Eyeshadow: errors that are best avoided


Eyeshadows occupy second place (after lipstick) in the ranking of favorite cosmetics of women and girls. And it’s not for nothing that it’s so nice to open the cover of a set of shadows with reverence from time to time and discover for yourself a dozen beautiful flowers with which you can create an interesting image every day.

Many modern girls love to visit the pages and blogs of some wonderful women who can create the most unimaginable chic eye makeup with a shadow brush. But there are those who in this matter rely only on their own taste and opinion. And it is these women most often faced with a number of problems.

Liquid foundation

Whatever the highest quality shadows are used for eye makeup, the liquid base will not allow them to lie flat. After some time after applying the shadows, they will begin to clog up in the crease of the eyelid, thereby creating the impression of tired eyes. Therefore, it is much more reasonable to make a choice in favor of coating crumbly or compact powder before applying shadows.

Kaleidoscope of colors

There is nothing wrong with going to a party in a bright and bold dress. But categorically should not adhere to the same style in the makeup of the eyes. Of course, there are also special events where colorful bright (or even neon) makeup can be useful, for example, at a photo shoot or at some festival. But in other cases it is better to give preference to more familiar colors.

Eyes and shadows of the same color

All women of fashion chorus say that you can not match the eyeshadow of the same color as the eyes. The surest way to hide all the beauty of your blue eyes is to make up your eyelids with blue shadows. The main task of the shadows is to emphasize the color and depth of the eyes of their owner - this is what every woman should remember.

Do not use eyeliner or eye pencil

Even the most professional eye makeup requires the final touch in the form of eyeliner. True, some girls prefer to leave this last step without attention, because they have not yet learned how to apply liner with exact lines. However, those who want their eyes to become more alive, it is still advisable to practice a little.

Any woman respecting herself and the people around her seeks to look stunning. And in order for the eyes of such a woman to always sparkle with beauty, you need to observe only a few rules: not to use the liquid tonal base before applying the shadows, not to paint the eyes with too bright colors that cannot be combined with each other. In addition, do not use the shadows of the same color as the eyes, and always complete the makeup with eyeliner or eyeliner.


Watch the video: Makeup Mistakes to Avoid. Ali Andreea (June 2024).