Bees are able to diagnose certain types of cancer.


Scientists dealing with insect smell problems are sure that they can teach bees by smell to recognize some types of cancer at an early stage of their development.

According to experts, the smell by which this terrible disease can be diagnosed is found in the person’s breath, in which bees, thanks to their supersensitive sense of smell, can detect signs of cancer.

Experts conducted many experiments on bees, first letting these insects smell a certain smell associated with cancer, and then offering them sugar. The bees were quickly able to establish a smell-reward relationship.

Using this idea, designer Suzanne Soares came up with a special glass device, inside of which were trained bees that could diagnose cancer.

I must say that the diagnosis of cancer by breathing is not new. So, by breathing, you can recognize bowel cancer. To date, a test has been developed (the accuracy of which reaches 76%), capable of trapping organic compounds associated with the development of tumors.


Watch the video: How your breath may reveal cancer (June 2024).