Lower teeth hurt - is it dangerous? Is it possible to get rid of pain in the lower teeth without the intervention of a dentist


Quite often, people complain that their entire lower jaw hurts.

This condition can occur for various reasons, from diseases in the oral cavity, to severe infection with harmful bacteria.

Therefore, if your front teeth hurt, you need to visit the dentist.

Lower teeth hurt: causes

There are a number of specific signs that can help determine why your entire lower jaw hurts. Thanks to this, you can understand which doctor you need to contact.


In order to detect injury, carefully inspect the jaw, check for swelling and bruising. With injuries, you will feel pain when pressed.

The localization of pain can be on the right and on the left, depending on where the injury occurred. After receiving it, saliva may be with a slight admixture of blood.


Pain in the lower jaw can occur due to the fact that pus has accumulated in the gums. An abscess can be characterized by a slight swelling on the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. If you press the swelling area with your finger, sharp pain may appear.

Sometimes another sign of infection may appear - inflamed lymph nodes. It is for this reason that the jaw itself does not hurt, but rather under it.

Dental abscess may occur due to advanced caries.

Temporomandibular Joint Problems

Several such problems may occur at once:

• rheumatoid arthritis. A small swelling develops, when you press the gum, pain occurs;

• osteaortritis. Puffiness is so strong that a person hardly opens his mouth;

• dislocation of the mandibular joint. The mouth will not close until the end.

In the lower jaw cyst

The jaw cyst is a small cavity in the bone that is filled with a certain fluid. The main problem is that for a long time, the cyst may not manifest itself. If it becomes inflamed, there will be pain when chewing, the sore spot will become swollen.


If there is a slight swelling in the jaw area and it hurts for a long time, this may indicate the development of Barkitt's lymphoma, osteogenic sarcoma.

Each neoplasm has certain nuances, for example, with sarcoma, after some time, the teeth will begin to stagger.

Severe, aching jaw pain

Aching pain is a special pain that does not torment as much as acute, but at the same time does not allow you to eat, sleep and do other things calmly. It is unlikely that it will be possible to independently determine the causes of its occurrence, since apparently there are absolutely no manifestations. Most likely, the specialist will send an X-ray in order to find out the cause of the condition.

Trigeminal neuritis

The trigeminal nerve is the processes that supply the person’s face with nerve endings. If inflammation occurs in the mandibular branch, then the entire lower jaw will begin to hurt greatly.

Regardless of what caused the development of pain, be sure to visit a medical institution to establish an accurate diagnosis and receive treatment.

Lower teeth hurt: first aid

If the lower jaw hurts often and very noticeably, then this is the first signal that you need to visit a medical facility as soon as possible. First aid is needed in order to at least temporarily get rid of severe discomfort, before a visit to the dentist.

So, what should be done if the front lower teeth hurt:

1. Apply a cold compress directly to the site of pain. Not completely, but the pain will recede slightly.

2. Rinse your mouth with soda solution as often as possible.

3. If there is clove oil, you can drop it on a bad tooth.

4. Take a small clove of garlic, cut it in half and attach to a sore spot.

5. Mix equal amounts of tincture of valerian and calendula, soak a cotton wool in this and attach to the sore spot.

6. Mix a small amount of salt with ground black pepper, place everything on cheesecloth, attach to a sore gum.

Do not forget about pharmacy products. But it is worth noting once again that the pain can be removed only for a short time, for example, during sleep, then you need to consult a dentist.

Lower teeth hurt: treatment

If your lower teeth hurt, you must definitely look for a cause that affects this.

Immediately after the opportunity arises, visit a medical facility. Some patients experience such severe pain that they simply cannot cope with it, so you can call an ambulance.

The specialist should examine the oral cavity carefully, if necessary, you need to pass tests. The main treatment measures to eliminate pain in the following:

1. The first thing a specialist should do is to relieve pain and muscle spasm. To do this, you need to take painkillers, under the influence of which the muscles relax. For the same purpose, some dentists inject steroid drugs directly into the jaw joint. The pain subsides, and the swelling (if any) goes away. Symptoms of diseases after such measures may disappear altogether.

2. Another good way to get rid of pain: keep your mouth open, for a while, alternate compresses cold and warm. You can do exercises for the jaw, do not eat too hard food. Your jaw joint needs to be completely relaxed, so try not to strain it for a while.

3. Many lower teeth may hurt many patients, even because of stress, which is why it is recommended to undergo special soothing and relaxing therapy.

4. Dentists may prescribe healing plates specifically for the jaw.

5. Many new fixators can also cope with strong underwear in the lower jaw.

Unpleasant sensations can occur even after surgery, as the bite may be impaired. In the event of such situations, if no measures help, the doctor may prescribe a second operation.

Jaw injuries

If your front teeth hurt as a result of an injury, you must call an ambulance. At the time of waiting for the doctor, first aid is needed. Try using a bandage to fix the jaw in one position, if there is bleeding, it must be stopped. To do this, you can use a swab or any sterile dressing. If a retraction of the language is suddenly observed, it also needs to be fixed without fail. A cold compress is applied to the damaged area. All further actions of the doctor will depend on what exactly happened to the patient.

How to treat infections

The choice of treatment method depends on what kind of infection disturbs the patient, at what stage of development it is.

If the disease is acute, treatment will take place in a hospital setting. First of all, surgical intervention should be applied, purulent foci are processed. Then, anti-inflammatory, restorative and stimulating therapy is performed.

The degree of surgery, the choice of drugs, physiotherapy, is determined precisely by the characteristics of the disease, as well as the general condition of the patient's body.

The complex treatment often includes the use of vitamins and also adaptogens.

If the intervention of specialists is timely, then the disease will quickly recede. Serious complications can also be avoided.

Lower teeth hurt: prevention

In order to avoid pain in the entire lower jaw, one treatment is insufficient, it is important to follow certain preventive measures that will help to avoid the development of many diseases. The following actions can be attributed to it:

1. Avoid caffeinated drinks, as caffeine can provoke muscle tension around the joints.

2. It is not recommended to often use chewing gum.

3. Massage the jaw as often as possible, while also massaging the neck and shoulders.

4. If the pain still began to bother, you can take anti-inflammatory or non-steroidal drugs, but it is advisable to do this after consulting with your doctor.

5. If pain occurs in a child, it is worth paying special attention to this. It is necessary to contact a pediatrician, pediatric surgeon or dentist as soon as possible in order to conduct a full examination and to exclude the development of complications.

6. Particular attention should be paid to oral hygiene. Brush your teeth regularly, do not allow the teeth to have bad teeth.

Regardless of the pain in the lower jaw, aching or acute, only the dentist can establish the true cause of its occurrence. In this case, all correspondence consultations are simply inappropriate, and can be hazardous to health, since the development of a pathology or disease will only worsen. That is why, if you feel that your front teeth are very sore, you do not need to self-medicate. Taking painkillers will eliminate the pain just for a while, while the true reason is not going anywhere.

Be sure to remember that any discomfort in the oral cavity: whether it is an acute toothache, bleeding gums, or something else, obliges you to visit a medical institution as soon as possible.

Of course, many patient citizens drink pills and they really manage to get rid of the pain, everything seems to have passed, but in fact it is not.

The longevity of your teeth depends only on you, so you should not delay a visit to the doctor! Treat on time, undergo preventive examinations, and then you can delight others with your beautiful and healthy smile!


Watch the video: Dry Socket Emergency (July 2024).