Burdock: useful properties and applications of burdock. Burdock: contraindications to the use of plants


Burdock, the beneficial properties of which have been known to humans since childhood, is widely used in folk medicine.

It is worth noting that the healing properties are hidden not only in the root of the plant, but also in its leaves. Burdock conceals in itself a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients that favorably affect the general condition of the body.

Also, the plant is used in cooking and cosmetology. Burdock has practically no contraindications, therefore both adults and children can afford to use it internally and externally.

The composition of the burdock

Burdock root contains a large amount of inulin; therefore, the plant is recommended for diabetics as a natural sugar substitute. In fact, the composition of the burdock is a huge pantry with vitamins, minerals and other trace elements useful to humans.

The composition includes:

• vitamins - A, ascorbic acid, B, P, D;

• polysaccharides and easily digestible carbohydrates;

• fatty acids and essential oils;

• tannins, pectins and proteins;

• minerals - iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, potassium and others.

Burdock: beneficial properties of the plant

The rich composition of the burdock makes it a universal "home doctor". Burdock has a lot of useful properties, so in folk medicine it is indispensable.

Burdock: useful properties

1. Restores intestinal microflora, normalizes the digestive tract, solves the problem of constipation.

2. Normalizes metabolism, removes toxins and toxins, prevents the deposition of salts.

3. Strengthens the immune system, replenishes the deficiency of nutrients in the body, which allows it to better resist viral infections.

4. Has analgesic properties.

5. It has diaphoretic properties, infusions based on burdock are recommended for colds.

6. Relieves allergies and itching.

7. It is characterized by disinfectant and antimicrobial properties.

8. Normalizes the pancreas.

9. Indispensable in cosmetology - improves the condition of hair and skin.

Burdock, whose beneficial properties were presented, is indeed a "universal doctor." Decoctions and infusions based on it can be taken both for the treatment of ailments and for preventive purposes.

Alternative Medicine

Burdock recipes in traditional medicine are in great demand. The advantage is that finding a plant is not difficult, you can collect it yourself or purchase it in dried form in a pharmacy. In any case, the hostess needs to have several medical recipes in her arsenal in order to be ready to face any ailment. Burdock has very few contraindications, therefore, the presented decoctions and infusions are allowed for use by almost everyone.

1. Infusion on the roots of burdock. 25 grams of crushed dried roots of the plant need to pour 400 ml of water and insist in a dark place for 1 hour. The tool must be filtered, consumed in a warm form, 100 ml 3-4 times a day. This recipe is recommended for diabetes, gastritis, duodenal ulcer and stomach. Also, the tool can be used externally - lubricate fresh wounds and warts with it. With angina, infusion is recommended to rinse the oral cavity 4-5 times a day.

2. Infusion of leaves. The tool is effective for ulcers and stones in the liver and kidneys. Dried burdock leaves (approximately 60 grams) are poured with 500 ml of hot water. The remedy must be insisted for at least 4 hours. Strained infusion is used 3 times a day, 150 ml in warm form.

3. Burdock juice. Their fresh plant leaves need to squeeze the juice. The remaining leaves are well crushed, everything is mixed until a homogeneous gruel is formed. The resulting mixture can be applied as a compress to burns and wounds.

4. Burdock based oil. The root of a fresh plant (75 grams) is poured with olive oil (150 grams). The product should be infused for a day, then it is boiled over low heat for 20 minutes, filtered through a gauze napkin. This oil is effective for skin diseases.

5. For headaches, it is recommended to apply fresh burdock root to the temples and forehead for 15-20 minutes.

Burdock-based infusion can be used as a preventive measure for the general strengthening of the immune system for adults and children, 100 ml twice a day. For taste and greater effectiveness, a little honey is added there.

The use of burdock in cooking

By eating burdock, you can not only diversify your diet, but also benefit the body, because the plant contains a huge amount of nutrient components. There are several simple recipes that will appeal to every member of the family. Due to the fact that burdock has very few contraindications, the dishes will be useful for both adults and children.

1. Salad of fresh leaves of the plant. 50 grams of thoroughly washed burdock leaves must be dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes, then dried and chopped. Next, the same amount of green onion is chopped. The ingredients are mixed, the salad is seasoned with lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of low-fat sour cream. Salt and pepper are added to taste.

2. Sweet and sour jam - a healthy dessert from burdock. Sorrel leaves (approximately 200 grams) and burdock leaves (400 grams) are thoroughly chopped, then boiled in a small amount of water until soft. After that, about 1 kg of granulated sugar is added there. The jam is cooked until cooked, you can spin it in jars, you can store it in the refrigerator.

3. Fragrant vitamin drink. Dried burdock leaves can be brewed as tea. For 250 ml of boiling water you need 1 tablespoon of the plant. The drink perfectly invigorates, strengthens the immune system.

Burdock: useful properties for beauty, recipes for home cosmetics

Burdock beneficial properties are appreciated in cosmetology. The composition of the plant favorably affects the skin, accelerates hair growth.

1. Nourishing and cleansing face mask. Fresh burdock root (approximately 50 grams) should be well chopped with a blender. A little olive oil is added to the resulting mass, everything is mixed until a homogeneous gruel is formed. The mask is applied to a clean face for 15 minutes. After that, you need to wash with warm water. This procedure nourishes and moisturizes the skin, eliminates acne and blackheads.

2. An infusion made from burdock leaves will be useful not only for treating ailments, but also for hair. Before each bath, you need to rub it into the scalp, distribute through the hair and walk for 30-40 minutes. The mask is recommended to be done once a week, after just a few procedures the hair will become noticeably stronger, will gain a healthy shine.

Burdock: contraindications

There are no special contraindications to the use of the plant for medicinal purposes and for beauty. However, there are a few tips to consider.

Burdock: contraindications

1. It is not recommended to abuse burdock (for treatment, for food) during pregnancy and in the lactation period. It is advisable to consult with your doctor first.

2. If there is an individual intolerance to the plant, it is strictly forbidden to use it for any purpose.

Burdock, whose beneficial properties and contraindications to the use of which were presented, is a truly unique plant. Its rich composition nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals important for normal functioning. However, you need to understand that everything is useful in moderation, therefore it is impossible to abuse burdock for medicinal purposes.


Watch the video: how to identify Burdock (June 2024).