Herpes in women: causes, symptoms, possible complications. Methods of treating herpes in women, medicines and herbs


Genital herpes in women is a complex genital disease that occurs when the herpes virus is infected.

This pathology is dangerous in that it can spread not only to the external genitalia, but also localized in the vagina and on the cervix.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of herpes in women, as well as ways to eliminate this unpleasant ailment.

Herpes in women: causes

You can become infected with the herpes virus in such cases:

1. With unprotected sexual contact. This is the most common cause of genital herpes transmission. This can happen both during oral and anal sexual contact. It is also worth knowing that sometimes the carrier of this infection for a long time may not have any manifestations of the disease.

2. Domestic infection (when using general hygiene products, towels, bedding, etc.) is not very common, but this infection can also be caught in this way.

3. It happens that the patient infects himself (if he carries the virus on the face for a long time, that is, the risk of its transmission to the genitals).

4. The transmission of the virus from a woman to a child during childbirth is considered very dangerous. If the infection occurs during pregnancy, there is a high risk of miscarriage, intrauterine death of the fetus or premature birth.

Herpes in women: symptoms and signs

Genital herpes in women is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. Small vesicles form on the genitals, which are filled with a cloudy liquid. They can also spread to the inner thighs and anus. If untreated, the rash will begin to localize in the vagina and on the cervix.

2. Redness of the genitals.

3. Characteristic severe itching and burning.

4. Gradually, the bubbles begin to burst, causing severe pain. In their place, sores form, which will disappear after 1-2 weeks.

5. Burning sensation during urination.

6. An increase in inguinal lymph nodes.

7. An increase in body temperature.

8. Ailment and weakness.

9. Pain in the muscles.

10. In more severe cases, staphylococcus infection also joins a herpes infection. In this condition, the patient may form local suppuration of the vesicles and severe intoxication of the body. Ulcers will not heal for a long time.

Herpes in women: treatment tactics

If you suspect genital herpes, you should consult a gynecologist. After the initial examination and medical history, the doctor may prescribe tests for the detection of the herpes virus.

As an auxiliary diagnosis, an analysis of the state of immunity and antibodies to the herpes virus can be used.

Due to the fact that herpes is by its nature considered a sluggish disease, a lethal outcome from it is possible only with immunodeficiency syndrome. In patients with strong immunity, this pathology is quite successfully treated.

The classical treatment regimen for genital herpes in women involves the following:

1. Conducting antiviral therapy aimed at suppressing the activity of infection.

2. Conducting immunomodulating therapy.

3. Symptomatic therapy.

4. Vaccination.

5. Physiotherapy (rarely).

You should know that when a woman diagnoses this type of herpes, for the duration of therapy, she needs to refrain from sexual intercourse so as not to infect her partner and not bring an additional infection into her rash.

Traditional therapy for genital herpes involves the appointment of the following groups of drugs:

1. The drug Acyclovir is used to suppress the activity of the virus.

2. At high temperatures, antipyretic drugs are used.

3. Valaciclavir is an analog of Acyclovir. It acts on the DNA of the herpes virus and prevents its further reproduction. The duration of treatment with this drug should be ten days.

4. Panavir is a solution for intravenous administration. It can also be in the form of rectal capsules.

5. In severe forms of herpes, antiviral chemotherapy with Valtrex and Penciclovir is prescribed.

6. Immunomodulators are often prescribed to strengthen the patient's immunity (Interferon).

7. In case of pain and itching, the appointment of not strong analgesics is indicated.

During therapy, the patient must follow these tips:

1. Wear only cotton underwear, as synthetics will irritate already inflamed skin.

2. Carefully observe personal hygiene. In this case, it is worth using only a gentle soap, without dyes and acrid fragrances (they can also irritate wounds and cause even more itching).

3. After washing, do not use an ordinary towel. It is better to use soft paper towels or dry your skin with a hairdryer with a cool stream of air. This is necessary to protect yourself from infection.

4. To relieve itching, it is recommended to moisten the affected area of ​​the skin several times a day with warm water. In most cases, this procedure helps.

5. It is important to know that even with severe itching, the rash should not be combed in any case, otherwise it can cause even more infection. Moreover, with dirty hands it is quite possible to spread the rash to other parts of the body, which threatens to prolong treatment and dangerous complications.

Herpes in women: treatment and prevention

As an adjunct therapy in the treatment of genital herpes, such folk methods can be used:

1. Take a bunch of green onion, wash it and chop. Mix with olive oil and eat a tablespoon daily. Such a dietary supplement will help fill the deficiency of vitamin A, E and C in the body.

2. Grind the horseradish root and red pepper. Put them in a jar. Pour boiling water. Insist in a dark place for three days, and then take twice a day for a teaspoon. The tool will also help strengthen immunity.

It is important to know, that this remedy should not be taken by people with acute diseases of the stomach, since it can irritate its mucous membrane.

3. Mix in equal amounts such herbs: thyme, motherwort, nettle and lemon balm. Pour in water and boil for an hour. Strain and take two tablespoons twice a day.

4. Mix lavender oil and tea tree. Soak a cotton swab in it and attach to the rash. Repeat the procedure twice a day after washing. The tool will help relieve inflammation and eliminate pain.

5. A honey compress helps very well. It should be applied cold to the rash and left for a couple of hours. It will relieve irritation and help eliminate the infection, as it has an antibacterial effect.

6. Herbal tea (chamomile, calendula) can strengthen the immune system. You can also add the fruits of viburnum.

To reduce the likelihood of contracting herpes, it is important for women to adhere to the following doctor's recommendations:

1. Routinely vaccinate against the herpes virus. The same should be done to the sexual partner.

2. Take tests for the detection of antibodies to herpes several times a year. This is especially necessary during pregnancy and during the planning period.

3. When revealing genital herpes already during pregnancy, caesarean section is indicated.

4. If you discover the first signs of this disease, a woman should immediately consult a doctor.

5. It is important to avoid accidental sexual intercourse. It is worthwhile to know that even a condom cannot fully protect against all existing genital infections.

6. Carefully observe the hygiene of the genitals (wash at least twice a day). It is also very important to have your own personal hygiene products (soap, towel, washcloth, etc.). Even close people should not be allowed to use such personal things.

7. It is important to know, that with oral contact, herpes from the lips can easily be "transferred" to the genitals, so you need to deal with this type of sexual contact using special latex wipes. And in the period of obvious rashes on the lips, such contact should be abandoned altogether.

8. If a woman has herpes on her lips, then she needs to wash her hands thoroughly so as not to accidentally transfer the virus to the genitals.

In addition, there is the so-called emergency prevention of genital herpes. It is needed for sexual contact with a herpes carrier without using a condom.

In this case, the woman should take a drug called Herpferon as soon as possible. It will significantly reduce the risk of developing herpes.


Watch the video: Herpes oral & genital - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (June 2024).