Cake made of ready-made biscuit cakes - elementary! Recipes of fruit, nut, chocolate cakes from prepared biscuit cakes


Ready-made cakes are just a super find for busy housewives or those who do not want to devote several hours to cooking a cake.

If everything is done correctly and properly, the dessert will turn out to be simply gorgeous. Who said that it was not you who prepared it?

Cake made of prepared biscuit cakes - general principles of preparation

The store sells packages of white or vanilla cakes of 3 thin layers. They are enough to prepare a standard cake for 6-8 servings. If dessert is needed for the holiday, it is better to use 2 packs, respectively increasing the amount of cream or filling.

What cakes can be prepared:

• chocolate;

• cottage cheese;

• fruit;

• nut;

• with marshmallows, marmalade, etc.

In any case, you will need a cream. The simplest can be made from butter and condensed milk. A little more complicated are creams that require whipping. Cooking custard takes even more time, but it turns out to be the most economical. Also, for greasing cakes, you can use jam, jam, chocolate paste.

Ready-made biscuit cake cake

To fill this cake from ready-made biscuit cakes, bananas and kiwi are used. But you can take other soft fruits or berries: strawberries, peaches, oranges, plums, canned or fresh pineapples.


• packing cakes;

• 1 can of condensed milk;

• 300 g of oil;

• 90 ml of water;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar;

• 1 g vanilla;

• 4 bananas;

• 5-6 kiwi.


1. Mix boiled water with sugar, add a little vanilla for flavor. In general, fruit cakes do not need impregnation, but the finished cakes are a bit dry, so it will be superfluous to sprinkle them a little.

2. Soften the butter, transfer to a cup from the mixer and beat for about five minutes, gradually add condensed milk. To taste, season with vanilla cream.

3. Cut the peeled bananas into slices. Remove the skins from kiwi and cut into slices of the same size. All fruits do not need to be cut, some are left for decoration.

4. Put one cake on the dish, sprinkle with the prepared syrup, grease with cream and lay the banana plates on top.

5. Cover with a second crust, also sprinkle with syrup and grease with cream, decompose pieces of kiwi.

6. Cover with the last cake, soak with the rest of the syrup and carefully grease the top and sides of the cake with cream. Put 3 hours in the refrigerator.

7. Cut the remaining fruit, decorate the soaked cake before serving.

Quick cake made of prepared biscuit cakes with marshmallows

A variant of a stunning dessert made from ready-made biscuit cakes. Cake with marshmallows, vanilla without glaze and filling is used.


• boiled condensed milk 1 b;

• 2 cakes;

• 200 g of oil;

• 300-350 g marshmallows;

• 4-5 pcs. cookies.


1. Prepare a cream of softened butter with boiled condensed milk. You can not use a mixer, just mix the ingredients.

2. Cut the marshmallows. You need to remove all the convex tops to get relatively flat cakes.

3. Grease one biscuit with cream, spread the cut marshmallows. Top it also smear with cream, filling the voids.

4. Cover with the second biscuit. Top also coat, cover the sides.

5. Crush the cookies until crumbs, cover the sides.

6. Lay out on the surface of the cake convex slices of marshmallows, previously trimmed.

7. Leave the cake to soak for several hours in the refrigerator.

Cottage cheese cake made from ready-made biscuit cakes and peaches

For this cake made of prepared biscuit cakes, a gentle curd cream is used. Peaches can be used canned or fresh. Similarly, you can take apricots. To prepare this cake will take no more than 15 minutes.


• 3 thin cakes;

• 400 g peaches;

• 400 g of cottage cheese;

• 250 ml of condensed milk;

• 180 g of oil;

• vanilla.


1. Combine the oil with condensed milk, beat until smooth. Beat cottage cheese separately or just grind. Send to cream. For taste, throw some vanilla. If the sweetness of condensed milk is not enough, you can add a little powdered sugar.

2. Peaches cut into plates.

3. Grease the cakes one by one with the curd, spread the fruit plates. We decorate the top of the cake with peaches and a wonderful dessert is ready!

Cooked sponge cake walnut cake

Peanuts are used for this biscuit cake cake. But you can take walnuts. Custard ordinary cream.


• 3 cakes;

• 400 ml of milk;

• 1.5 tbsp. peanuts

• 100 g of cookies (shortbread);

• 250 g of sugar;

• 3 tablespoons of flour;

• 200 g of oil;

• a bag of vanilla sugar.


1. Mix sugar with flour, dilute this mixture with milk. Put on a stove and cook a thick cream. Cool.

2. Soften the oil, introduce into the previously cooked cream, mix.

3. Fry nuts in a pan, cool. Peanuts need to be peeled; for this, they simply rub it with their hands and remove the husk. Detail the peeled nuts in any way.

