Genital warts in women: symptoms and causes. How to treat genital warts in women safely


Genital warts in women: symptoms and causes. How to treat genital warts in women safely

Condylomas are papillomas that affect the genitals of women and men.

Many people know that after the penetration of the human papillomavirus into the body, warts form.

However, few people know that when it penetrates the genitals, a completely different disease develops - condylomas.

Genital warts in women causes

There are several main reasons why women are affected by this scourge, they include the following:

1. Sexual intercourse without using a condom, with a man who is a carrier of the disease.

2. The virus is transmitted by domestic means - the use of personal items of a sick person.

It turns out that the virus can only go in these cases. However, there are situations when the virus comes from a person who carries the virus, but does not suffer from it either. And a relative who, for example, took his personal towel, just picks up this virus for herself. But how can this happen?

The thing is that the virus can manifest itself in this way only if the person has a certain sensitivity to it. Below we consider the main factors due to which a person may have HPV.

Genital warts in women, the causes of occurrence are as follows:

1. The immunity of a woman is weakened.

2. The patient has genital infections, which include herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea.

3. There is dysbiosis in the vagina.

4. The patient manifests somatic ailments, for example, acute respiratory viral infections or bronchitis.

5. There is a frequent entry into intimate relationships with different partners.

6. Sex life was started too early.

7. Constant depression, stress, psychological disorders.

8. The diet is improperly selected - an insufficient amount of vitamins and nutrients.

9. For a long time a woman uses hormonal drugs.

10. Frequent use of drugs due to which weakened immunity.

11. Abuse of bad habits, especially smoking.

12. A woman carries a baby.

These are the main causes and factors that contribute to the penetration of the human papillomavirus.

Genital warts in women symptoms

The incubation period of the disease is from one month to a year, but as a rule, the first symptoms become noticeable after three to four months. Condylomas look like small formations of pink color, they "sit" on a small leg. From afar, you can compare warts with warts, as well as with cauliflower. In some women, growths can be single, and in others, on the contrary, multiple.

In women, genital warts can be localized on the labia, near the anus, not far from the cervix. If the lesions are located in the urethra, then symptoms similar to urethritis may occur - pain in the lower abdomen.

In the vaginal environment, it is very often possible to detect the disease in women carrying a baby. In rare cases, they can be large and block the entrance to the vagina. As for the cervix, the growths can merge together, forming a yellow tint. Due to such fusions, the entrance to the uterus may completely overlap.

Condylomatosis becomes dangerous if the formations become very large, while penetrating into the tissue and gradually destroy them. During pregnancy, the disease can develop quite quickly, and formations reach large sizes in just a few weeks.

In the period when condylomas are just beginning to form, there may not be any symptoms. Note that something is wrong, you can only when there is a strong discharge, while irritating the vagina. Clinical symptoms depend on the location of the growths - some may occur during urination, and others during intercourse. Condylomas are not only aesthetic discomfort, but also prevent a woman from fully moving.

Genital warts in women

Genital warts are diagnosed quite easily, because you can see them with the naked eye. As for flat formations, here everything is a little more complicated. That is why when the genital or anus is affected, it is necessary to carefully consider everything using special means.

In particular, it is necessary to differentiate from possible formations, which can also affect the cervix and urethra. It is necessary to carry out PCR diagnostics, this will identify the virus and find out its quantitative composition. Condyloma cells are also examined for cancer cells. In addition to basic research, the patient tests for the presence of many diseases that are sexually transmitted, such as HIV.

Genital warts in women treatment

There are several ways to get rid of such an unpleasant ailment:

1. Removing the problem with the help of pharmaceuticals.

2. Surgical removal.

3. The use of folk remedies.


Below are the medications that a doctor can prescribe to a patient:

1. Ointments - Condylom, Nycomed. When using ointments, a tissue change occurs at the necrotic level, in particular this applies to condylomas. It is contraindicated to use such funds for women during the period of bearing a baby.

2. An ointment or drops called Interferon. The drug has an antiviral agent. The virus is completely inhibited and simply cannot develop further. The immune system is back to normal. It is possible to use the drug for pregnant women, but only if absolutely necessary and with the permission of the attending physician.

3. Imiquimod - allows you to eliminate genital warts.

These are the main drugs that allow you to get rid of the disease, use them yourself, without consulting a doctor, is not recommended.

Surgical removal

Today, medicine uses several methods for removing genital warts:

1. Electrocoagulation - the tumor is exposed to electric shock, at high temperature, the formation is cauterized.

2. Use of a laser - laser is used extremely rarely to remove this type of genital warts. The thing is that a burn may remain on the mucous membranes, which is not very good for the patient.

3. Cryodestruction is a surgical procedure in which problems are affected by nitrogen.

4. Surgical removal - the method is the oldest, today it is rarely used. In order to remove the growth, a scalpel is taken, and it is simply cut off.

Only the doctor can choose the optimal removal method after he conducts the diagnosis.

The use of folk remedies

Genital warts can be treated not only with traditional methods, but also with folk methods, but only after the doctor permits. Below we will consider the main methods of therapy.

Iodine - This is the most popular treatment. The affected area is lubricated up to five times a day, but this must be done carefully so that healthy areas of the skin are not affected. Apply one coat of the medicine, then wait until it dries and apply a second. The course of treatment lasts until the problem completely disappears.

Celandine - for treatment with this plant you need only juice. It is not difficult to get it, because right after cutting the plant, juice will come out of it. They need to carefully burn condylomas several times a day. Try to get the medicine exclusively on the affected area. Apply celandine until you see that the growths have disappeared.

Eggs - you will require chicken. In order to carry out the treatment, you do not need to take the whole egg, you only need protein. Break the egg and remove the yolk, then prepare a bandage. Gently moisten it in protein, then attach to the affected area and fix with a band-aid on top. You can use such lotions three times a day, each time no more than 10 minutes. The duration of treatment depends on how quickly the formation disappears.

As for the use of folk remedies, they can only be used if growths affect the genitals from the outside, because you will agree to make lotions on the cervix is ​​uncomfortable and dangerous.

Before self-medication, it is necessary to visit a medical institution, undergo an examination, and only then carry out any measurements. In no case should you tear off and cut off formations. With timely treatment, you will soon be able to forget about the problem.


Watch the video: What are common HPV symptoms? (July 2024).