New culprits of cancer found


Experts from the London Institute for Cancer Research during the experiments discovered a family of proteins that affect the development of cancer.

We are talking about recombinant proteins that were discovered during the study of the Rce1 protein, which are involved in cell division and transformation of cells into cancerous.

As studies have shown, the Rce1 protein is strikingly different from any other so that it was isolated in a separate family.

Scientists explain that oncology causes numerous disorders in cells at the molecular level. Cancer is a chaotic cell division that leads to a cancerous tumor. Dividing cells have the ability to spread to other organs through the blood and lymph. The cause of cancer is still not fully understood.

Experts are convinced that their discovery will help to understand the mechanism of the onset of cancer, their diagnosis at an early stage, and, accordingly, will bring the appearance of a vaccine for this terrible disease.


Watch the video: Breast cancer researchers look beyond genes to identify more drivers of disease development (June 2024).