Chicken steam cutlets - diet food can be delicious! How to cook chicken steam cutlets in a slow cooker


The topic of healthy eating is particularly relevant today.

More and more people want to cook diet meals, refusing fatty and fried foods.

Steamed cutlets are tasty, juicy and healthy.

Chicken steam cutlets - the basic principles of cooking

More and more often, housewives cook steamed cutlets, realizing that this method of cooking makes the dish healthier. This is especially important when it comes to baby and diet food.

Stuffing for steam cutlets can be purchased, or make it yourself from chicken fillet. Add squeezed bun, egg, finely chopped onions, spices and salt to it. Stuffing is thoroughly kneading, slightly beating, and small round cutlets are formed from it.

Chicken steam cutlets are cooked in a double boiler, slow cooker or conventional pan, using a special device.

Chicken meat goes well with almost any product, so you can safely experiment by adding certain ingredients to the minced meat. It can be cheese, vegetables, and even dried fruits and fruits.

The billets are laid out in a container on a steaming grate and cooked for half an hour.

Chicken steam cutlets in a slow cooker can be cooked at the same time as a side dish, which will significantly reduce the time for preparing dinner or lunch.

Recipe 1. Chicken steam cutlets in a slow cooker


400 g chicken;

two multi-glasses of purified water;

large onion;

60 ml vegetable oil;

two stalks of green onions;

ground black pepper;


fine salt;

70 g semolina.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the fresh chicken fillet under a stream of cold water, dry it with napkins, lay it on a board and with a sharp knife cut thin films, excess fat and cartilage. Then cut the meat into slices and grind it into minced meat using a blender or meat grinder.

2. Peel the onion, cut the roots from the green onion, thoroughly rinse the onion and dry. Chop the onion and green onion finely.

3. Stuff the chicken in a deep bowl, add semolina to it, beat in the egg and put two kinds of chopped onion. Season with black pepper and salt. Mix well.

4. Pour purified water into the multicooker bowl. Place a steaming basket on it and grease it with vegetable oil. Divide the minced meat into equal parts and form oval cutlets. Put them in the basket. Close the multicooker tightly with a lid and turn the unit into steaming mode. Cook cutlets for half an hour. After the allotted time, carefully open the lid, let off steam and lay the finished patties on plates.

Recipe 2. Chicken steam cutlets in a slow cooker with carrots


50 ml of milk;

half a large carrot;

400 g chicken breast;

Fine salt;



60 g of onions;

20 g of white loaf.

Cooking method

1. Cut the crust from the loaf, cut the crumb into small pieces and soak it in milk. Wait for the bread to soften.

2. Peel the chicken fillet from the skin, bones and films. Cut the meat into two centimeter pieces. Grind the fillet in a meat grinder or in a blender.

3. Wash the carrots thoroughly, peel and cut into small pieces. Grind peeled onions in the same way.

4. Combine minced chicken with minced vegetables, add a slightly squeezed long loaf into it and season with spices and salt. Knead everything well. From the resulting mass, blind small balls.

5. Pour half a liter of drinking water into the multicooker, install a steaming basket on top. Put the prepared workpieces in it.

6. Cutlets for 20 minutes. Then let off steam, hold the patties in a slow cooker without opening the lid. Ten minutes later, serve the patties on the table.

Recipe 3. Chicken steam cutlets with quail eggs


two large chicken breasts;


some chicken liver;

liter of filtered water;

medium onion;

sea ​​salt;


black pepper;

quail eggs - 5 pcs.;

hard cheese - 25 g.

Cooking method

1. Strip chicken breast and skin. Wash under the tap, dry and cut into small pieces. Also clean the liver from films and veins. Pass the peeled onion, chicken breast and liver through a meat grinder.

2. Pepper the minced meat, salt and beat the egg into it. Knead the minced meat thoroughly, knocking it slightly so that it turns out to be airy.

3. Boil quail eggs for seven minutes, then dip them with cold water to make them easy to peel. Remove the eggshells and cut each in half lengthwise. Cut the cheese into small cubes.

4. Divide the minced meat into small balls. Mash each in a flat cake, put a piece of cheese or half an egg in the center.

5. Pour water into the slow cooker, season it with spices so that the patties are saturated with aromas during cooking. From above, install the basket, lightly grease it with oil and put the blanks in it. Turn the slow cooker into steaming mode. Cook cutlets for half an hour. Steam cutlets can be served with a side dish of rice or vegetables.

Recipe 4. Chicken steam cutlets in a slow cooker with sourness


400 g chicken breast;

small salt;

50 g of onion;


a quarter of a lemon;

80 g breadcrumbs;

two sprigs of parsley.

