Cookies cakes are the best recipes. How to make a cake from cookies correctly and tasty.


Biscuit cake - general principles and methods of preparation

The main advantage of cookie cakes is that they do not need to be baked. In addition, their preparation usually requires simple products that are always at hand. You can cook such a cake with your child, then both of you will enjoy not only a delicious dish, but also fun communication. Another advantage of a cookie cake is that it is very difficult to spoil it. No need to worry that it will not rise or burn. And at the same time, such cakes are distinguished by excellent taste and appearance.

Cookies cakes can be made in different variations, experimenting with creams and toppings, and even a cake prepared according to the same recipe, but from a different cookie, may have a completely different taste. For this, such cakes are also popular among culinary experts, both experienced and those who are taking their first steps in “tasty” art.

Biscuit Cakes - Food Preparation

As the name implies, the main component of such a cake is cookies. If we cook a cake, laying the whole cookie in layers, then it should first be dipped in milk or sweet coffee (in accordance with the recipe). If the cake is made from crushed cookies, then it is easiest to pass through a meat grinder.

If the filling of the cake is prepared from cottage cheese, then it is better not to squeeze it additionally. Then the filling will be more tender, and the cookies will absorb the excess liquid from it.

Cookies cakes - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Banana Cookie Cake


Very delicious cake! The combination of sour cream and bananas makes its taste delicate, and it takes so little time to cook it that you can make it at least every day and serve it as a dessert or breakfast for kids.


1 kg of not salty cracker;
4 large bananas;
1 liter of sour cream;
0.5 kg of sugar;
100 gr. chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Beat sour cream with sugar. Cut bananas into thin circles.

2. Put the crackers on the dish, coat them with sour cream and put a circle of banana on each cookie. Then - again a layer of cracker, sour cream, banana. When laying the layers, you should follow the checkerboard pattern, that is, put a banana on the cracker, a cracker on the banana, and so on. The last layer should be from sour cream crackers.

3. Decorating our cake with grated chocolate and crushed crackers, leave it for several hours in the refrigerator for impregnation.

Recipe 2: Custard Cake


This cake is a bit more complicated to make than the previous one. However, when you try it, you won’t regret choosing this recipe, because the delicate custard and nuts make its taste simply unsurpassed.


300 gr cookies;
300 gr oils;
300 gr Sahara;
1 egg
300 gr milk;
1 tsp potato flour;
2 cups peeled nuts;
to taste vanillin.

Cooking method:

1. Dilute the flour in half a glass of warm milk and pour this mixture into a saucepan with a glass of milk brought to a boil. Cook until thick, stirring, then cool.

2. Grind the butter with sugar and eggs, mix everything with the cooled flour mass and vanilla.

3. Grind the cookies in a meat grinder, chop the nuts, and pour everything into the cream and mix well.

4. We line the mold with oiled paper and spread the resulting mass into it, level it with a knife and place it in the refrigerator for several hours. Then, taking the cake out of the mold and removing the paper from it, decorate it with halves of nuts and chopped cookies.

Recipe 3: Cake without baking with fruit


This cake is very popular in the summer, as it is light, delicate and very beautiful. Moreover, fruits for its preparation can be chosen according to your taste.


700 gr. tender cracker;
0.5 l sour cream 25%;
25 gr gelatin;
200 gr. Sahara;
3 bananas;
3 oranges;
3 kiwi;
2 large apples;
to taste and possibilities - berries.

Cooking method:

1. Pour gelatin with water and prepare it according to the instructions indicated on the package. We clean and cut the fruits into small pieces, not forgetting to leave 1 fruit for decoration. Wash and dry the berries with a paper towel.

2. Mix sour cream with sugar, fruit and dissolved gelatin, mix well.

3. Dip each cookie into the resulting mass and put it on the dish in the form of a cake, pour the remaining mass of sour cream and fruit on top.

4. After slicing the left fruit into thin slices, we cover the surface of the cake with the berries, which we then leave for several hours in a cool place to soak.

Recipe 4: Trot from cookies with curd cream


This cake is a salvation for those mothers whose babies do not like cottage cheese, which their growing body needs so much. They will eat it and even ask for supplements, because it always turns out to be very tasty, thanks to the gentle combination of cottage cheese and banana.


400 gr. cottage cheese;
200 gr. condensed milk;
1 tsp cocoa (with a slide);
2/3 glasses of milk;
30 pcs cookies;
1 banana
candied fruits and pine nuts (for decoration).

Cooking method:

1. Stir in a bowl until smooth, half the cottage cheese with half the condensed milk and vanilla.

2. In another bowl, mix the second half of the cottage cheese with the remaining condensed milk and cocoa, mix thoroughly.

3. Pour the milk into a flat plate. Dipping cookies in milk, put it on a dish, spread on top with curd and vanilla mass, level it. Then, dipping the next batch of cookies in milk, put it on top and coat with curd-chocolate mass. We lay out the banana cut into circles on top, spread everything with cottage cheese and chocolate. Then we repeat all the layers so that the last layer is a cookie covered with a curd-vanilla mass.

4. Having decorated our cake with colored candied fruits and pine nuts, we set its refrigerator to soak for several hours.

Recipe 5: Coffee Flavored Cookie Cake

This cake is sure to be appreciated by coffee lovers. It will energize you for the whole day, and cooking it is not at all difficult.


4 eggs;
200 gr. Sahara;
200 gr. butter;
0.5 kg of cookies;
1 cup of strong coffee;
2 tbsp. l cocoa powder;
10 gr. vanilla sugar;
100 gr. chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. After mixing the eggs with sugar, cocoa powder and vanilla sugar, warm everything in a water bath until thickened. After we cool the resulting mixture and, adding softened oil to it, beat until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

2. Having greased the form with butter, we put the cookies in layers, pre-dipping it in the prepared coffee. We coat each layer with the resulting cream. When all the layers have been laid, put the cake in the refrigerator so that it soaks for several hours.

3. Having taken the cake out of the refrigerator, carefully turn the form over and decorate our product with grated chocolate.

Cookies cakes - tips from experienced chefs

Soaking cookies in milk before laying in layers, do not overdo it, allowing cookies to get wet! Otherwise, you cannot lay it beautifully on the dish. The optimal time for keeping cookies in milk can be considered no more than 20 seconds. For laying soaked cookies on a dish, it is best to use a thin shovel.

When making a cake from cookies, it is better to cover the dish with a piece of thin oiled parchment paper, so that later it is easier to cut the cake into portioned pieces.

It is better to place the dish on which the cookies previously soaked in milk are placed slightly inclined to remove excess milk.

Do not neglect the advice to let the finished cake brew in the refrigerator. This is necessary so that the cookies are well saturated with cream and the taste of the product becomes more saturated.


SARA 05/09/2016
Before folding the spread and already covered with curd mass cookies into a triangle or “house”, put a peeled banana on the middle row of cookies and then fold it in the house. When you cut it in portions, the banana will not only give a taste, but such a cake will look amazing


Watch the video: How To Make Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies (July 2024).