How to become the most-most? ... In the footsteps of the great


What does the ideal woman look like, how does she behave? In order to answer this question, you can interview a lot of men, or you can make it easier ... Let's look at the list of great women and see what they attract the male gender? What can they learn from us mere mortals?


None of modern people saw this woman, but absolutely everyone is sure that she is incredible! Why is it that we generally know about Cleopatra? The first thing that comes to mind is secret beauty formulas. The Queen of Egypt was very kind to her body and took care of her skin.

Here is the first rule: the perfect girl should watch her body. All these masks, creams and other medical cosmetics were invented for a reason. No matter how many men laugh at the number of bottles that are stored in the women's bathroom, they like it when a lady takes care of herself. No girl will be called a beauty if she has acne, dirty hair or nails.

Cleopatra knew a lot about hygiene, beauty and ... sex! No matter how we want to hide from this, but the perfect woman is always sexy. Do not confuse with vulgarity. Sexuality, but not promiscuity. Cleopatra never seemed an affordable woman. The night spent with her was punishable by death for her lovers.

By the way, here is another rule that makes a woman perfect: everyone wants it, but it goes to units. This inaccessibility and, so to speak, the elitism of a woman distinguishes her man from the army of her fans. Even the professionalism of the lady has nothing to do with it. Men generally don’t really like to talk about their experience with real bedding professionals.

Marilyn Monroe

The true successor of Cleopatra, Merlin Monroe confirms with her example all three rules that we deduced thanks to the Queen of Egypt. She undoubtedly looked after herself, was sexy and inaccessible. Merlin, without a twinge of conscience, allowed men to look at themselves.

Many girls are embarrassed to look sexy. They are confused by a deep neckline, high heels seem vulgar, and in dresses they feel uncomfortable. Not the last role in laying these complexes is played by grandmothers at the entrance and other evil female languages. No woman can resist the temptation to find some kind of flaw in the girl the guys turn around for.

Perhaps I will surprise someone now, but the wardrobe and the frequency of sexual intercourse are not interconnected things. You can look like a gray mouse and rush into bed to the first person you meet, in an attempt to keep it with your skills, or you can be very sexy, but constantly refuse.

Wonder why Merlin Monroe all said goodbye Filming in Playboy, the well-known “awkwardness” with the wind, details of intimate life. Of course, even then there were many evil languages, but, nevertheless, it was rich, famous and popular. She was already recognized as a sex symbol, and not a vicious girl of easy virtue.

Even now, a playful, naive and silly child who wants to take care of us is looking at us from the photos. I think this is another great secret of ideality: Men like to help weak women. Stupidity is not a vice, but merely a female cunning.

Scarlett O'Hara

Yes, this is just a literary character. But do you really doubt that Margaret Mitchell’s creation cannot be called an ideal? Scarlett proves the fact that men like stupid women. How many times did she seem to get her way?

But Scarlett’s main uniqueness is not even that. She shows that to achieve her goals a woman must be cunning. She can deceive, frankly lie and dissemble.

Note, from childhood we are told that cheating is not good. Most journal articles about love write about honesty, the need to be yourself. Ideal women dodge, deceive and not speak. It seems dumber when you need it. Show more love than it really is. Admire a man, even when you feel contempt. For all this need a mind.

Angelina Jolie

Of course, not all ideal girls have these features. Times go by and some things go by the wayside. For example, Angelina Jolie. Although there is a man next to her, and what a man! There is absolutely no feeling that she really needs him and his help. She is the ideal of a new generation: strong, for the sake of people like her, a man is ready to change and become better. Feminists are happy.

All these women are one hundred percent proof that being perfect does not always mean being happy. Despite the fact that all of these have already gone down in history, not all of them were lucky in love or really happy with their own lives.

What to be - choose only for you. The main thing is not to be afraid. If you want to look sexy, then you are not obliged to follow the fashion that your friends are imposing on you. If you look loose, remember that you dress not for your grandmother, and not even for yourself. When dressing, you thought about man's eyes fixed on you. Believe me, they are the least severe critics. Most importantly, do not forget that looking sexy and off the beat are two different things. You have to leave behind a lot of questions, you don’t want to become a simple sexual object.

Well-groomed, weak, sexy and inaccessible - you should talk about it with all your appearance, if you want to be like the most ideal women of all time. And do not forget about the brains!


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