Cooking method

1. We clean the chicken breasts of all the excess, rinse it under running water, dry it with napkins and cut into slices two centimeters thick. We twist the meat in a meat grinder into minced meat.

2. Peel the onion from the peel, rinse the parsley under the tap. Lemon, greens and onions are sent to the blender bowl and kill everything in the pulp.

3. In a deep bowl, combine the minced chicken with a lemon-onion mixture. Season with spices and salt. Add breadcrumbs. Mix the minced meat with your hands until smooth. We sculpt oblong cutlets from the resulting mass.

4. Pour half a liter of boiled water into the capacity of the multicooker, install a steam container on top of it. We spread blanks into it. We close the unit with a lid and cook the patties for 20 minutes in the "Steaming" mode. Then we let off the steam, leave the cutlets with the lid closed for another five minutes, and serve.

Recipe 5. Chicken Steam Cutlets with Apple


half a kilogram of minced chicken;

sweet paprika;

150 g of green sweet and sour apples;

aromatic herbs and spices;

120 g of onion;


60 g semolina.

Cooking method

1. Peel apples and onions. Cut them into pieces. Stuffing chicken mince again through a meat grinder with onions and apples. The resulting minced pepper, salt and pour semolina. Knead everything well. Leave the minced meat for two hours so that the semolina swells.

2. We form oblong cutlets from the cutlet mass and put them in a container for steaming. Sprinkle the workpiece with spices, aromatic herbs and paprika.

3. Set the container on the capacity of the multicooker with water and cook the patties 25 minutes.

4. Let off the steam, leave the patties in the "heating" mode for ten minutes, and serve with a vegetable side dish or salad.

Recipe 6. Chicken Steak with Garlic and Cheese


half a kilogram of minced chicken;

100 g of cheese;


50 g of flour;

two cloves of garlic;

50 ml of mayonnaise.

Cooking method

1. Add mayonnaise to the minced chicken and hammer the egg. Knead the mass well until smooth.

2. Cheese coarse three, peel the garlic and chop on a fine grater. Add everything to the minced meat, pepper, salt, add flour and knead again.

3. Wet the cutlets with wet hands and place them in a container-double boiler. Pour a glass of boiling water into the capacity of the multicooker, install a container with cutlets on top, and close the lid. Cooking in the "steaming" for 20 minutes.

4. After the sound signal, release the steam and leave the patties in the "heating" mode for another five minutes. We serve steam cutlets with rice or vegetable side dish.

Recipe 7. Steamed raisin chicken muffins


350 g of chicken breast;

sea ​​salt;

100 g of onions;

black pepper;

50 g of apple;


80 g semolina;

50 g of raisins;


60 ml of sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Chicken breast finely finely chopped. To make this easier, slightly freeze the meat.

2. We clean the onion and finely chop. Combine chicken with onions, add sour cream, grated apple and slightly beaten egg. Season with salt, nutmeg and black pepper. Pour semolina.

3. Wash my raisins with warm water and leave for an hour to steam well. Then we drain the water, dry the raisins on a disposable towel and add to the stuffing. The resulting mass is well kneaded and sent for an hour to the refrigerator.

4. We lay out the cooled minced meat in silicone molds. We put them on the grate of a double boiler and cook for half an hour. We take out the finished cutlet muffins from the molds and serve with a vegetable salad and sauce of yogurt, garlic and dill.

Recipe 8. Chicken steam cutlets with zucchini


0.5 kg of chicken;

20 g of bran or fiber;

180 g of onion;


100 g of red bell pepper;

4 stalks of green onions;

300 g squash.

Cooking method

1. We clean the chicken fillet from excess fat and films, cut the meat into pieces and place it in the blender's container. We send to it peeled and chopped onions. We interrupt everything into homogeneous stuffing.

2. We transfer it to a bowl, drive in an egg, add bran, finely chopped red pepper, zucchini and green onions. Salt and knead everything thoroughly.

3. With wet hands we divide the forcemeat into small balls, make cutlets from them and put them on the lattice of a double boiler. We cook cutlets for a couple of half an hour. Then take out the patties and serve with fresh or pickled vegetables.

Chicken Steam Cutlets - Tips and Tricks

  • To give the chicken cutlets juiciness, add chopped onions and crushed bread soaked in milk to the minced meat.

  • Cutlets will turn out tender and strong if the minced chicken is well beaten.

  • Leave the prepared mince in the refrigerator for half an hour so that the bread absorbs the meat juice.

  • Steam cutlets in a slow cooker can be cooked simultaneously with a side dish of vegetables or cereals.

  • Add grated vegetables to the minced meat, this will make the meatballs even juicier and tastier.


Watch the video: Friday Foodie Favorites: Healthy Crockpot Chicken (June 2024).