The meaning of the name Elina


By name Elina ancient Greek origin. Its synonyms are female names Ellina, Elena and Elena, and masculine - Ellin.

In a literal translation, the name means "bright." Another interpretation of the name - "Greek" - made it possible to give it not only to fair-haired girls, but also to brown-haired women and even brunettes.

Elina is a rare and beautiful name. If it is decided to name the girl Elina, she must correspond to him. Attention should be paid to the middle name, it should be suitable and educated from the same beautiful and sonorous masculine name. For example: Elinaovna, Arkadyevna, Eduardovna, Alexandrovna. Such combinations are not only harmonious, but also expressive. Simplified (folk) names for the middle name in this case are not suitable.

Elina - character traits

Elina is a sweet and inspired girl. From early childhood, she was attracted to musical instruments, dancing, and other fine arts. She loves beauty and seeks to surround herself with beautiful things. But she is not only a contemplator. Elina is a creative person who is able to enhance the beautiful and improve the world around her.

Elina will read poetry for numerous listeners with pleasure, play the piano. She is an example of an ideal child, to the extent of a curious and perfectly trained.

Growing up, Elina does not renounce the ideals of beauty. And sometimes it is difficult for her to get along with realities, where in addition to music and art, there are everyday things and not at all interesting. Elina will never become an accountant or a programmer. For her, the flight of fantasy and the ability to express her feelings and emotions, which she is so rich in, are important.

Adult Elina has many friends. Elina loves to discuss her creative achievements. This gives her strength and self-confidence. But she is not a public person, she likes a family hearth with a large number of guests sitting at a beautiful and full table.

Elina is the soul of any team and company. She is so friendly that people around her do not even represent her in anger or rage. Elina is capable of taking any problem philosophically. But serious troubles can cause damage to her delicate and sublime nature. Elina will be hard-pressed to survive the misfortune, and she will not be able to restore her former strength soon.

A real support in life for Elina will be a loving man. At the same time, marriage as such, Elina is not very interested. It is much more important for her to have a reliable satellite nearby, and it does not matter in what status it is. The main thing is a clean and honest relationship.

Elina - name compatibility

Elina is not in a hurry to marry. She may not even marry at all, but this does not mean that she will not have fans. On the contrary, her tenderness, grace and fragility in many men cause a desire to stand next to and protect this lovely creature. For Elina, as a permanent partner, Roman, Vasily, Vladimir, and Alexei are best suited. But do not start a relationship with men whose name is Igor, Victor or Andrey.

Elina - famous people who bore this name

Elina Garancha is an opera singer from Latvia.

Ellina Zvereva - athlete, athlete from Belarus.

Elina Sunee - director, screenwriter.

Elina Bystritskaya - film and theater actress.

Elina - interesting facts about the name

Elina Bystritskaya is not only a beauty, a magnificent actress and teacher. She is the author of the book Meetings under the Star of Hope. In addition, Elina was admitted to the Cossack army, where she "rose to the rank" colonel of the Cossack troops. She was an honorary Cossack with the right to bear arms.


Elina 12/15/2016
It doesn’t coincide, I’m brisk and used to fight with boys from school.

»'Elina' '11/22/2016
almost matches 99%

novel 09/25/2016
Elina name coined in the USSR means elitrification of the population

Elina 07/15/2016
100% all match

Elina 06/14/2016
At first, as a child, I didn’t like my name, I even wanted to change it. But now I’ve grown up a little and realized that it’s such an unusual and beautiful name. I differ among all my peers. But there is one BUT ... Often confused with Elvina. I like the name very much)


Watch the video: what does Elina mean? (July 2024).