Scrub for dry skin at home - how to achieve the greatest effect. Proven recipes for home scrubs for dry skin


Dry skin requires constant nutrition and protection, otherwise it quickly loses moisture, and with it elasticity. A network of small wrinkles, pallor of the integument, and noticeable vessels most quickly appear on just such a skin. Creams and masks are clearly not enough for proper care, deep cleansing, exfoliation of dead cells are required regularly. A scrub for dry skin at home copes with this task. It should only be careful about its composition.

Dry skin scrub at home - needed or not

The scrub consists of abrasive solids and a base that allows them to slip. It mechanically cleans pores, removes dead keratinized tissues. Massage provides blood flow, enhances metabolic processes.

The excretory glands of dry skin do not work as intensively as in other types of epidermis. The pores are narrowed, practically invisible, there is no greasy shine, everything looks smooth and even in appearance. But purification is still necessary.

Causes of dry skin problems:

1. The pores become clogged and the development of a natural protective layer is difficult. But it is produced and so is not enough.

2. Blood supply, skin respiration are disturbed, the integument is pale and lethargic. Blood vessels may become more noticeable and spider veins (rosacea) may appear.

3. Drying, dead skin cells provoke peeling, the process of cell recovery slows down. Tissue aging is faster.

If you figure out how to properly use a scrub for dry skin, all these troubles can be avoided. By combining the nourishing and moisturizing components in the composition, it is really possible to maintain tone and a healthy complexion. The mechanical action of solid particles not only cleanses, but also enlivens all processes in the deep layers of the epidermis.

What to look for when choosing scrub recipes for dry skin

Delicate cleansing is required for thin, delicate skin. The abrasive particles in the scrub should be small, without hard edges. Good options are ground particles of natural products: oatmeal, coffee beans, nuts. The semolina has a mild effect. Its round particles do not scratch the skin.

The basis is chosen based on personal reactions, the response to some product will be best. The basis for a cleanser can be:

• vegetable oils (olive, pumpkin, corn, sunflower);

• dairy foods (cottage cheese, milk, sour cream);

• pulp of fruits or vegetables (banana, carrots, grapes).

A variety of additives can be used: vitamins, honey, essential oils. Avoid foods that are high in acid. Use berries, lemon juice in minimal quantities, be sure to soften their effect, for example, sour cream.

Advice! In dry skin scrubs, use thickened brewed ground coffee, not just ground beans. Soak the nuts before chopping for several hours in water or milk. So the structure of the particles becomes elastic, the sharp edges soften.

The best scrub recipes for dry skin

For the delicate care of dry skin, there are universal components. Regular oatmeal is recognized as one of them. Ordinary oat flakes polish fine wrinkles well, cleanse pores, while not drying out, but nourishing and moisturizing.

The second universal product is dairy and sour-milk products, but always of high fat content. They perfectly moisturize, give elasticity to the cells of the epidermis. Especially likes dry skin milk and cream. Beauticians even recommend washing with milk, and cream or sour cream are part of any scrub recipe for dry skin.

Moisturizing oatmeal scrub

Oatmeal crushed in a coffee grinder is diluted with sour cream to a semi-liquid slurry, 10 ml of olive oil, 3 drops of castor oil are added. The resulting mixture is massaged on the face for several minutes. Such a scrub can be left on your face like a mask.

Good to know! Before cooking, scrub any oils and warm them and add them to the mixture. This activates the active substances, the procedure will be more effective.

"Strawberry with cream" for dry skin

Such a “treat” will serve as nutrition, moisturizing and easy safe scrub.


• pulp of 2 strawberry berries;

• 1 tbsp. l semolina;

• 1 tbsp. l oily sour cream (cream).

Knead the strawberry pulp, add cream and semolina, knead and apply on the face with gentle pressure on the massage lines. The composition has an instant tonic and refreshing effect. It is used for "emergency" refreshment.

Note! Semolina swells quickly, it becomes too soft for a scrub. Therefore, all components are mixed first, and it is added already before use.

