Why dream to write a letter or receive a letter? Basic Interpretations - What Does a Girl or Man Dream About?


How do you sometimes want to get at least a little news from old friends or relatives who have not been seen for a long time. Previously, people wrote letters to each other and sent them by mail. Today it is very rare. But why dream of receiving a letter? Worth sorting out

What the letter dreams of - the main interpretation

In the classical interpretation, writing is some kind of news from afar. Someone remembers you and really wants to meet, to contact you.

• Receive a letter - news from afar;

• Receive personally - disappointment awaits you in love;

• Custom - to jealousy.

Take a close look at the mood and the feelings you receive the letter, maybe you were anxiously waiting for it, and finally it came to you? You may have expected in a dream that this letter was from a specific person. Ask yourself honestly who exactly you would like to see or hear. What in your past is so carefully hidden from you.

If you see a huge number of letters - you can count on the support of friends, but the same dream can also indicate that you think stereotypically and solve most of the problems and questions in the same way.

If you see that a letter from a dream describes the events of your past - you could not survive those events and still return again and again to the past. If you re-read the contents of the letter again and again, you are stuck in one life situation, and it cannot be resolved for you in any way, although long ago.

Why dream to write a letter? Hoping to get the treasured thing, recognition. It is worth taking a closer look at the content of the letter you wrote in a dream. It will have a lot of interesting things for you. You will open yourself in a completely different light. If the letter is written by someone else and not you - also take a closer look at the person who is writing the letter, perhaps you will see in this person your future life partner or a true friend.

If you are contacting yourself in a letter - such a dream indicates your concern about what you sued. Try to follow the inner voice more carefully, because it shows you a completely different road than the one you are following.

What does the letter in the envelope dream of - to the fact that you are hiding something from yourself. Something unknown to you yourself. Internal motives of your actions. You want to understand them, but it's hard for you to do it. If a stranger brought you a letter in an envelope, rather strange events await you. You will seek the truth, but not notice it before your own eyes.

Why dream of a letter in an envelope on Freud’s dream book

In Freud’s dream book, it is said that a letter is a secret message that fate sent to a person in a dream. A lonely girl sees a letter - in the hope of building a relationship. To the desire to make a secret connection.

If a girl dreams that she is breaking a letter - She wants to free herself from the situation that has long prevented her from acting. It can be oppressive relationships, ridiculous connections, a past that does not leave her alone. If a girl dreams that she is reading someone else's letter and sees in him the message of her lover to another lady, she is insanely afraid of betrayal and thereby spoils the relationship.

The thing is that she created the illusion of a relationship, a dream in which a girl writes a letter to a stranger can also talk about this. She addresses her emotions to a complete stranger and seeks returns not in herself and in close people, but in strangers.

If a girl has a dream about how she receives a registered letter - she has a great opportunity to become the mistress of a wealthy man, of course, he will provide her, but there will be no happiness, this will be her story and no one will be able to find out how and about the contents of the registered letter ...

If a man sees in a dream a registered letter addressed to his lover from an unknown person - he needs to be on guard, because she may well have an affair on the side. Such a dream does not mean that the relationship is broken, she simply lacks something extraordinary, and she wanted to tickle the nerves of her beloved, cause jealousy.

But if a man appears in a dream a picture, how his missus reads a letter from an unknown - It is worth thinking about the end of the relationship. Burning letters for a man is to have trouble at work, because of his oversight. Most likely, he poorly concealed his shortcomings. He took on more than he could handle. This significant oversight could cost him a job.

Why dream of receiving a letter from Miller’s dream book

Miller’s dream book says that getting a registered letter means having financial difficulties and problems. They could have been foreseen in advance, but the person hoped for a chance and that the obligations would be forgiven him.

Registered letter for a young girl means that in life she seeks profit both in communication with people and in relationships. She condemns herself for this, but she was not given another choice. Her future now depends on other people. Also, such a dream may indicate hidden feelings and hidden relationships. If there are several registered letters to the girl - she is at a crossroads, it is worth remembering which letter the girl chose in a dream and follow the waking example.

If a registered letter in a dream comes to a man, then he should expect betrayal, both from friends and colleagues. It is worth recalling the contents of the letter, if it was of a love nature - he should expect betrayal from his lover, who initially considered other options to cost the relationship.

If in a dream you received an anonymous message - someone lies in wait for you to defile your honor and humiliate you. The man has long held a grudge, although you did not do intentional harm to him. If you write an anonymously, you should consider whether you have competitors. Perhaps you are involved in a love triangle and think your opponent is much better than you?

An anonymous letter that you write yourself in a dream, may also indicate that you are afraid to admit to yourself elementary things. You don’t want to admit obvious things, you don’t want to admit to yourself that there is a reality and your vision of the situation, perhaps it’s more convenient for you.

It is also worth remembering the contents of the letter, if it refers to positive and joyful events - they will be the same in reality. If we are talking about melancholy and sadness - you should carefully look at the content, and under what conditions you received a letter.

Write a letter and put it in an envelope in a good mood - You will have a pleasant acquaintance, have a wonderful time with friends. To write a sad letter, to be sad at the same time - you will find yourself in an unpleasant moral situation and for a long time you will not be able to get rid of the condition that oppresses you.

If the letter is written on color paper - you expect troubles in love and anxiety in business. If the letter is crossed out, or a piece is torn from it, you will not be able to discern elementary details in the matter, and you will incur losses. Also, such a dream can indicate quarrels between partners and the need for them to build relationships from scratch. Sometimes a crumpled and torn letter may indicate a moment that can no longer be returned.

Why dream of writing a letter from other dream books

In the esoteric dream book it is said what the letter is dreaming of - it means a certain sacrament to which a person wants to touch. It is important to remember the addressee and recipient of letters. If in a dream you write a letter to yourself - you do not want to recognize elementary things. If you read the letter by ear, you cannot keep secrets. You should reconsider relations with loved ones if a registered letter has arrived in your name. You have drifted away with them, and this remoteness emanates from the cold of loss.

In the dream book of Grishina it is said that the tossed-up letter promises unpleasant surprises and lengthy clarifications of relations. You should be more careful with the feelings of other people so that they do not write you anonymous letters out of despair. Grishina insists that the anonymous letter you received in a dream is news from a hidden enemy and you will soon have to meet him in person.

If the newlyweds dream of a carrier pigeon before the weddingwho brought them a letter - then soon they should expect replenishment. If they receive an empty letter, the marriage will be soon dissolved. If the letter contains a gift, they will live a long and happy life. Whatever the dream, reality can be changed, dreams tell a person what he was wrong about and make it possible to make the right decision and change the situation.


Watch the video: Dream Interpretation According to the Bible (June 2024).