The best chicken fillet recipes in creamy sauce. How to cook chicken in cream sauce in a pan and in the oven


Countless chicken recipes compete with the number of sauces served to it.

Grouping them according to the main ingredients, we get two large "families" - white and red sauces.

Moreover, the “whites” are represented in a wider composition.

Creamy is rightfully recognized as one of the classic white sauces.

It is distinguished by its mild taste and ease of preparation. Remarkable and the ability to give a lean dish a feeling of satiety.

Dry white meat is perfectly complemented with creamy sauces. Even if it actually turned out to be harsh, in the company of creamy sauce it will not be so noticeable.

Chicken fillet in cream sauce - general principles of preparation

• Chicken fillet in a creamy sauce is cooked whole, with filling, or just slices. Often the pulp is crushed with a knife into minced meat and semi-finished products are prepared from it (meatballs, "balls", etc.) and then baked in creamy sauce.

• Buy ready-made fillet or separate it yourself from the breast. To do this, put the breast on a cutting board with the skin up and remove it, gently cutting along the protrusion of the sternum. Then the pulp is cut from one side of the keel bone. Having reached a thin bone-fork, chop it and remove the fillet. They do the same with pulp on the other hand.

• If the fillet is cooked in a large piece or with a filling, then it must be beaten. For cooking in pieces, this is optional.

• Cream sauce is prepared, as you might guess, from cream. The product must be fresh. The percentage of fat is also important and is always indicated in the recipe. The fatter the cream, the thicker the sauce.

• To give the dish a special taste and aroma, add spices, spices according to the recipe or choose according to your taste.

• Chicken fillet in creamy sauce served with a side dish or on its own. A side dish, by the way, can be anything.

Oven chicken in cream sauce


• one kilogram of chicken breast;

• 1 tsp "Russian" mustard;

• a glass of 22% cream;

• three cloves of garlic;

• thyme;

• 100 grams of Poshekhonsky cheese.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse cleaned chicken with running water and wipe dry each piece with disposable towels.

2. Mix pepper with coarse salt. Sprinkle the breast mixture and rub it thoroughly into the chicken with your hands.

3. In a non-stick pan with high heat, bake vegetable oil and quickly fry the fillet in it. Do not readiness. Once a firm crust has formed, turn over and also fry the back side.

4. Take any deep roasting pan and transfer the fried chicken fillet into it.

5. Put the mustard in the cream, squeeze it with a press or grate the garlic finely on a grater. Add thyme (only its leaves) and lightly salt.

6. Turn on the oven and let it warm up to 200 degrees.

7. Pour the fillet with the prepared sauce, sprinkle with large cheese crumbs on top and put in the oven for a quarter of an hour.

Fried chicken fillet in creamy sauce with mushrooms


• mushrooms (champignons, or oyster mushrooms) - 400 gr.;

• chicken, chilled breast - 800 gr.;

• 10% cream - 350 ml;

• 3-4 cloves of garlic;

• 300 gr. Kostroma cheese or any other hard cheese;

• parsley;

• "Provencal herbs".

Cooking method:

1. Wash and dry the mushrooms and filet well. If the meat has leftover chicken fat and films, cut them off.

2. Cut the mushrooms into slices, and the chicken meat in large, arbitrary shape, slices.

3. Put the fillet in a thick-walled pan and add a couple of tablespoons of butter. Fry meat for 2 minutes over low heat. Then add the mushrooms and continue to fry for another 3 minutes.

4. In a small bowl on a fine grater, rub garlic, and cheese - on a large. Add a little "Provencal herbs", chopped dill and fill with cream. Stir well and pour the sauce into the meat pan. Simmer with moderate heat for 10 minutes.

Sliced ​​chicken in a creamy sauce in a pan


• half of chicken breast - 350 gr.;

• 30 ml of wine - any white except Vermouth;

• a tablespoon of white flour;

• 40 grams of thick homemade cream;

• half a glass of 11% cream.

Cooking method:

1. Put the fillet cut into small slices in a pan or stewpan. Pour in wine, pepper to taste, add salt. Stew meat on low heat. When all the moisture has evaporated, transfer the meat to a heat-resistant form.

2. Spoon well the softened butter with flour. Put a clean frying pan on a small fire and transfer the butter flour mixture into it. Stir occasionally, fry the flour, achieving a cream color.

3. Then pour cream into a frying pan with flour in a thin stream. Cook, constantly stirring with a spoon. Wait until the thickening begins.

4. Remove the sauce from the heat and fill it with slices of chicken. Warm the oven to 200 degrees. Quickly place the pan in it and bake the dish for 15 minutes.

Balls with minced chicken in a creamy sauce


• a pound of fresh chicken breast, without bone and skin;

• fresh chicken egg;

• 200 ml of 22% cream;

• three small cloves of garlic;

• hard cheese, "Russian" - 150 grams.

Cooking method:

1. Slightly freeze chicken and rinse quickly with cold water. Remove moisture with a towel and cut into small pieces. It will be necessary to cook minced chicken, so the smaller the pieces, the better.

2. Add finely chopped onion to the meat, break the egg and knead the minced meat well. When the mass becomes homogeneous, grab it in your hands and throw it on the cutting board several times.

