How to talk toothache?


Who among us was not in such a situation: night, ahead of the weekend, a pack of pills did not help, a pale sufferer walks around the apartment and sadly whimpers, holding on to his cheek? Dental problems are familiar even to those who regularly visit the dentist and care about the health of the oral cavity. Emergency help from sudden and unexpected pain does not always work: the pills no longer have an effect, but you do not want to go to the ambulance. What to do? In this case, there is a unique solution: white magic plot.

The toothache plot works very effectively: hopelessness always adds faith and hope for the best. Therefore, do not ignore such a powerful tool when other methods have ended.

In more detail about what kind of conspiracy there are for toothache and how to properly conduct them, how to speak toothache for yourself and your neighbor, we will tell you in the article.

Plots from toothache to oneself

First of all, conspiracies against toothache can be read to oneself. They, of course, will not save from broken teeth, will not grow new ones and will not make them healthy sick. Conspiracies can relieve toothache for a long time, or before a visit to the dentist.

There are two types of conspiracies aimed at toothache: preventive and emergency. The first protects against future attacks of toothache, the second - remove sudden influxes.

Prophylactic toothache conspiracy

This conspiracy is pronounced without aids. It is held monthly at the beginning of the growing moon. When the month is the thinnest, go out to the street, balcony or porch and expose the face to the moonlight. Hold on for about a minute, feeling the light caressing your face, then hold your palms under it. Imagine how the magic of the moonlight fills them, then with a smile, utter a conspiracy:

“My faith is my strength, the moons the light is a guardian from pain. My teeth - be strong, my faith - strengthen every day. Relieve the pain of toothache for a long month young. "

Gently move your hands to your face and "wash" it with light. Hold your mouth and then spread your arms to the side, as if washing away a toothache to the side.

If you repeat this ritual every month, you will forget about toothache for a long time. Of course, it is very important to believe in the power of magic, and also, do not forget about the annual examinations at the dentist.

Extra toothache plot

The most effective plot for acute toothache is a plot on water with the help of dental floss.

You will need:

  • pharmacy dental floss;
  • 0.7 liter plastic water bottle.

Tie clean, unused dental floss around the neck of the bottle for 7 knots. On each of them repeat the plot:

“Floss toothache drives away, water charges, relieves pain. As I drink water, the pain will subside. ”

Drink water that is charged in this way in small sips, holding the water in your mouth for 10 seconds until it becomes warmer. At this time, imagine how the toothache goes.

Do not dispose of a bottle charged in this way - any water that enters it will be spelled out.

With water

To talk water from toothache is also recommended to the growing moon. It is better to take holy water - conspiratorial, it will be stored for a long time. If there is no holy water - boil the usual one to remove all harmful substances from it, add a few drops of essential oil to it. Drink it is not required.

Take the following components to the growing moon:

  • water (holy or boiled on the fire);
  • essential oil (any color);
  • wooden tank;
  • orange slice.

This conspiracy is recommended before the teeth are sore. If you do this with a toothache, it will be transferred to the water and there will be a risk of pain returning with the subsequent use of conspiracy water. Also, this plot can be carried out for someone else, who sits next to a chair, swaying in pain from pain. At the same time you yourself should not experience toothache.

Fill the tub with holy water or water with essential oil. Cut the orange into slices. You only need one. Holding it in your hand above the water tank, say the plot:

“The fruit is overseas, the flower is ethereal, the moon is growing, the peace carries, - accept our prayer in the bowl. I charge you for deliverance, from the pain of dental salvation, remove the disease, inflammation of the water sanctified. "

Separate orange slice from peel. Eat the flesh, dip the crust into the water. Put the tub to the moonlight, wait until the water is silver beneath it and pour it into a container with a lid, preferably glass. A conspiracy liquid can be used an unlimited number of times - make sure that it does not turn green, then you will need to repeat the plot.

It is used simply: wash the face with it in case of a toothache, then wash it off with warm water. Thus, the conspiracy fluid absorbs the pain and is washed away with it. With its help, you can speak a sore tooth quickly and efficiently.

A toothache plot for the neighbor

Another effective toothache conspiracy to read for the neighbor can be on the charm. To do this, you can take any decoration of organic origin: from stone, wood, bone or wool. You can also talk from the toothache red thread.

It is important to pronounce this conspiracy on a favorable lunar day, as well as being the most relieved of toothache.

All you need is the chosen guard and the hand of the person to whom you want to speak. Take the charm, place it in the open palm of your neighbor and cover it with your own. Speak the plot, imagining how the heat from your hand is transferred to the hand of your neighbor and returns to the amulet:

“I endow you with power, I implore you from pain, I relieve you from pain, I endow you with peace. My word is strong. "

Speak the plot seven times in a row and the amulet is ready. The recipient does not need to wear it daily, he can resort to his help only in moments of toothache.

The same conspiracy can speak toothpaste.

For a child

To speak a toothache to a child with the help of white magic can be done in different ways.

The most effective is to create a talisman for the child in advance and, with every attack of pain, start talking with the child. Double strength will give the talisman a double effect.

During the period of teething of milk teeth in children, the energetics of protection weakens and they become susceptible to the evil eye, damage, and negative influence of the environment. To protect them during these periods, the amulet is necessary.

The origin of the amulet must be organic and must be worn on the neck, or hung at the head of the bed, if the child is very small. You need to speak it in the light of the moon or candles, be sure to - on the growing moon. You can perform the ritual in advance, before the appearance of toothache.

The amulet chosen for you, - bought or received as a gift, place in the palm of the child. Together with him, if the child is already talking, say the following plot:

“First teeth, strong teeth, do not hurt, do not hurt, do not hurt. Talisman keeps their sacred rite. The teeth change - the pain dissolves. Amen, Amen, Amen ".

Then put the amulet on the neck of the daze or hang over the crib.

When will help?

Different types of conspiracy help at different speeds. It is best to use time conspiracies that protect from the attacks of pain in a short time and update them as needed. Emergency conspiracies act quickly, but not always accurately, - especially acute attacks of pain, they can in the worst case only weaken before a visit to the dentist.

Do not forget that even healthy teeth need care and care. Visit the dentist at least once every six months, use a quality toothpaste, orthodontic toothbrush, mouthwash. With the help of simple plots used on talismans for neighbors, you can also talk about oral care products.


Watch the video: Speaking English - Going to the dentist (July 2024).