What cereals do nutritionists recommend?


If you often think about what to cook for breakfast, use the advice of nutritionists and cook porridge every morning. Vladimir Pilipenko, an employee of the clinic of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the RAMS, claims that cereal dishes are an ideal breakfast.

First of all, cereals enrich our diet with carbohydrates, cheap and affordable. In the morning they are especially necessary for the body, because at night the liver spends them intensively. In addition, such a breakfast, even a small portion of porridge, provides energy and strength, so that a person gets tired less during the day and does more.

Of the most popular cereals, buckwheat comes first in terms of utility. It is followed by oatmeal and rice. The fourth and fifth places are occupied by semolina and millet groats respectively.

No less important is the form in which we consume this or that cereal. A nutritionist advises purchasing ordinary cereals in simple packaging. Although it takes longer to prepare them, they are most useful. But as for instant cereals, they can be eaten except as an exception. Groats in bags also have their drawbacks and are not recommended for those who have a weak digestive tract. The fact is that the industry has not yet released full-fledged plastic. In any case, some part of the plastic in boiling water gets into the porridge, and with it inside.

Another useful tip: to bring more benefits to your health, every morning you should cook a new porridge.


Watch the video: Nutrition and Weight Loss with Amy Lee MD. UCLA Center for Human Nutrition (July 2024).