Why the cherry dries up: improper care, weather, pests and diseases. What to do when cherries dry?


Sweet cherry is a thermophilic plant.

Despite the fact that cold-resistant varieties have been bred now, the southern crops will still have the largest yield.

Unlike its relative, cherries, this berry is larger and less susceptible to disease.

Pests on cherries also appear less frequently.

Nevertheless, it is still subject to a terrible misfortune - drying out.

Why does the cherry dry and what to do?

At that moment, when the branches begin to dry out at the cherry, the gardener should sound the alarm. If you leave this fact without due attention, the tree will soon completely wither away. It is necessary to determine the cause of drying as soon as possible and to eliminate it immediately.

Here it’s worthwhile to make a reservation on the issue of errors when planting cherries. She loves a lot of light and a well-ventilated area, preferably on a hill, even artificial. Like any heat-loving plant, even frost-resistant varieties should be protected from the north winds. The most favorable soil is sandy or medium loamy. Failure to comply with these rules can greatly affect the development and growth of cherries.

Why does even the sweet cherry planted in accordance with all the rules dry up?

Likely reasons:

- adverse weather conditions;

- diseases;

- pests.

Inclement weather

The disadvantage of selection types of cherries is that frost-resistant varieties tolerate drought extremely poorly, and vice versa, varieties that feel great at high temperatures can not tolerate frosts.

Cherry dries from heat - what to do?

In the hottest years, the scorching sun literally burns out the soil and all the vegetation on it. The main reason for the drying of cherries during this period is a lack of moisture. Regular and plentiful watering will help correct the situation. To moisture penetrated as deep as possible, you can dig a small depression around the trunk.

Some gardeners after irrigation cover the soil around the stem of the cherry with large leaves or artificial materials.

What to do to prevent cherries from drying out from frost?

Unprepared for winter cherries can freeze in extreme cold. The most harmless of what it can turn into is dried buds and young shoots in the spring. The worst case scenario is a cracked trunk, which becomes defenseless against disease.

How to avoid freezing:

- plentiful fertilizer of a radical zone in the fall;

- pruning of affected branches;

- peeling of the dead bark;

- whitewashing the trunk with lime mortar or coating with water-based paint;

- young seedlings are protected by completely covering them with insulating material, having previously driven in pegs around the trunk and compactly folded the crown.

Sweet cherry dries from diseases

What to do with verticillosis

Increasingly, many gardeners complain about the drying of cherries for no apparent reason in the early spring. First, small branches begin to dry, then large branches dry and after 2-3 years the tree dies. The likely cause is verticillosis.

First of all, young trees up to 7 years old suffer from this disaster. A striking symptom of the disease is a leaky gum of a rusty color from cracks in the cortex. In the worst case scenario, cherries die in one season.

Older trees do better with this fungal disease, so it is slower. Gradually, peeling of the strips of the cortex occurs, abundant smudges of gum are observed. It can take 8 years for the cherries to dry completely.

Powerful antifungal agents, which are offered in large quantities in specialized stores, will help to cure the plant. The gum must be cleaned, and all sections processed with garden var. Before winter, the affected tree is coated with a solution of lime and copper sulfate.

In order to exclude the likelihood of illness, it is necessary to carefully select the landing site with special care. If groundwater flows close to the surface, drainage is mandatory. Strawberries, gourds, nightshade crops and sunflowers cannot be planted next to cherries, as they are also susceptible to verticillosis.

Cherry roots should be protected from damage, as the fungus penetrates the tree through the soil. Also, preventive measures to spray the plant before flowering and before deciduous Bordeaux liquid.

What to do with moniliosis

Many types of stone fruits are susceptible to moliniosis. Sweet cherry is no exception. During flowering, spores of the fungus enter the tree through the flower pestle. After this comes the fall of the flowers, and then the drying of the shoots and branches. It looks like a consequence of a fire, so the disease is also called a molinal burn.

Measures for treatment:

- cut off diseased branches, capturing a small healthy area to get rid of the fungus, and then burn them;

- make sanitary pruning of the crown for better ventilation, after which the sections are treated with garden varieties;

- cover garden cracks with all the cracks in the cortex;

- after leaf fall, deeply dig the soil around the trunk to destroy the fungus spores remaining in the foliage;

- immediately after flowering and a month after it, treat the tree with Bordeaux liquid or copper sulphate.

Cherry dries due to pests

What to do when defeated by a California scale insect

The first time after the defeat of the cherries with the scabies, it is completely invisible, since insects are small in size (adults about 2 mm). In addition, they have a protective color. Only after several life cycles, growths from the dead shields appear on the cortex.

The shield feeds on the juice of sweet cherry, therefore, in places of its accumulation, the bark cracks and exfoliates, which is also a visible sign of damage. To get rid of pests, you should cut off the affected areas and burn them. After this, it is necessary to treat the tree with pesticides. Otherwise, the cherry will die.

What to do when defeated by bark beetles

It is immediately worth noting that there are several varieties of bark beetles. Western unpaired bark beetle attacks absolutely healthy trees, which is a danger.

The sapwood fruit picks predominantly old and weakened trees. Young and strong plants resist these pests well.

The first sign of bark beetle damage is the presence of passages in dried branches.

Methods of struggle:

- good care is required, including regular watering, pruning, spraying and top dressing;

- the affected tree should be treated with the drug from the bark beetle in early spring, before buds open;

- dried branches are subject to pruning and burning.

What to do if the causes of drying of the cherry are not determined

If the cherry dries up, and the above signs and causes are not found, you should first pay attention to the root system. It is likely that on the site of May chrysanthemum, eating roots. Or maybe it's a mole or an entire anthill in the roots? Remember what fertilizers you applied under the tree, because twice the exceeded norm of urea or azofoski can destroy the tree. Try using spraying stimulants: Epin, Zircon and others. This will help the tree recover from stress.

If everything is in order with the roots, no pests have been found, and the cherries are withering before our eyes, you should contact an agronomist who specializes in fruit trees. The eyes of even an experienced gardener may not see what the eyes of a professional will see.

In conclusion, it should be noted that, subject to the rules of planting and proper care, cherries will delight the gardener with a large harvest for many years. The work of the gardener will not be without reward, because these large and tasty berries, among other things, are also very healthy.


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