What to do if you are bored at the computer or 50 ways to "kill" time


Each of us faced a situation when there was a lot of free time ahead, and from leisure only a computer. To click with a mouse on an empty place on the desktop sooner or later gets bored, and there is no idea what to do except update the page on the social network or the toys that have become annoying. However, the Internet is a huge sea of ​​opportunities for leisure, entertainment and learning, and finding an interesting activity to get rid of boredom is not so difficult.

What can you do at the computer if you are bored?

The first thing you can do if you get bored is to open a website with music or video clips and pick up music to your liking. In itself, this activity is already fascinating, because in the process you can significantly update your playlist with new music or ponostalg.

Under the pleasant background music, you can do other exciting things:

  • Create a folder with bookmarks for movies and TV shows that need to be seen in the near future;
  • Make a selection of interesting short films, training videos and documentaries, some of which can be viewed along the way, and the rest is reserved for the next time, when boredom overcomes;
  • Create a diary right on the computer - open Word and start writing all the thoughts that come to mind. Or find a blog service on the Internet and start blogging publicly;
  • To start learning a new language on compilations from the category of “500 words in a foreign language in order to start speaking”;
  • Download new games, install and play;
  • Download old games that you played a long time ago, and go through them again, remembering how interesting it was;
  • Include relevant training videos and start learning to draw / spin baubles / knit / sculpt;
  • Download the Nintendo Wii simulator, turn it on and dance using your phone as a remote;
  • Register in the forum role-playing game. The option is suitable for fans of fantasy and text wagering;
  • Play board games online with friends or users from around the world;
  • Create a community with funny pictures, your own poems or wise sayings.

You can be bored with benefits: clean the computer from unnecessary files, organize folders on the disk, remove unnecessary shortcuts from the desktop, download new wallpapers or install the necessary programs for work, study or leisure.

In the process of cleaning your computer, you can open a folder with your old photos, videos, drafts or documents, and remember the old time.

The above options - a tiny part of the huge number of activities that you can entertain yourself at the computer. Users from all over the world have repeatedly asked this question, as a result of which many sites were created, the main purpose of which is to kill boredom.

What to play if there is nothing to do?

When there is nothing to do, and you do not want to install "heavy" and mnogovesnye games, flash games come to the rescue, driving away boredom. The main advantage of Flash is its availability, speed and agility.

On the Internet, there are a huge number of sites with collections of small games about everything:

  • Worlds simulators from farms and villages to countries and empires;
  • Shooting games, tanks, darts, sniper and shooter simulators;
  • Racing and arcade "walker";
  • "Dress Up", dolls, daughters-mothers, designs of nails, make-up, hairstyles;
  • Online tamagotchi;
  • Cooking;
  • Hospitals and doctors;
  • Card games;
  • Board games (Balda, Genga, Mahjong, Lotto, etc.);
  • Quests;
  • Strategies

And even a few thousand fascinating flash games can be played, if you are bored at the computer.

Ideas for creativity and self-development

If you still do not want to waste time on meaningless activities and games, or the computer that you use is not yours, sites will come to the rescue, promoting self-development and opening up the scope for creativity. For example:

  • Wikipedia.Org - a site that many ignore, but in vain. If you click on the "Random article" button several times, you can find a lot of interesting, new and useful information (not to mention the fact that it is reliable);
  • wikiHow.Com - The site, like Wikipedia, has collected a huge number of useful articles from users on various topics, but more vital and useful;
  • Smartprogress.Do - a modern website where every person can set a goal, paint the stages of its achievement and get support from users from all over the world during the process of achieving it;
  • Adme.Ru - a site where every day there is a huge amount of fascinating and useful articles on the most interesting topics. And there are seals there;
  • Tilda.Cc - a service that provides both paid and free opportunities to create your own website with a step by step constructor;
  • Pinterest.Com - modern internet gallery. It collected a huge number of pictures on various topics from around the world. Here you can find inspiration, create your own collection, or wander around someone else's;
  • Deviantart.Com - Another site with pictures, but copyrighted. Here beginner and professional artists from all over the world post their art and drawings. Also here you can create your own page and upload the corresponding images there;
  • Lingualeo.Com - a modern website for learning English with simulators, a system of courses corresponding to different levels of knowledge, music and videos in English;
  • Livelib.Ru - a site where you can start your own library and put on the shelf all the books you read with reviews and quotes, as well as play book games and discuss your favorite books with other readers.

Interesting sites so as not to be bored

When you do not want anything complicated or informative, interesting, funny sites that help pass the time come to the rescue. Excellent modern sites that you can go to when you are bored with a computer are:

  • The secret door - a website created by Google, which takes you every time to a random place in the world where you can wander through the streets by clicking on the panoramic places and directions on the map;
  • Radiooooo.com. For those who are tired of modern music, they have invented a radio site with time and place controllers where you can listen to music popular in certain years in different countries of the world;
  • Letter to the future (mailfuture.ru) - a site where you can send a letter to yourself or another person. The peculiarity of the site is that the corresponding e-mail will come on a certain date;
  • Alchemy (littlealchemy.com) - an exciting game in which of the 4 main elements, you can try to create 550 options. He perfectly drives away boredom and wakes up brain activity;
  • Klava.org - a website teaching the ten-finger print method;
  • Random Prediction Generator (randstuff.ru) - The predictor's virtual ball, issuing a random forecast for the near future. In addition, the site has a huge number of other interesting generators;
  • Mitoza (baboon.co.il) - non-standard project in which you can go through a huge number of events without ever repeating;
  • The virtual map model of the universe (stars.chromeexperiments.com) - A site that allows you to go beyond the edge of the world, to travel across the galaxy and see what planets, stars and nebulae look like near the planet. If you click on a planet, for example, Mars - it will increase and a detailed corresponding description will appear;
  • P-bot.ru - A virtual interlocutor, with whom you can chat, if very boring;
  • Airplane map - a place where you can follow all the planes flying around the world right now;
  • Multator.ru - cartoon designer online;
  • FutureNow.ru - A site where you can look into the future. It contains articles, studies and opinions of scientists about what is waiting for the planet in the future by years and centuries;
  • Wishpush.com - a site where you can make a wish for a falling star;
  • Hackertyper.com - Hacker simulator. This site writes working code instead of what you type. So you can make fun of friends or pretend to be busy with a serious business during a break at work;
  • The very first site about all the very first in the world (first-ever.ru).Here you can find out when the world's first sewing machines, telephones, skirts, etc, appeared and how;
  • Аkinator.com - the famous genie-Akinator, who guesses the people he thought.

Finding something to do at the computer when it's boring is easy. By going over one option after another, sooner or later you will stop at one that will interest you and entice you for a long time.


Watch the video: 50 WAYS TO BREAK A MACBOOK (June 2024).