Eyeball hurts: possible causes. What to do if the eyeball hurts: treatment


The human eye is a sensory paired organ that has the ability to perceive light radiation. Thanks to him, people have a visual function. In the modern world, a very heavy load is placed on the eyes. Let's consider in more detail why the eyeball can hurt and how to deal with it.

The eyeball hurts: the main causes

Most often, pain in the eyeball develops for the following reasons:

1. Overwork of the eye muscles. Usually this is observed in people who for a long time (or constantly) work at a computer or other monitors. In this case, the pain itself occurs due to prolonged tension of the eye muscles. The nature of such pain is usually aching, dull. It can also be painful for a person to blink, and to look away.

2. Headache may also cause the eyeball to hurt. This is explained by the fact that with severe migraine, the vessels of the brain and eyes expand and tighten, which causes severe, often paroxysmal pain.

3. The development of infection in the eye. In this condition, a person has severe inflammation and pain.

It is important to know that infections and bacteria can enter the eye not only from the external environment, but also due to inflammatory foci from the patient’s body itself. For example, if previously a person suffered purulent sinusitis or sinusitis, then the risk of developing an eye infection in him increases significantly.

Symptoms of inflammation of the eye can be:

• pain in the eye;

• redness of the eye;

• pain when you press the eyeball;

• elevated temperature;

• mucous discharge from the eye.

4. Vascular diseasethat are responsible for the "nutrition" of the eyeball. In this case, the patient will feel pain in the eye, which develops as a result of insufficient blood supply to the eye.

Such pathology can be detected only with a thorough examination of blood vessels by ultrasound scanning. It is also important to know that treatment should be monitored not only by an optometrist, but also by a cardiologist.

5. Condition called dry eye syndrome. Usually, this pathology develops during prolonged work at a computer in a room with too dry air, insufficient lighting, or with constantly working fans.

Fortunately, this dry eye syndrome can be successfully treated by ophthalmologists with the help of special drops. All that is required of the patient is to see a doctor on time.

6. Wrong glasses can provoke pain in the eyes. This is explained by the fact that when using too magnifying, or vice versa, decreasing glasses, vision is overstrained and distorted, thereby provoking pain. To cope with this problem is simple - you just need to choose the right glasses for yourself (it is advisable to do this after checking with an ophthalmologist who will determine exactly what size of glasses to use).

7. Prolonged contact lens wear It causes strain and pain in the eyes, especially if a person sleeps in them. You should also know that too old lenses can also cause discomfort, so they need to be replaced periodically.

8. Visual overwork may occur with long reading books (especially when lying down, when the eyes are most tense).

9. Uveitis - This is an eyeball disease that develops due to the ingestion of various pathogenic viruses. At the same time, it is important to know that uveitis can also be caused by already existing human bacterial diseases (caries, tonsillitis, herpes).

Uveitis is difficult to diagnose, since in addition to periodic pains, a person may not have any symptoms at all. Its treatment is always long, often accompanied by complications in the form of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve and blood vessels.

10. Glaucoma is a disease in which a person's intraocular pressure rises significantly. Moreover, in addition to pain in the eye, the patient may experience visual impairment.

A sudden attack of glaucoma is usually accompanied by a sharp pain in the temples and in the whole eye, which can give off to the head and back of the head. In more severe cases, a person develops nausea, vomiting, and severe weakness.

In the diagnosis of glaucoma in a patient, an increase in the pupils is visible, which respond poorly to light. The very sensitivity of the eyes is reduced or completely lost. The eyeballs themselves are harder than usual. On palpation, they hurt a lot. Vision is lowered.

Why the eyeball hurts: additional reasons

In addition to the main reasons, such factors can cause eye pain:

1. Violation of the general blood circulation and metabolism in small vessels may cause eye pain. This condition is treated with vasoconstrictor drugs.

2. Eye injury. For example, it can be a blunt blow to the eye, a cut or an accidental injection.

It is important to know that even a slight eye injury can easily lead to serious consequences (if left untreated), up to complete loss of vision.

The fact is that after damage to the lining of the eye, blood accumulates in it. This leads to severe hematoma and inflammation. Over time, the condition of a person can greatly deteriorate.

3. Contact with a foreign object in the eye. It can be midges, dust, hair or any other small particle. In this condition, a person will feel a sharp pain in the eye, tearing and burning. If you do not remove a foreign object from the eye in time, it will scratch the eyeball and lead to infection. In more severe cases, untimely removal of sharp particles can lead to visual impairment.

4. Iridocyclitis - This is a disease in which the "body" of the eye becomes inflamed. In this case, the person will suffer from pain in the eye and photophobia. Also, the susceptibility of the pupil may be impaired.

During the detection of iridocyclitis, the patient maintained normal intraocular pressure, smoothness and shine of the cornea. The entire inflammatory process covers the rainbow of the eye.

5. Strong flu or ARI It can also provoke pain in the eyes, especially if this condition is accompanied by a high temperature.

What to do if the eyeball hurts: a traditional treatment

The course of treatment of pain in the eyes should be selected individually for each patient, depending on the diagnosed disease and the general condition of the patient.

Traditional therapy involves:

1. For paincaused by iridocyclitis, the patient is prescribed antibiotics Scopolamine and Atropine. They should be in the form of a solution and buried in the eyes four times a day for 3 drops.

2. In case of infection the patient's eye needs to be instilled with a solution of antibiotics (Levomycetin, Sulfacil sodium, Penicillin chloride). The procedure should be repeated five times a day, instilling 3 drops in a sore eye.

3. In the treatment of glaucoma Pilocarpine is recommended. It is necessary to bury it in two drops with a time interval of half an hour.

Alternative methods of alternative treatment can also be practiced. For example, use decoctions of aloe leaves, with which you need to rinse your eyes.

Another proven method is applying lotions with celandine. For this, a spoonful of celandine must be diluted with 250 ml of boiling water and boil a little more. After this, add a spoonful of honey. You can use such lotions in the morning and evening.

! Before using traditional methods, you should always consult with your doctor.

Eyeball hurts: prevention

In order to prevent the development of pain in the eyes, you should adhere to such recommendations:

1. Refrain from lying reading. It is better to read while sitting at the table so that the light from the window falls just on the book.

2. With prolonged use of the computer, you should regularly do eye exercises and apply moisturizing drops. In general, it is advisable to take a five-minute break every half hour to give your eyes a rest.

3. In time to treat those infectious diseases that can cause eye problems.

4. When working at a computer, it is recommended to wear special glasses that will slightly relieve fatigue from the eyes and soften the bright lighting of the screen.

5. Observe eye hygiene.

6. Eat a lot of foods that have a beneficial effect on vision (carrots, butter, etc.).

7. If you experience pain in the eyes, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible in order to prevent complications.


Watch the video: Scratch on eye, corneal abrasion, eye pain irritation - A State of Sight #59 (July 2024).