Haircuts lunar calendar for June 2013


June 2013 is different in that on the 4th of the day we can observe a partial lunar eclipse. What does this mean for a haircut calendar? During the first summer month, there are much more favorable days for haircuts, but still, during a lunar eclipse, it is worth restricting trips to the hairdresser. As we know, astrologers call the new moon (June 8) one of the most critical days for cutting hair.

It is believed that the lunar day begins during the moonrise, the exact time when our "landmark" passes from the constellation to the constellation is called Transit of the Moon. The real culmination of influence is the full moon (June 23), that is, the moment when the night mistress occupies the opposition to the sun, after which everything begins in a downward direction. In 2013, June begins on a 23 lunar day. Since the moon is in Pisces, this day can be filled with stress and tension. There may even be some aggression.

In those few days that fall on the first quarter of the moon, you need to be especially attentive to your health, and certainly it is not worth doing anything in terms of serious changes in appearance. The last quarter of the moon, coinciding with the constellations of Pisces, Aries and Taurus, including the eclipse, can not positively affect our hairstyles. Rather, the opposite - hair can show all its dubious qualities - naughty strands split, dry out and fit poorly. Therefore, spend the entire first week of June on strengthening your hair, treating and maintaining it healthy. But the following days are a great time to change the image. In June, the most favorable time for haircuts falls just in the middle of the month.

June 2013 haircut lunar calendar - hair waving

Perm for a while makes our hair more pliable. Ease of styling, splendor, beautiful curls - all this fully justifies the negative points. It is no secret that chemical waving dries hair. It will take a very long time to wait until they grow back for complete circumcision; they will have to do their restoration. Comparing hair with any plants, we can assume that prosperity directly depends on the soil on which they grow. Therefore, first of all, feed them. By massaging the head, or using a special serum to nourish the scalp, you can increase blood circulation in the skin and give your hair new energy.

Well, the curl itself on the lunar calendar can be carried out on June 14, 15, 16, and at the beginning of the month in 3.4, 5 numbers. Remember that dyeing hair after curling is not recommended. If you want to curl curls without chemistry, get bobbins of different shapes and experiment. Curls on June 4,5,6 will be best held. Feed your hair with vitamins - first of all, establish proper nutrition, since in summer there are enough fresh vegetables and fruits.

Haircuts lunar calendar for June 2013 - hair coloring

Of course, not all girls believe in the power of nature and the moon, but many have already seen that this practice works. The lunar calendar confidently took a place in the routine of a modern girl, sometimes even blocking the most popular calendar with 7 days of the week and 12 months in popularity. Following this calendar, a hair dye day also matters. You will not believe! If you dye your hair on the second lunar day, it is quite possible to become rich! Hair coloring at the beginning of the lunar cycle generally threatens a grand career. Colleagues will begin to respect you, strength will increase, new ideas will arise in your head. On a 3 lunar day, it is advisable to use only natural dyes. In June 2013, these are the days of June 8, 9, and 10. On Wednesday, June 12, you can successfully lighten your hair. Hair coloring on Friday 13th and Saturday 14th can make you super sexy.

June 2013 haircut lunar calendar - favorable haircut days

The most favorable days for cutting hair, as you know, when the moon passes through the constellations of Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. After such haircuts, the hair remains healthy and strong. Their refined and well-groomed appearance will not be disturbed, even when they grow back. It is June 5, 6, and also June 14, 15, 16, and 24. This month, the constellation Sagittarius coincides with the growing moon, so you can also make good use of this time - give free rein to your imagination, experiment with asymmetric haircuts and hairstyles. The haircut in combination with hair coloring in different tones will look great. June 9, 10, 27, 18, 19 - hair will not grow so fast, but this is compensated by a healthy and well-groomed type of hair. Use time from June 22 for hair treatment.

June 2013 lunar haircut calendar - bad haircut days

This month there are a few more “forbidden” days for creating hairstyles. First of all, June 4 should be excluded, since on this day a lunar eclipse will take place. Do not do anything with hair this day, just wash it and use conditioner to make it easier to comb. You should refuse haircuts on the days when the Moon is in the constellations of Scorpio Aquarius and Aries, otherwise you run the risk of catching a cold and weakening your immunity. It is possible to preserve the body’s defenses by carrying out medical procedures these days - masks, rinsing with a decoction of herbs or conditioner.

Lunar haircut calendar for June 2013 - conclusion

If you look closely, you can see how the stages of the moon reflect the state of a person during the lunar month. The most mysterious day has long been considered the full moon. On this day, you can toss and turn in bed, but never fall asleep. And although it may seem that energy is in full swing, it always pulls “to exploits” - to run somewhere, to do something. The level of anxiety increases, unkind premonitions may arise, which after a few days pass without a trace. But the full moon may not be a negative time for everyone. For open-minded, sociable, communication-oriented people, this is a good time for performances, communication with the public, concerts and presentations. The role played in the theater on the full moon will bring the actor many fans.

The full moon is a period of the highest emotional intensity, at this time you should not enter into frank conversations and enter into conflicts. The full moon day itself is considered unfavorable for a haircut, but at this time you can completely compose a new stage image that combines the final stage of the old and the new stage of some new undertaking. The image or hairstyle invented by the stylist on the day of the full moon may well receive a prize at some competition. By the way, on this day there is another reason to postpone a haircut and even shaving - in case of a cut, the bleeding that has arisen is difficult to stop. Therefore, always have a lunar calendar with you, do not forget to consult it and be healthy and beautiful!


Nastena 04/03/2016
I love June, this is my favorite month! True, why exactly he - I can’t say, I just don’t know. And I really love the moon, and especially the full moon. So this full mysterious alluring moon looks, bewitching. And I try to adhere to the lunar calendar in everything.

Ksyusha 04/03/2016
Here is a very suitable schedule for me for June. The first half of the month I will strengthen and improve my hair in every possible way, and in the second, I will go to the salon for a new haircut. I'm also a little crazy on the full moon, so there are a lot of us!))

Aliya 04/03/2016
About the full moon, how much is written ... I was born on the day of the full moon, or rather, night. The moon has a very strong influence on me, and the full moon is like that. On such days, I myself do not know what to expect from myself. But I’m definitely not going to get a haircut!))

Olivia 04/03/2016
Of course, I don’t remember all these good and not very good days, I will put a bookmark on the page - I will always be in the know. Not so often, unfortunately, the resolutions of the lunar calendar coincide with my desires, and most importantly - the capabilities.

Olga 04/03/2016
Wow you! There will be a lunar eclipse, albeit partial, it’s all interesting anyway!)) So, I looked at the May schedule ... and realized that it was not my destiny to wave perm in May — it was impossible, then I was at work ... Now I’m watching June.


Watch the video: Lunar Hair Cutting. Fast Hair Growth. YVONNI (June 2024).