4. Mash cookies until crumbs, mix with peanuts. It will help close the layer of cream, the cake will look more beautiful.

5. Lubricate cakes with cream, sprinkle layers with nuts a little.

6. On top of the biscuit, also grease, but already densely garnish with a layer of peanuts with cookies. Leave a nut cake for soaking.

Cake made of biscuit cakes with curd souffle

Another variation of healthy, delicious curd cake. For cooking, you will need a detachable form. If the cakes are not placed in it, then you need to cut the biscuit to size, using the bottom of the form or a suitable plate.


• 2 cakes;

• 300 g sour cream;

• 400 g of cottage cheese;

• 250 g of any fruit or berries;

• 240 g of sugar;

• 120 g of chocolate;

• 50 g of oil;

• 20 g of gelatin.


1. Immediately fill the gelatin with water at room temperature, 70-80 ml is enough for this amount. Leave to swell, focus on the time indicated on the package.

2. Beat sugar with sour cream, add mashed cottage cheese. If you are using a blender, you can put everything together and kill in cream.

3. Cut the fruit into small pieces, use the whole berries. We take out the bones, if any.

4. Heat the gelatin in the microwave until dissolved. Pour into the cottage cheese, mix thoroughly, so that in the process this layer completely freezes. Only after that add the fruit, now stir gently so as not to damage the pieces.

5. Put the biscuit in the form, pour the curd mass with gelatin. Align slightly with a spatula, no zeal required.

6. Put the second cake on top, press down.

7. Send the cake to the refrigerator for 5 hours. The inner curd layer should solidify.

8. Removes the cake, transfer to a dish.

9. Break the chocolate, combine the product with butter, melt together, it is better to use a water bath.

10. Cover the cake with icing, leave to harden. If you want a thicker layer, take more chocolate.

Chocolate cake made of prepared biscuit cakes (with bananas)

For this cake, chocolate biscuit cakes are used, which can also be bought at the store. But you can take white cakes, the cream will still be chocolate. Bananas are used for the interlayer.


• 3 cakes;

• 4 bananas;

• 2 tablespoons of cocoa;

• 400 g of milk;

• 50 g of chocolate;

• 30 g flour;

• two yolks;

• 2 tsp cognac;

• 250 g of sugar;

• 1 pack of oil.


1. Cook the chocolate cream. Mix sugar (200 g) with flour and yolks, add cocoa to them. Dilute everything with milk and put on the stove.

2. Bring to a density over moderate heat. Take off.

3. Add chopped or grated chocolate to the hot cream, stir until dissolved. You can cook without it, but in this case it is better to increase the amount of cocoa.

4. After dissolving the chocolate add softened butter, also mix. Leave the cream to cool completely.

5. We have 50 g of sugar left. Add 100 ml of water to it and mix well. Pour cognac into the impregnation.

6. Bananas are cut into thin circles, two pieces should be enough for one layer. On top of the cake we put only a layer of cream.

7. Pour the cakes with brandy syrup, coat with cream, spread the bananas and the cake is ready! Decorate on your own

Cake made of ready-made biscuit cakes "A la drunken cherry"

Drunk cherry - a gorgeous cake, an imitation of which can be prepared from any biscuit cakes. Vanilla air cream. To prepare it, you need fat cream above 30%.


• 500 g of pitted cherries;

• 100 ml of cognac;

• 3 cakes;

• 500 ml cream;

• 160 g of powdered sugar;

• vanilla.


1. Pour cherry over cognac, mix and leave for 5 hours. But if there is no time, you can pickle the berries less, but you need to mix them more often.

2. Whip the cream into the foam, partly add the icing sugar. If you add it all at once, the cream may turn out to be liquid.

3. Slightly squeeze cherries from cognac, but do not pour the juice anywhere.

4. Put one cake, sprinkle a little juice of berries with cognac, apply airy cream and spread the pickled berries.

5. Put the cake again, sprinkle, lubricate and spread the berries.

6. Put the remaining cream in a pastry bag, decorate the top of the cake beautifully, you can simply grease the sides. For brightness, put a few whole berries of cherry on top.

Cake made of ready-made biscuit cakes - useful tips and tricks

• If the oil does not want to soften, do not try to flood it. The product will flow, the cream will not work. It is better to put a piece in the microwave for a while, setting the defrost mode.

• Improve the taste of purchased impregnation biscuit. You can cook regular syrup from water and sugar, or use compote, sweet coffee, tea. Any impregnation will become more aromatic if you add cognac, liquor or vanilla.

• If you need to decorate the top of the cake with fruit in advance, it is advisable to process the slices with sweet jelly. So they will remain presentable longer.


Watch the video: How to make School Dinner Cake Recipe. Easy Cake Recipe. Cook with Anisa #recipes (June 2024).