Got out hemorrhoids: what to do at home to relieve pain. Got out hemorrhoids: what to do to avoid complications


Hemorrhoids are a disease that develops gradually.

However, sometimes it happens that the disease worsens very sharply and the nodes fall out of the anus suddenly.

The cause of inflammation can be regular prolonged constipation due to malnutrition, and even sexual intercourse with anal penetration.

With sharp pains, you should not panic.

It is more important to think when hemorrhoids got out, what to do in order to relieve discomfort and alleviate the condition before visiting a doctor.

First step: recognize the disease

It is very important to recognize hemorrhoids in time so that treatment can be started and the complication of the development of the disease can be prevented.

Main symptoms

1. Severe discomfort at the anus. It seems to a person that he has a foreign body inside. This indicates that the hemorrhoid has not yet become inflamed, but has already begun to develop.

2. Isolation of blood - most often occurs after bowel movement. On the feces, you can see scarlet dense clusters, which indicate that hemorrhoids have come out. What to do in this case will be advised by a professional doctor.

3. Aching pain in the anus begins to bother the patient when the node is already inflamed.

4. Itching is a side effect of hemorrhoids, which begins to bother a person with skin irritation near the anus.

These are the main symptoms that indicate inflammation of the hemorrhoid. We must not forget that in each patient they appear individually. For example, pain can fade occasionally, then reborn with renewed vigor. You can not ignore this in order to avoid more serious complications.

Causes of Hemorrhoidal Inflammation

The main reason why the disease develops is a violation of the proper functioning of blood vessels. First, there is a strong influx of arterial blood, and with its outflow, a node is formed.

Negative factors that contribute to the development of inflammation in the anus:

• regular constipation;

• pregnancy and the postpartum period;

• work related to frequent weight lifting;

• Weightlifting;

• problems with the diet;

• predisposition to the disease at the genetic level;

• passive lifestyle;

• alcohol abuse;

• intestinal infections.

If hemorrhoids got out, what to do is a question that a person should ask after finding out the cause of the ailment. For each patient, the reason may be different. That is why it is very important to consult a doctor, pass all the necessary tests. Only after receiving the results, the doctor will be able to announce his verdict, identify the source of the problem and prescribe the correct treatment.

Got out hemorrhoids: what to do? First aid

When hemorrhoids just begin to become inflamed, for a person this is not a big danger. If the correct measures are urgently taken, the disease can be stopped, which will avoid its further development.

However, in the event that blood was still noticed on the feces after emptying, one should not lose heart. In such a situation, the main thing is to be able to provide first aid. When the pain and discomfort pass away, a consultation with a doctor will follow to eliminate the focus of the disease.

1. If a person experiences debilitating pain in the anus, a cold compress will help to remove it. To do this, you need to take a piece of gauze, moisten it in a solution of potassium permanganate and attach to the problem place. This tool relieves pain, swelling and inflammation.

2. With prolonged constipation, it is best to take a laxative to cleanse the intestines.

3. It is not recommended to be in a lying or sitting position for a long time. With hemorrhoids, walks in the fresh air, swimming are useful.

4. A cold bath is another way to relieve pain in the anus. For greater effect, ice can be added to the water.

Hemorrhoids got out: what to do and how to treat an ailment in various stages

Doctors distinguish 4 main stages of the disease, each has its own treatment methods. If hemorrhoids come out, what to do should be checked with a doctor. First, the doctor will determine the severity of the disease, after which he will advise the correct treatment.

1. The initial stage

It is characterized by rare bleeding and swelling of hemorrhoids. When a patient discovers symptoms in himself, he has a real shock, because not everyone knows what to do in such a situation. You should not worry, at the initial stage there is a high chance to recover from the disease. Doctors usually prescribe pills, rectal suppositories, and painkillers, which also relieve inflammation.

2. The second stage

Hemorrhoidal nodes at this stage increase and increasingly begin to go out. You can also notice blood not only after emptying, but also if the person is in a calm state. The treatment is the same as at the initial stage, sclerotherapy sessions are added if necessary.

3. The third stage

At this stage, a person can no longer independently adjust the nodes. The disease is gaining more and more speed and often tormenting cutting pain in the anus. Even with a small load, the hemorrhoid falls out, which is accompanied by blood. Doctors prescribe surgical procedures.

4. Hopeless final stage

Hemorrhoidal nodes fall out regularly, the anus constantly bleeds. The fourth stage is considered the most neglected form of the disease and surgical intervention is indispensable. Often used radio wave treatment and laser coagulation.

Traditional methods of combating hemorrhoids

Gemorrhoids got out - what to do and whether it is possible to deal with it by folk methods? It is possible if the stage of the disease is initial. There are several useful recipes that relieve inflammation of the hemorrhoidal nodes and relieve pain.

1. Herbal compresses. They can be done with decoctions of plantain, nettle or St. John's wort.

2. Yoga. There are special sets of exercises aimed at stimulating the work of the muscles of the anus.

3. Ice. By applying a piece of ice to the anus, you can temporarily get rid of the pain and relieve inflammation of the node.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Very often, pregnant women get hemorrhoids - what should women do in an interesting position? The use of medications is undesirable, so doctors advise you to follow simple recommendations.

1. Take cooling ointments.

2. Put sea buckthorn candles.

3. Apply compresses with a solution of potassium permanganate.

4. To exclude from the daily diet all foods that provoke constipation.

When cones of hemorrhoids appear, it is very unpleasant both from a moral and physical point of view. The main thing is not to postpone the solution to the problem, but as soon as possible consult a doctor to identify the cause of the disease and prescribe treatment. Complications can be prevented at the initial stage of the disease; as it develops, it will be harder to do. The human body always gives its "master" signals. They need to be served. Even the appearance of hemorrhoids is a signal that a failure has occurred inside the body.


Watch the video: Hemorrhoid Removal Hemorrhoidectomy (June 2024).