3. From the minced meat, form small round-shaped blanks and put them into a cream-greased mold. Stack not too tightly, each "ball" should be in the sauce. To make balls easier, wet your hands with water or roll in flour.

4. Put the mold in the oven and leave it for a quarter of an hour at 200 degrees.

5. Lightly beat the cream with a fork and mix with crushed garlic. Crush the cheese there. Remove the form from the oven. Pour each meatball into the sauce and return the roasting pan to the oven for another 20 minutes.

6. During this time, the cream will saturate the meat products well, and the cheese will have time to melt. Well, garnish for the "balls" is suitable mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, or crumbly rice.

Oven fast chicken in creamy sauce in the oven


• 800-900 grams of chilled chicken fillet (about 3 pcs.);

• half a liter of kefir;

• 3 cloves of garlic;

• 100 ml of heavy fat cream;

• a tablespoon of sour cream;

• one sprig of salad dill.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the pieces of fillet lengthwise, in half. Then divide the halves in half, but already across. Get twelve pieces of about the same size.

2. Put all the meat in a bowl and fill it with kefir. Add a little salt and pepper. Stir with a spoon and leave for a quarter of an hour.

3. Warm the pan well. Pour a couple of tablespoons of oil into it and put the slices of fillet. Fry at maximum heat for one and a half minutes on each side. When frying, press the meat a little with a spatula so that it does not lose its shape. After frying, lay the chicken pieces on a paper towel. This procedure will reduce the fat content of the dish.

4. Mix cream with sour cream and add the garlic skipped in the press. Salt to your taste, slightly pepper. Add finely chopped dill and stir well with a whisk.

5. Cover the bottom of a small baking sheet with high sides with cooking foil. Put slices of fillet on it so that they do not touch each other. Make a lid from a large sheet of foil and cover it with a baking sheet.

6. Bake for 25 minutes, keeping 180 degrees.

Baked chicken fillet in cream sauce - "Mediterranean"


• four chicken fillets;

• 50 ml of 30% cream;

• low fat sour cream - 200 g .;

• a small lemon;

• one bell pepper;

• mustard seeds - 1 tbsp. l .;

• a small head of garlic;

• light soy sauce - 1 tsp;

• pepper and seasoning.

Cooking method:

1. Be sure to rinse fresh chicken and wipe dry with a napkin. Then, on each piece, make five transverse cuts. Do not cut through the meat.

2. In a small bowl with a fine grater, scrape the zest from the lemon and squeeze the juice separately. Add mustard and seasoning. Stir well and rub the mixture of chicken pieces on all sides.

3. Transfer the pulp to a deep roasting pan, pour the remaining mixture on it and set aside for half an hour.

4. Bell pepper cut in half lengthwise and select seeds. Cut the flesh into strips (across) and insert the strips into the cuts on the meat with the skin peeled up.

5. Pour the cream into the sour cream, squeeze the garlic on the press, and pepper. You can add a little salt to the sauce, but not necessarily.

6. Pour the chicken fillet over the sauce, flatten and cover the pan with foil.

7. Bake for 20 minutes. at 200 degrees. Remove the foil exactly in the middle of the process, and bring the meat to readiness by constantly pouring sauce on top.

Chicken fillet in cream sauce stuffed with cheese and ham


• three medium-sized fillets;

• 200 gr. boiled ham;

• 250 gr. hard "Kostroma" cheese;

• 150 gr. creamy "Traditional" butter;

• a glass of 30% cream;

• a tablespoon of spicy, acetic mustard;

• two large cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

1. Notch each fillet along, not cutting about a centimeter to the end. To cut, start with a thickened wide edge. Open like a book and lightly beat off, covering the meat with a bag.

2. Ham, most of the cheese (200 gr.) And butter, cut into thin chips and put on one half of the "books". Lay so that the pieces completely cover the pulp. Cover the “filling” layer with the free part and fix the edges with wooden toothpicks.

3. Lubricate the sides and bottom of the baking dish with melted butter and transfer stuffed meat to it.

4. Mix cream with mustard, add garlic crushed on a grater, the remaining cheese. Season well with black pepper and salt. You can add spices to your taste. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour it into the form on the meat.

5. Carefully level the sauce with your hands so that all the fillets are covered with it. Rub the cheese on top and bake at 200 degrees. This will take about half an hour.

Chicken fillet in cream sauce - useful tips and tricks for cooking

• For all of the listed dishes, cut the pulp exclusively across the fibers. Thanks to this cutting, it will be soft and cook faster.

• Take only natural cheese and with the highest fat content. It is such a product that easily melts at high temperature.

• Beat the flesh by laying it with cling film. In extreme cases, a plastic bag will do. The meat will not stick to the hammer and its fibers will not be damaged.

• When adding soy sauce, carefully salt the dish. It is possible to salt, as the sauce is already salty.

• When mixing minced meat from minced meat, be sure to beat it. So that products prepared from it do not fall apart during formation.

• To avoid gravy during cooking, take only fresh cream with the highest percentage of fat.


Watch the video: Creamy Garlic Mushroom Chicken Recipe. One Pan Chicken Recipe. Garlic Herb Mushroom Cream Sauce (July 2024).