We cook barley porridge on water - a healthy breakfast in twenty minutes. How to cook barley porridge in water and milk?


Speaking of porridge, no matter how one recalls one of the most famous Russian proverbs that it is our food. Indeed, cereal dishes are one of the symbols of ancient Russian cuisine, its basis. Time, the influence of neighboring Western and Asian culinary traditions have so changed our eating habits that we have to remember the “forgotten old”, searching the Internet for an answer to a simple question: how to cook barley porridge in the water?

Breakfast porridge is the best gift for your body. Having eaten a sandwich with sausage, a person in two hours will again feel the need to eat something. Porridge is digested more slowly, and therefore the feeling of hunger does not occur earlier than after 4 hours. That is, the need for additional snacks before lunch disappears. Most likely, our ancestors knew this feature of cereals many centuries ago, for which they appreciated it.

How to cook barley porridge in the water - buckwheat has a serious "competitor"

If people more often thought about the vitamin and mineral composition of each product, pearl barley and barley groats would cost more in the store more than rice and buckwheat. Those who are constantly eating buckwheat in the fight against extra pounds probably never guessed to read that 100 grams of barley porridge on water had 76 calories, and buckwheat had 132, with almost the same amount of carbohydrates.

Pearl barley and barley groats are obtained from barley - the oldest cereal "cultivated" by man ten thousand years ago. But barley groats are more convenient to prepare because they are not whole, peeled barley grains, but crushed cereals along with a shell containing an impressive list of minerals, valuable organic compounds and vitamins.

Barley groats are not ground during processing, which leads to a high content of fiber in it, which contributes to the removal of cholesterol and toxins, and, as a result, cleanses the walls of blood vessels and reduces weight.

Selenium is necessary to protect the immune system, and it is present in barley groats in sufficient quantities.

Especially it should be noted the high phosphorus content, which is necessary for athletes to build muscle, people of mental labor - to maintain high brain performance. Phosphorus also promotes the absorption of calcium, potassium, iron and manganese, obtained by the body along with crushed barley grains.

Lysine, which comes with barley porridge into the body, activates the production of collagen, which contributes to cell rejuvenation.

Perhaps the main advantage of all cereals, and especially barley, is the presence of so-called “slow” carbohydrates, which are absorbed during digestion smoothly, as necessary, and therefore are not deposited under the skin in the form of “social” reserves, fat cells.

Like all cereals, crushed barley has a sufficient amount of B vitamins, PP, E vitamins, the role of which is difficult to overestimate. The list of vitamins, beneficial organic acids and minerals found in barley groats can be continued, but it will only increase the number of unconditional arguments in favor of regular consumption of barley porridge.

In addition, to what has been said about the useful composition of barley groats: the cost of one kilogram of "box" is 7-9 times lower than buckwheat. It’s worth considering.

How to cook barley porridge in the water, and which porridge is healthier?

Porridge can be different, viscous and crumbly, on water, on milk or on broth. It is served as a side dish, cooked as an independent dish, and used as an ingredient in minced meat.

If we talk about dietary nutrition for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system in the postoperative period, then viscous porridge, liquid consistency is the only right choice. Viscous porridge creates a feeling of satiety faster, as it contains more water, and it does not add calories. A more fluid consistency of cereals does not cause irritation of the gastric mucosa than is useful during an exacerbation of gastritis.

How to cook barley porridge in the water, if it is served as a side dish for a meat dish? Of course, friable consistency will look more attractive, but such porridge is digested longer.

What to do with butter, which does not spoil the porridge? It's about butter containing animal fat and lactic acid. Modern nutritionists have revealed the true meaning of the famous proverb: dairy products stimulate the absorption of valuable trace elements contained in the shell of crushed cereals. Porridge with butter is very tasty, although it adds 50-70 calories to a serving, but, given the low calorie content of barley porridge, you can afford to think not only about weight gain, but also about taste.

How to cook barley porridge on water - cooking technology

It would seem that there is nothing easier than cooking porridge, but such conclusions should not be rushed. Especially if you need not just to eat, but to bring the body a portion of delicious benefits. The cooking technology itself is simple, but there are special subtleties in it, without which you won’t cook porridge.

The first stage is the preparation of cereals. It is noteworthy that barley groats has only one variety, despite the difference in grinding barley grain. That is, according to established standards, crushed barley can be coarse, medium and fine grinding, but at the same time it is not sorted, but poured when packing into the total mass. In addition, in the cereal there are particles of the shell of the grain (the same, useful trace elements) that do not need to be removed so as not to deprive the cereal of utility. But it is still necessary to check the croup for the presence of extraneous inclusions. After sorting and removing random impurities, pour into a sieve and rinse under running water. In addition to dust, during washing through a fine mesh, the smallest particles of flour are removed, which will allow barley porridge to be cooked in more crumbly water. Wait for the water to drain, which should be completely clear after washing the cereal.