The easiest coffee grounds scrub

Coffee has stimulating properties not only in the form of a drink. The skin under the influence of such a scrub, in addition to cleansing, receives a lot of nutrients, refreshes and tones.

For preparation, it is enough to dilute several tablespoons of coffee grounds with milk and the product is ready for use.

Particles of coffee during friction emit coffee oil. After washing off the scrub with warm water, a light protective layer remains on the surface of the face, which reduces moisture loss. The skin becomes velvety, there is no feeling of “tightness” after the procedure, a healthy bronze tint appears.

Nourishing curd scrub for dry skin

Cool 1 tbsp. l the grounds remaining after brewing coffee. If the drink was made with milk or sugar, it is also great. Add 50 g of fatty cottage cheese, carefully rub. To enhance the moisturizing and nourishing effects, it is good to enrich the composition with almond oil.

This is a scrub mask, which means that after several minutes of massage, you can leave it on your face for up to 15 minutes.

Rejuvenating Banana Scrub

At home, a useful scrub for dry skin can be prepared from the pulp of various fruits: banana, mango, sweet apple, grape. The leader in anti-aging action is just a banana. Due to its rich in vitamins and minerals composition and convenient consistency, it is often used in home cosmetic procedures.

Components for scrub:

• mashed (whipped with a blender) banana pulp - 1 tbsp. l .;

• honey (natural, liquid) - 1 tsp;

• sour cream or cream - 1 tsp;

• semolina - 1 tbsp. l

Honey enhances the anti-aging and regenerative effects, and dairy products perfectly moisturize. Like other dry skin scrub recipes, the banana composition is applicable to the neck and décolleté.

Massage your skin with a few minutes. After, you can leave it on your face until dry. The scrub is washed off with warm water.

Oatmeal Carrot Scrub

Carrots are a natural source of minerals and vitamins, it is especially rich in vitamin A. It perfectly moisturizes, nourishes aging skin. Preparing and using the product is easy, without being distracted from kitchen worries:

1. Grind a small carrot on a fine grater.

2. Add a tablespoon of finely ground oatmeal.

3. Sour cream to bring the mass to a creamy state.

4. Pour 1 tsp. warmed butter. To stir thoroughly.

With a light pressure, scrub the cleansed skin with a scrub, leave a thick layer for better action. After washing off the mass, the face will delight you with a healthy color and velvety.

Sugar scrub on sour cream

Do not use salt and soda in scrubs for dry, sensitive skin types. Their particles can damage the epidermis layer, and the chemical effect greatly overdries. Dry skin loves sweets. All scrubs and masks resemble a balanced delicious breakfast. Try using sugar to exfoliate and remove dead cells. The main thing is that the sugar should not be very large.

Combine a tablespoon of sugar with 2 tbsp. l sour cream, mix. Let the grains melt a little. So the sharp edges that damage the delicate epithelium disappear. You cannot leave such a mixture before use for a long time - the sugar grains will simply dissolve and the effect will not work.

For sugar scrub, instead of sour cream, you can take in the same amount your favorite vegetable oils. Well suited: olive, apricot, castor. You can replace them with melted butter.

How to use a scrub for dry skin

The use of exfoliating agents can significantly improve complexion, prolong youth. But for dry skin, this is true only if certain rules are observed:

1. Clean every 15 days. Frequent use drains and tires the skin, such zeal can only do harm.

2. After scrub, apply a nourishing, moisturizing mask well. The mask will act stronger, and the skin will recover faster.

3. Do not go out into the cold or under scorching sunlight for several hours after the procedure. And before going out, apply a protective cream.

4. Do not use a scrub if the skin is inflamed, there is a rash on it.

Periodic use of scrub is permissible, when you urgently need to invigorate tired skin and refresh your complexion.

Do not forget to check the ingredients for tolerance! Even if the product is perfectly absorbed when taken internally, its external effect can be very different. Knowing how to properly use a scrub for dry skin, it is impossible to harm yourself.

Individually made scrub made from fresh products at home can argue in efficiency with purchased products of the best brands. After all, nobody knows your skin better than you.


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