Why can't you sleep with wet hair? The opinion of doctors and omens about washing hair at night


As you know, bath procedures relax and help to fall asleep. Therefore, many people take a shower just before going to bed. Wait until the hair is dry, there is not always time and desire. However, it is believed that falling asleep with wet hair is dangerous. Is it really true that bad things can happen, you should understand. It is very important in this matter to find out the opinion of doctors, cosmetologists.

Recommendations of specialists in the field of cosmetology

The human hair has a multilayer structure. From the outside, each hair envelops the cuticle in the form of scales. It provides hair protection from adverse external influences, retains moisture, gives shine, elasticity and strength to the hair.

When washing your hair, such scales slightly open, which means that the hair becomes more vulnerable. If a woman goes to bed without drying her curls, then during sleep they crumple, break. In the morning, it takes a lot of effort to straighten hair.

The following problems appear:

• faded hair;

• split ends;

• loss of elasticity and strength;

• fragility of curls;

• the occurrence of seborrhea;

• hair loss.

A systematic sleep with insufficiently dried hair can lead to serious problems, because not only the hairline is damaged, but also, directly, the bulb itself. Some even argue that sleeping with wet hair harms your hair no less than using various cosmetic products, using curling irons, hair dryers.

Advice of qualified doctors (dermatologists, trichologists)

Doctors advise men and women to get rid of the habit of washing their hair at night shortly before bedtime. From a scientific point of view, going to bed with wet or wet hair is impractical for the following reasons:

1. Banal hypothermia, although it is insignificant, but it is quite enough to start inflammation of the hair bulb. The harm from sleep with an undesired hairline is manifested in the form of uncomfortable sensations (itching, pain in the head, spasm of the neck muscles, migraines). Redness on the epidermis, rashes can be added to these symptoms. Alopecia develops slowly.

2. Colds, flu, sinusitis, otitis media. There is a high probability of getting one of these diseases if you sleep with an open window.

3. Dust mites, mold. A person who sleeps with wet hair unconsciously contributes to the accelerated breeding of dust mites that live in feather pillows. Such parasites cause an allergic reaction, acne on the skin, asthma.

Headache in the morning is a common phenomenon, because during sleep with wet hair, blood circulation is disturbed. Blood circulates better on one side of the head, and worse on the other.

The experience of the past, superstition and mysticism

Inveterate skeptics may not pay attention to this item. But still it’s sometimes useful to listen to the tips and tricks coming from ancient times. In addition, individual superstitions today are easily explained by scientists, doctors, and cosmetologists.

In the villages, grandmothers forbade their granddaughters with long, silky and thick hair to wash their hair on the eve of sleep. It was believed that water washes away the defensive power from a person, so the girl becomes unable to fight evil spirits, her health is weakened. However, this is not surprising, because it is easy to lie down with wet hair, and wake up with a runny nose in the morning.

Tips for those who do not have the ability to wash their hair in the morning

Sometimes washing your hair before going to bed is an urgent need. Then for such people there are a couple of tips to help avoid problems with wet curls:

1. First of all, you need to take care of the temperature in the room, eliminate the likelihood of night drafts, hypothermia, colds. By the way, you can get sick in the summer.

2. To prevent brittle hair, use professional products (for example, balm, mask, conditioner). These care products cover the curls with a protective layer like a film. In addition, correctly selected cosmetics will not allow hair to take an untidy shape, making a hairstyle in the morning will be easy.

3. It is also advisable to dry your hair with a towel after washing at least a little. It absorbs most of the unwanted moisture.

Occasionally, girls intentionally go to bed with wet hair in order to get neat, beautiful curls in the morning. Small natural curls are now very fashionable. Hair just braided in braids, but they should not be tight. The wave size is affected by the thickness of the braid. The latest device for home hairstyles called "bagel" will also help create curls.

So, now every girl knows why it is forbidden to fall asleep without drying her hair after washing. If you regularly adhere to these principles, then the hair will always be healthy, attractive. In addition, a master, such as a hairdresser, can always clarify controversial issues.