The second stage - we cook barley porridge in the water. Boil two parts of salted water and throw one part of the cereal into it. A minute later, after a boiling boil, you need to reduce the cooking rate by switching the fire to the minimum. Cover the pot with a lid so that the water evaporates slowly. When it remains very short, after about 15 minutes, add oil, turn off the heating - then the porridge should go on its own. Before turning off the stove, do not forget to try it: the grits should be soft enough and not crunch on your teeth.

In the same way, you can cook barley porridge in the broth, but, here, the process of cooking with milk occurs in a slightly different way. Any cereal in milk is cooked longer and there is a risk that the porridge will burn. To prevent this from happening, at the first stage, after washing, pour wet cereal onto a dry preheated pan and steam it. The remaining water, evaporating, will make the grains more loose and prepare them for cooking in milk. Another subtlety: when cooking porridge in milk, add salt and sugar at the end.

You can also boil barley porridge in water, but with the addition of milk. In this case, the prepared cereal is dipped in one part of boiling water, boiled until half cooked, and then one part of milk is added.

How to cook barley porridge in water and milk?

Barley porridge itself has a great taste and you don’t need to add anything to it except a small piece of butter. But it also goes well with meat products, pumpkin, apples, dried fruits, various berries.

If barley porridge is served as a side dish for a meat dish, then it will be properly cooked on water, since milk and meat are in discord. A good combination is barley porridge in water with mushrooms and vegetables. For milk porridge, the addition of fruits, berries, sugar or honey will be appropriate.

Include barley groats in your diet at least once or twice a week.

Recipe 1. Solyanka, team with barley groats

Product Composition:

  • Turkey fillet 500 g

  • Onion 200 g

  • Vegetable fat 90 ml

  • Parsley root 50-70 g

  • Spices to taste, salt

  • Yellow carrots 150 g

  • Groats, barley 100 g

  • Honey mushrooms 300 g


Cut the turkey meat into slices. Boil the mushrooms and drain the water. Chop onion, carrot and parsley root. Sort and wash the barley groats.

Heat oil in a saucepan, fry the roots and onions, add slices of fillet and mushrooms. Fry over medium heat until cooked. Put the groats in the stewpan and add 250 ml of hot boiled water. Season with spices. Cover the stewpan with a lid and continue to simmer the hodgepodge over the smallest fire for 15 minutes. Turn off the heat, let stand, and you can serve in 20 minutes.

Recipe 2. Barley porridge in a pot


  • Groats 150 g

  • Water 300 ml

  • Salt to taste

  • Onion 200 g

  • Ghee 80 g

  • Carrot 100 g


Put the washed cereal in a ceramic pot or pan made of refractory glass. Pour in salted water, previously brought to a boil, and place the container in a preheated oven. Maintain a temperature of 100-1200С for 45 minutes.

In the meantime, cook a vegetable fry. Cut the onions into small cubes and fry them in a frying pan in hot oil. Put the onions on a plate with a slotted spoon. In the same oil, continue to fry the carrots grated on a coarse grater. To carrot acquired an interesting shade, when frying, lightly sprinkle it with a spoon of sugar, stirring continuously. Put the onions in the pan again, warm the vegetables together and put them on top of the finished porridge. Stir in a bowl when serving.

Recipe 3. Barley porridge with apple and raisins

Ingredients Composition:

  • Apple, peeled 180 g

  • Groats 100 g

  • Water 120 ml

  • Sugar, salt - to taste

  • Raisins 90 g


Peel the apples, remove the seeds, cut into cubes. Rinse the washed raisins with a glass of boiling water, then drain the water. Steam the washed cereal in a pan, heating it without fat.

Boil water by adding salt and sugar to taste. Pour the cereal into it, reduce the heat, and when the water is almost absorbed, add apples and raisins. Continue cooking until cooked.

How to cook barley porridge in the water - useful tips and tricks

  • If the composition of the ingredients for cooking barley porridge on the water includes juicy fruits or vegetables, then the amount of water for making porridge should be reduced.

  • A good way to cook porridge is to use a slow cooker: just, tasty and healthy porridge is obtained in the mode of languishing in a sealed container.


Watch the video: 4 Superfood BARLEY Recipes. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner. Joanna Soh (July 2024).