit of steam cutlets, improve the taste and make it unusual. The chicken is used according to the recipe, but beef, pork or mixed minced meat are no less tasty.


• 0.7 kg of boneless chicken;

• 0.2 kg of oatmeal;

• 0.1 kg of onions;

• 0.1 kg of carrots;

• one egg;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• spices.


1. Add a glass of boiling water to the cereal and let the mass cool completely. You can stir occasionally so that the moisture is evenly distributed.

2. Twist the chicken. You can use only fillet for minced meat. But also oily slices with skin, trim from the hips and other parts are suitable.

3. Together with the chicken, we also twist the peeled carrots, garlic and onion heads. The mass will turn out bright and juicy.

4. Add the flakes to the twisted ingredients, lay the egg and sprinkle spices. Stir.

5. Intensively beat off the mass on the table so that the products turn out smooth and begin to form them. We periodically wet our hands with cold water. We make any cutlets: small, large, round, oval or droplets.

6. Put the double boiler on the greased grill and you can cook! 25 minutes are enough for chicken cutlets. If other meat is used, then we add time.

Steamed cutlets - useful tips and tricks

• No double boiler or slow cooker? You can cook healthy meatballs in a pressure cooker, colander, or set a suitable sieve on a pot of boiling water. But do not forget to cover the top of the vessel so as not to lose steam.

• Who said steam cutlets are boring? Try to put some stuffing inside. It can be a pickled mushroom or a cucumber, a slice of tomato, cheese, ham. Cutlets sprinkled on top with sesame seeds or mustard look charming. But so that they do not fall, you need to press them into the mass when sculpting.

• Use only dried bread for minced meat. Otherwise, after soaking, the pieces will become sticky and sticky, poorly disperse in the total mass, which will negatively affect the final dish.

• If you use low-fat mincemeat for cutlets, you can put a piece of butter inside. As it cooks, it will melt and make the dish more juicy.


Watch the video: Wolfgang Puck Signature Portable Rice Cooker (June 2024).